
Lola is moulting.

this is off a small section of the edge of my table where she insists on rubbing her head and shoulders

Need I say more?

the dark shadows in the red rubber mitt are clumps of hair after just two strokes down Lola's back, you may be able to see the fuzzy bits sticking out over the edge of the white edging.

I am adrift in a sea of cat hair :(


  1. Toby grooms himself on the carpet. We vacuum it up weekly, or more. I've decided I will outlive this cat simply to wake up to a hairless house.

    1. Joanne; this is so different to Angel's daily shedding of fluff. I'm glad I don't have carpet.

  2. Every time I think I might want a cat, I see a post like this and I have to rethink it.

    1. joeh; every time I see a new coating of hair I rethink my decision too. But I'm used to her now so I guess I'll keep her.

  3. It appears Lola has become part of your household in more ways than one...

    1. Jimmy; very definitely, hopefully the shedding won't last too long.

  4. All animals shed, molt - including humans (hair and skin cells on a daily basis). If you are going to share your home with a furry pet then you will have hair/fur - grooming your pet is part of having a pet. I have one cat who LOVES to be brushed and one, not so much. Still they both get brushed on a regular basis, usually while they are lap sitting or in Frankie's case whenever she gets it into her head that she wants to be brushed and she starts pawing at the drawer where the brush is kept. Cats groom themselves but if you don't keep up with your side of the grooming process then you're gonna have hairballs to clean up as well. It's all part of owning a cat (or dog).

    1. Grace; I know all animals shed, it just wasn't so obvious with Angel who shed fluff daily. Lola sheds daily too, but just this past week, the shedding has increased mightily. She isn't used to being groomed, so I do what I can, but mostly just clean up where she's been. She's on the same diet Angel was, which minimises the likelihood of hairballs.

  5. The only pet I currently have is my husband & you don't want to see what he sheds!!

  6. Snap. If I could knit I would have enough to knit another cat with Jazz's moult. Possibly a better behaved cat.

    1. Elephant's Child; definitely a better behaved cat, but less fun I suspect.

  7. Oddly, with two cats we never really had a problem with cat hair. Dog hair, oh yes. In one place where he was confined to a couple of rooms, it was a daily vacuum. Although he never lived in this place, I occasionally come across one of his hairs in something that has been used or opened in years. He died about 20 years ago, but his hair lives on.

    1. Andrew; it wasn't such a big problem with Angel who shed fluff more than hair and he spent a good part of his time outside or in the back porch. It's nice that you still have memories every time you find a dog hair.

  8. Aaaah, they joys of owning pets. (Or of pets owning us...)

  9. Hair everywhere at my place at the moment two cats and Angus is staying for a few days .

    1. Merle; three shedders all at once! you need an industrial strength vacuum cleaner.

  10. The comment before mine is a spam, ditch it.
    I love the glove, where did you buy it? I don't really have to groom The Bear, he just stands in one place and the fur drops to the floor. If he walks through the house it's like a moving snow storm.

    1. Jah-Teh; spam has been ditched :)
      The glove is from Big W and wasn't at all expensive although I don't remember exactly how much. The wrist strap is adjustable. You could hire out The Bear for Christmas scenes.

  11. My favorite gambling aunt has several cats. One Christmas, at school, she gave those of us in her department a little gift bag with a small candle. It was covered in cat hair.

    We all agreed that we were glad she scrapped her original idea to bake us some cookies.

    1. Val; I'd be glad too. I have to be extra careful here when I'm making my annual Christmas Mince Pies, clear the decks, wash everything down, banish the cat to the porch, wash it all down again, then bake like mad before the cat has a hissy fit and wants to come back in.

  12. Me, too...but I've given up worrying about it. I rather have my two furry mates and all their fur in my life, than not. :)

    1. Lee; it's true 99.9% of the time I'd rather have Lola then a clean house.

  13. Minnie is leaving clumps also. Amazing the cats don't go bald.

  14. I've only ever had fish, guinea pigs or a rabbit as pets - so experienced none of these problems.

    But Lola is a sweetie I'm sure this will not last too much longer ...

    All the best Jan


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