here's the deal

no more ON-peak website time until I have a thorough investigation of my usage page according to the provider's website.

I'll peruse every line and check dates and times against when I remember being online and when I've been away from home so couldn't possibly be using the computer.

I'm sorry if I don't get around to all your blogs and leave comments at my usual times, I'll try to make it for the morning after, because that's OFF-peak time where I still have plenty of GB's left to me.

I will NOT be clicking any links in any posts, ever and won't be watching any videos in any posts either. 
This problem only began in mid October, so I need to check back at least three months to get an idea of my usual usage to either make adjustments or dispute any usage that I'm sure isn't mine.

Hopefully, I can still get my Sunday Selections scheduled, but that's a bit iffy right now too, since I have something going on tomorrow morning that requires me to be away from the computer.


  1. Good luck. I hope you can get it sorted, sooner rather than later.

    1. I've copy/pasted all the hourly breakdowns from Sept 30th to yesterday and I'll print them out later for thorough reading, but I've already noticed a HUGE difference between Sept-Oct and Oct-Nov, so something's not right.

  2. You might be better off switching to a provider that does not have on and off peak. I believe they do exist though they are a little hard to find.. :) Are you on the NBN? ADSL? I can ask The Other Half and see if he knows which providers might do it..

    1. Snoskred; I'm on ADSL, and at first I planned on unlimited, but they said I wasn't online enough to warrant that and until just recently the plan I had was fine. No NBN here yet and probably won't get it for a long while.

  3. Also this did happen to me recently with my new computer, it was running an app store which was chewing up our bandwidth. Maybe go into the task manager and turn everything off, see if that changes the usage?

    1. email me with step by step instructions how to do that please?

  4. Do you have a password protected Wi-Fi? If not, someone nearby could be using your broadband.

    1. Granny Annie; yes, password protected, nobody knows my password except me and my whizz kid daughter who helped me set it up. I trust her 100%

  5. I'm wondering if someone isn't tailgating on your internet?

    1. only slightly confused; I'm wondering the same thing, since it's a recent happening and I'm online less these days since stopping the Musical Mondays.

  6. Hope you can figure it out. This type of mystery is why I switched providers the second time it happened. My first one didn't notify or slow me down, but charged for overage.

    1. Val; I'm printing out the daily and hourly breakdown of usage for the past two months to see where the discrepancies are, then I'll figure out something I hope. I don't want to switch providers, this company has been good so far and at least they have told me my usage has soared.

  7. My account says unlimited, but it also says (in the small print) that my service will slow down after 15GB. By slow down I guess they mean useless, it stalls, stops, and stutters, until my month is up. So, I don't watch much youtube, or movies or the like. We have autopay so I never see a bill.

    1. Sharon; I have a direct debit for mine, but they send me an e-account every month. Slowing down after a certain amount doesn't seem fair if you have unlimited.

  8. Well this just stinks. I hope you can show it's your IPS' bad record keeping!

    1. Joanne; I've had a good look at the usage and it doesn't seem like bad record keeping, but the usage has soared quite a bit since mid October and I don't know why.

  9. Grannie Annie voiced my thoughts. I've heard of people poaching a neighbor's WiFi for games and movies.

    1. Arkansas Patti; that was my first thought and I suspect somebody who shall be nameless but lives in the flat upstairs, but how would he poach without knowing my password? Is there a way to do that?

  10. I hope you can get things worked out so you can resume your normal computering!!

    1. fishducky; I hope so too. In the meantime I'm getting some reading done and catching up on TV series that K gives me in usb's

  11. I hope everything falls into place for you soon, your advantage.

    1. Lee; I hope so too, I'm going to miss trawling the real estate sites each Saturday.

  12. Hi River,

    Oh, good grief, that sounds like one of those mystery data nightmares. Hope it gets resolved very soon.


    1. klahanie; it's a nightmare for sure, wondering if someone is poaching and how. The who is already suspected.

  13. Oh my, this sounds odd . . . I hope you get it figured out soon, River.

    1. jenny_o; I'm not good with figuring out stuff like this, that's why I ask my K and all you lovely people out there :)

  14. Also echoing Annie's thoughts, is your Wi-Fi password protected? this could present a data usage problem if someone is using your signal.

    1. Jimmy; password is protected, but if I'm online, so using the wi-fi, is it possible for anyone to just 'tap-in'? Like a bug on a phone line in spy movies?

  15. I do hope you can figure it out and quickly!

    All the best Jan

  16. Oh dear. This doesn't sound like any fun at all. I hope you can get it all sorted out quickly.


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