Sunday Selections # 354

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Let's begin:

love-in-the-mist is blooming in the garden next door, I don't remember its other name

the Silky Oak across the road is gloriously golden

Star Jasmine is everywhere

I like these conical hanging baskets,

one of which has three budgies in it, ornamental of course

can you see the white cones on this tree? I believe it is a spruce, but I'm happy to be corrected

is that better? They look like Christmas ornaments don't they? They'll soon turn a lovely golden brown.

the oleander is covered in blossoms and bees

I think this is Echium, but can't be sure,

it usually has the cones full of these tiny blue flowers which are more purple in reality, I must have missed the flowering time

daisies are popping up everywhere

acanthus too, (bear claw, oyster plant)

I like the deeply lobed leaves which are usually a much darker shade of green

my bulb stems are finally looking like straw, it's time to cut them back, these were the Ixias.

across the road, the house at the front of the block is finished

with even the front yard landscaped, I believe the owners have taken possession, so there will be no more photos of this

the two houses at the back of the block still have a way to go.


  1. You make me want to skip across the ocean and wallow in spring!

  2. I always love to see what is blooming and thriving in your part of the world. Love the silky oak in particular.

    1. Elephant's Child; just as I like seeing what's blooming elsewhere. I was warned against buying a silky oak many years ago and wondered why, now I've seen how big they are I understand.

  3. Thanks for the VERY enjoyable tour!!

  4. We called them Confederate Jasmine in Florida and I LOVED the scent. Wish I had some here.

    1. Arkansas Patti; on a really hot day it smells of aniseed, one of my favourite smells. The label reads Chinese Star Jasmine, I didn't know you also had it in America.

  5. A lovely varied array of photos. I, too, love Silky Oaks...I always have.

    Have a wonderful week, River...cuddles to Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; Lady Lola has been cuddled to the point of banishment, she seems to require eight hours a day of backscratching while the moulting is going on. I love silky oaks too, but I'm glad they're in other people's yards.

  6. So, that is a silk oak. I never knew. We used to have acanthus and on hot days the leaves would always collapse, but stood up again come nightfall.
    I'll go with the tree being a spruce. The house across the road looks nice enough, but the garden is rather dull.

    1. Andrew; I believe the silky oak is the largest form of grevillea, but that is only my opinion based on the flowers. Leaf shape is also similar to some of the smaller grevilleas.
      That new garden is only two days old, I watched as things were planted, it may improve with age.

  7. I think your flowers and birds are prettier than ours.

    1. joeh; thank you. I'm sure you have things there that are prettier than our counterparts. For instance, you have song birds, our birds are screechers and squawkers.

  8. Love the acanthus and the silky oak. I don't recall ever seeing them until now.

  9. I like the love in the mist the best.

    1. Merle; when I lived in Sydney or Melbourne I had a whole bed of those.

  10. You always take us on a wonderful tour, the flowers are beautiful, and the house actually came out nice.

    1. Jimmy; thank you. The house is lovely and coming home today I could see furniture and packing boxes through the upstairs windows.

  11. Beautiful tree is the silky oak. Tops came off our bulbs this past week, Now putting potted colour in an area of the garden.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I'll be cutting the tops off the bulbs tomorrow, but I think it may be too late for potted colour here. the days are so hot already. I could maybe buy established pots and see how they go.

  12. Lovely to see the plants and flowers. I thought the Silky Oak a wonderful golden colour. I also thought the three ornamental budgies looked good.

    Many thanks for the photo tour, I enjoyed it.

    All the best Jan

  13. Beautiful plants, and I do love those budgies. Very realistic looking.


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