Sunday Selections # 355

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Today we're not wandering around outside, every photo has been taken within these four rooms I call home.
I've had a really busy time lately sorting out stuff, dragging more stuff from cupboards and still sorting, deciding what to keep, what to toss and what to store in the garage I now have after much nagging at the housing officer about people who have more garages than they are entitled to. My back porch is much more liveable now most of the clutter is elsewhere.

this is just a random photo the camera took all by itself when I put it down

here we see the suitcase that lives in the top-of-wardrobe section, inside it is another, smaller suitcase, filled with framed photos I have no place to display and a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember. On top are several brand new vacuum-storage bags, filled and just waiting for me to drag out the vacuum and suck the air out of them. Mostly winter blankets and floor rugs, couple of coats.

I found what I believe is my Christening Certificate or a copy of it. The odd thing about it is my name, which is not the same name as on all my other documents. Clerical error? Dispute between parents? I'll never know.

I unwrapped a couple of glittery (well they used to be) Christmas trees

and put them way up high where Lola can't get to them. Although I honestly think she doesn't care about such things, doesn't get up on cupboards to check things out at all.

this tiny tree, 8 1/2 cm tall, about 3 1/2 inches is about eight years old and I've never had to change the battery

it's one of those colour changing ones with green,

orange, and also blue, white, purple and red although the colours changed a bit too fast for me to get them all.

this pretty one in the bedroom also has a colour changing globe, but unlike the other one this is a  fast blinkblinkblink ten a few slower blinks and back to the fast colour flashes. I can't watch it too long so mostly I leave it turned off.

the beads around the base are just a loose string I put there. Green light here,

and blue here, there is also red,  yellow and white but much too fast for me to get pictures of. This one is 18cm tall, about 7 inches.

can't forget the bathroom tree. This one is glass, about five inches tall and the ornaments are hooked through tiny loops in the glass at the end of each branch. A couple have broken and been mended with a tiny dab of superglue. 
Notice the cheap single ply toilet paper? I bought a few rolls of that for cleaning up after Lola while we were still working out what she could and couldn't eat. I never knew animals could get IBS.

Lastly, I found>>

the decorated caps I used to wear at the checkout for the month of December, along with dangly Christmas earrings and badges on my shirt.

they were given to us plain and most girls wore them just like that, but my friend J and I got busy with tinsel and stuff, she had flashing and musical things on her caps.





  1. All your little Christmas trees are so pretty!

  2. Replies
    1. Joanne; thank you, they certainly got smiles from all my customers.

  3. You are way ahead of me on the Christmas stakes. I read somewhere that cats can get all of the same ailments that we can. IBS is a nasty one though - for (wo)man or beast.

    1. Elephant's Child; I may be ahead, but this is as far as I'm going, so you can easily catch up. We're pretty well sorted now with Lola's food abilities.

  4. Loved the skull wearing the hat!!

    1. fishducky; thank you, I had a hard time deciding which hat he should wear, the cowboy or the Fedora. I may get him a Santa hat too.

    2. I had to go back and look because I missed it the first time! LOL

  5. I've not put up Christmas decorations for a few years now. I got rid of them all in a mad de-cluttering fit one day. The only Christmas-inspired piece I have left now is a gold, solid paper mache reindeer that stands about one foot tall. I bring him out every Christmas and he sits on my coffee table.

    I hope you have a happy week, River. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I put up very little in the way of decorations, but I can't bring myself to give them all away. I may one day have space for a tree again and all the frills and furbelows that go with it.

  6. I really like the first lit tree. It is delightfully simple, but the glass one is not bad too. Please don't take your camera to the bathroom, lest it start taking photos by itself.

    1. Andrew; the first little one was a half price after Christmas special all those years ago and it's lasted really well.
      I'll make a note to never take the camera where it shouldn't go. I must have accidentally pressed the shutter button as I put it down.

  7. So many Christmas trees and one in the bathroom so festive, I only have one.

    1. Merle; I don't put up my big tree because I don't have space for it, so I put a little Christmas reminder in several places instead.

  8. Such a variety of Christmas trees, the likes of which I have not seen. My step-grandma had a white ceramic tree, about a foot tall, that had small lights and round ornaments to hang on it. I was fascinated by it, because all we had was a regular tree that we chopped down at my other grandma's farm.

    1. Val; your step-grandma was ahead of her time with a tree that could be kept and used again and again. I could never chop down a real live tree and watch it slowly die in my living room.

  9. The Carol season isn't in full swing yet but I noticed little tinkly sounds at Southland last week. Every time they started a new one several shoppers went fishing for their mobile phones so much for the techno age.

    1. JahTeh; I think little tinkly sounds might just be better than the oh-so-slow murdering of carols I heard at Cheap as Chips last week. I do wish shops would wait until December at least to start annoying all the customers with odd versions of carols.

  10. Like that little light changing tree. Think Minnie might just leave one like that alone. A real tree around her is toast.

    1. Arkansas Patti; it's my favourite little light changer. I have never had a real tree, always artificial, but I don't have space to put it up now.

  11. That is a lovely collection of Christmas trees. You have inspired me to take photos of my decorations and post them in a few days.

    1. only slightly confused; I'm looking forward to seeing your decorations :)

  12. Love the tree that has light changing it looks rather different.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; it is different and I've never seen them on sale since that first year.

  13. I like that you have all different little trees as decorations. There's something about that that really appeals to me.

    It's good that Lola isn't interested in stuff on the counters. Some cats get into a lot of trouble that way (and make messes).


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