Little Hitch With the Computer

The internet plan I pay for allows me 50GB OFF-peak data and 50GB ON-peak data. 
Per month.

I'd forgotten which was which and I've been using the computer mostly in the afternoons and evenings. 
Turns out that's the ON-peak time and according to a recent email, I've used up 50% of my ON-peak allowance. From 12.59pm, (essentially midday) to 12.59am, (essentially midnight)

Which means I should start using it more in the mornings, since OFF-peak is from 12.59am (midnight) to 12.59 pm (midday). 

So I tried to be more awake when I really wanted to sleep, then figured that the whole deal would start over again when the next payment was taken from my bank account. 

That was four days ago, so now I should have a goodly amount of ON-peak allowance still available, right?

Today I got an email telling me I have used 80% of my ON-peak allowance. 


I don't think so. Doesn't seem right to me.

The email tells me that if my current plan is no longer suitable, they're happy to help me switch to something that is better suited. And more expensive I'm sure.

Now I'm wondering if this is a genuine email from my I-net provider or some sort of scam. Because surely an honest provider, one I've trusted now for a number of years, wouldn't suddenly start telling me I've used much more data allowance than usual. 

I've never had these "usage alerts" before, and I've been with this company for about five years.
I plan to ignore them.

But, just to be on the safe side, I'm going to switch times as much as I can, and get things done before noon.
So if you notice I'm not around as much when I usually am, that's why.


  1. Good luck.
    I have been using a heap more data than usual - and thought it was because of the NBN.

    1. Elephant's Child; so it's not just me? I've actually had the computer off more than on lately and since stopping the Musical Mondays I've downloaded a lot less.

  2. That does sound an excessive amount of data that you have used. Have you been watching, as my Tradie Brother calls them, stick movies? I pretend I don't know what he is talking about.

    1. Andrew; I don't watch movies on the computer, i have a usb port on my dvd player and watch everything on tv where the screen is bigger. I don't believe I've used all that data. I've even been staying away from the real estate sites.

  3. Wow, scary. I have something like 15GB and then they slow it down. I also share the GB with DH. Have you talked to a company rep?

    1. Sharon; haven't talked to any rep yet, I've been putting that off because if I'm on the phone too long, my battery dies,I only have the mobile, and usually the reps are in some call centre and i'm just no good with understanding accents or making myself understood.

  4. You are actually blessed if you are allowed 50GB. I only get 15GB On-Peak. My Off Peak is unlimited but it is from 2AM to 8AM. I get those notices all the time. Have you been uploading or downloading a lot more data than usual?

    1. Granny Annie; 50GB is only half. My plan pays for 100GB, which includes the 50GB ON-peak and then 50GB OFF-peak. I've been up/downloading less since I stopped the Musical Mondays. Originally I wanted to sign up for unlimited, but was informed by my supplier that I'm not online enough to warrant that, which surprised me because back then I was online a lot. they suggested the 50 on/50 off and it worked very well until just recently.

  5. Could you give them a call? Maybe Google for this type of scam as it does sound scamish to me. We get similar text messages from AT+T when we approach data limits, but they always seem in line with our usage. I think you are right to be leery.

    1. joeh; I may have to bit the bullet and call, but I'm not good with accents and these people are usually in Indian call centres, also on telephones I'm not good at making my self understood, because I get nervous. i really dislike talking on the phone. also i only have a mobile, no land line, and the battery goes flat if I'm on it too long.I may go to the provider website and see if I can understand or work out what's what from there. Perhaps send them an email.

  6. Think I'd give them a call also. I am always leary when a firm I deal with contacts me out of the blue.

    1. Arkansas Patti; like I said to joeh, I'll go to their website and see if I can work out my usage from logging in to my account, (if I remember the password), or use their official 'contact us' form and ask them.

  7. Payment dates don't always have anything to do with the coverage period - so is your billing period a calendar month starting on the 1st? If so then it is easy to keep track of your data usage (I'm assuming the company has a website where you can track these things). Luckily I have unlimited usage via a cable company - but I do remember the old days, back in the 90's when you paid by the minute for internet access!

    1. Grace; I didn't know payment dates don't always cover usage periods. I'll try to understand their website information, would they have listed things like when I'm online and how long? Because that might help if they have me online when I know I haven't been, then maybe someone has hacked my account and is using up my data allowance? I'll find out the billing period at least. My plan pays for 100GB, which includes 50GB ON-peak and 50GB OFF-peak, so really I should be fine, always within my limits, since I've been turning off a lot lately in order to get real life stuff done.

    2. I'm going to assume that your internet connection/wi-fi is password protected. I don't know how things work in AU but in all the places I have lived in the USA all services except my credit cards have been on a calendar month billing cycle. Usually I would get a bill the first week of a month that covered the previous month with 2-3 weeks to pay it.

      I have cable which covers a landline, internet and television, this is a flat rate and runs per calendar month. I get the bill on the 22nd of each month but it is for the following month. I don't know if that sounds confusing but on Oct 22nd I received my bill which covers the month of November. I have no restrictions on usage.

      At one time my husband used a different company for internet for his work computer - that was a usage based plan but again, billed on a calendar month basis. And yes, he could go to the website and see how much he had used for any given time period, and what time during the day he had used the data.

      Without knowing the company you use, or being able to access their website I can't help you with specific advice.

  8. I'd call. I am surprised at the number of useless, scary emails come in about various accounts. They want to sell you more by making you think you're at the end of the rope, and actually you have a week's worth of rope and a week left to use it.

    1. Joanne; the first email did have me worried and the first thing I did was turn off the computer and lock it away. Then to get a second email soon after saying I'd used so much extra data since the first email made me think something's not quite right about it all.

  9. Why not call your provider and have them either confirm or deny their info.

    1. ony slightly confused; I'll try understanding the website information first. I'll login to my account and see if I can figure it out. Second option is to take the laptop to my fix-it whizz kid and have her explain the usage to me if I can't understand the technical terms. Actual phone contact is a last resort, I just get so nervous on the phone when the person on the other end has an accent and more so if they're talking about tech things that I don't understand.

  10. What if you kept your phone plugged in when you call?

  11. Hopefully your fix-it whizz kid can make sense of it, if not then making a call to your provider may be worth it.

  12. Mine resets at midnight on the day payment is due. So it goes from the 25th of the month until the 24th of the next month. I have a website where I can check my usage whenever I want. I wouldn't have known that, but my son Genius set it up for me. I have to put in a number, like (that's not it, but similar. It has something to do with my router or modem or some computery thing.) And like others above, my off-peak time is 2:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m.

    I get email notices all the time, but I disregard them, because I check every day, and know about how much I normally use. Once we went way over (for no reason we could think of), and Genius called and complained, and they waived the overage fees. Then it happened again months later, when I'd been in the hospital for three days, and off my internet for two weeks, and they wouldn't waive it, so we canceled our plan and switched to a new one.

    Good luck getting this figured out. I don't know how we survived without the internet!

  13. Sounds a bit fishy to me River.
    Be careful.

  14. Hope you can get this sorted ...

    All the best Jan


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