Lola, but no photo

I'm sure you don't mind, you've all seen her by now.

So, Miss Fancypants, aka Lola, has become very comfortable here. So comfortable she's begun playing with her toys. Little soft rubber balls about an inch across, larger ones that fit in the palm of my hand, and hard plastic ones with bells inside.

Her favourite playtime seems to be around 2-3am, so I've started putting away the noisy toys, leaving only the silent rubber balls. Once she's lost all of those under the bed or couch, she either goes back to sleep or gallops around to let me know that I'd better get up and feed her if I want to get any more sleep that night.

So of course I get up and feed her and go right back to sleep while she eats. 

I've noticed something new in the past week or so, when she's galloping around there's a clickety-clackety sound as well. The girl needs a manicure. An appointment has been made. Tomorrow morning, at 11am, Lola will be getting those claws trimmed. 
Hopefully, anaesthetic won't be needed, there are two vets on duty each Wednesday and I'm assured one will be able to hold Lola while the other does the trimming.

In other news, I no longer have to care for Pat's budgie, Mitchell. I mentioned to Pat that my itching was getting pretty bad and I wasn't sleeping well anymore and asked if I could take the budgie to someone else for care. Pat agreed, telling me that E has been wanting another bird since he lost his a couple of years ago, so I knocked on his door and asked would he like to have Mitchell, yes was the reply, so I delivered bird, cage and bucket of seed that same afternoon. Two days later, the itching was gone. Also the low-grade constant headache and I'm sleeping well again.


  1. I've never known that someone could be allergic to a budgie, or any bird for that matter. I've always trimmed my cats nails myself - tho lately my two have been fighting it when in the past there had never been a problem. Next time if they give me as much grief as they did last week I will have to have the traveling groomer person come and do it.

    And yeah, cats are nocturnal - they adjust to human time timetables but only to a point!

    1. Grace; it's the dust in the feathers and the seed husks that I'm allergic too. Birds outside don't bother me, but Mitchell was in a cage in Pat's kitchen.
      I'd have no hope of trimming Lola's claws, I've only had her three months and she doesn't like to be picked up and held. She's eight and a half years old, so a vet can do the trimming.

  2. I don't think I would want to be holding a cat whose nails were being trimmed.

    1. joeh; me neither, that's why I'm happy the vet is just around the corner, I can take her there for every little thing.

  3. Allergies are difficult. I'm still learning what I can tolerate.

    1. Joanne; me too. I think I've got it all, then something else pops up. Lola has IBS, so I'm still learning what she can and can't (or won't) eat that won't affect her digestion and bring on bouts of diarrhea. The last few weeks have been good, and I try new things with just a teaspoon full at a time.

  4. Holding a cat for any procedure is a job for the strong of heart. Good luck.
    So glad you are no longer itching and are sleeping again. You tried.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I've always looked after Mitchell when Pat goes to hospital but that was only ever a day or two, so the problem didn't surface, but looking after him since August has been too much. I love sleeping well.

  5. I am really, really glad that the itching and low-grade headache have gone.
    And that the lovely Lola is playing.

    1. Elephant's Child; the low grade headache disappeared to be replaced by a migraine just yesterday. I took the usual medication sandwich overly sweet coffee routine and put myself to bed. I slept on and off from 3pm yesterday to 8am this morning, deeply each time, just waking briefly to feed Lola and drink water.
      The way Lola plays, you'd think she was six months old instead of 8 1/2 :)

  6. Best of both worlds for you and Mitchell. He got a loving home, and you got rid of your itches and headache.

    Lola's got it pretty sweet, too. She may not realize it while she's getting her nails trimmed, though.

    1. Val; yes, I suspect I'll be in her bad books for a while, she'll hide for most of the day after that treatment, but it's better than letting the claws overgrow too much so she can't walk or play.

  7. I've never had the claws of any cat I've had in my life trimmed, and I'm sure Remy and Shama wouldn't take kindly to the idea, let alone the manicure itself! :)

    1. Lee; I've never had to get any cat's claws trimmed either, but being only inside, Lola's claws don't get naturally worn as they would if she went out. I thought the scratching posts would be enough to do the job, I have three of those, but it seems not.

  8. That is interesting about being allergic to the budgie, but why should they not cause an allergic reaction. Anyway, good that your sleeping better and not itching.

    1. Andrew; bird allergy is quite common I've been told, birds outside don't bother me, this seems to have been a case of close proximity to feather dust and seed husks on a twice daily basis.
      I'm really happy that I'm sleeping well again.

  9. Very nice that you found a new home for Mitchell, he will do much better with more constant attention rather than being checked on a couple times a day, you are much better off already, with your allergy symptoms already gone this is definitely a win/win for both of you.

    Miss Lola sure has it made now, I am sure she won't think so during the manicure but after a brief pout she will be right back to smacking her favorite toys all around the place while you are trying to sleep.

    1. Jimmy; I've heard that Mitchell is very happy, chats and sings all day long. Lola was fine for the manicure, I think she's been through this before, but went straight under the couch to hide as soon as I got her home.

  10. You are lucky you know what did make you itchy, so pleased you are better in that area now.
    Don't know why cats want to play in the early am, but then that's some cats.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; there are lots of other things that make me itchy, so one less is very good. it's part of the asthma, hayfever, eczema package dealt to me.
      Cats are nocturnal and adjust to human schedules only as far as they want to.

  11. hope the nail trimming went well and now with the lessening clatter and bird allergies gone you will sleep wonderfully!

    1. Kelley; nice to see you here :) I'm usually a good sleeper anyway and it's nice to get back to that. Lola's manicure went well, I think she's used to them from her previous owner.


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