Sunday Selections # 353

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Today we're celebrating Australian early Summer. I know the calendar says Spring, but the temperatures here are hot enough for me to say it's Summer.

But first: 

on the right of this photo you'll see the flimsy metal storage shelves I've had in the back porch, on the left, one of two cupboards that I've replaced them with.

Taller, wider and deeper, this hold much more than the shelves and I can close the doors to keep out dust (ha ha) and have it look neater. The other cupboard is half the height of this one, so it fits neatly under the bathroom windowsill or whatever you call those bricks that jut out from the wall. They came flat-packed, from cheap-as-chips, and I had no hope of putting them together, so sent a text message to my brother who came to the rescue and put them together in no time.

Later that evening, while propped up on the bed reading, I fancied a cup of coffee, so got up to make one. When I got back to the bedroom>>

Lola had pinched my warm and comfy spot. She does that a lot now, likes to lie where I've been or just curls up next to me on the bed or close by on the couch if I'm at the table in the lounge room.

Moving on to Pat's garden, that hasn't had a drop of watering apart from a bit of rain,

her roses are doing very well, in yellows,


a froth of white peeking over the rosemary, which has been trimmed to half its size,

my favourite sunset roses at the end of my front path, very close to where I last saw Angel,

and some very pretty pink ruffles that remind me of long ago little girl's party dresses.

Hibiscus are blooming in two tones,


and brilliant reds.

The neighbour's footpath garden is a big drift of blooming colour >>

it's grown and changed quite a bit, the yellows are new,

I believe they are Cosmos,

in singles,

and doubles,

hollyhocks are standing tall, much taller than me

and dainty Gaura dances in the slightest breeze.

There are lilies in bright yellow,

and pink

and Queen Anne's Lace in abundance.

Finally, an entire (small) rose bowl of roses,

full-sized blooms

all on one handy main stem.





  1. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; yes, along with trees, babies and so much more.

  2. The cabinets are great - I don't care for open shelving and the frosted glass doors are just my choice. As for the flowers *sigh* so lovely...(As for cats snagging the warm spots - my cats will just sit and stare until we move...and we do - no, they're not spoiled.)

    1. Grace; the frosted glass is actually plastic, but they'll do the job. The cabinets now hold everything that was on the shelves, with room to spare.

  3. My brother used to do so many odd jobs. Now Laura and I build things like my two brothers did. My younger brother read the directions to Walt, who did the building. I read the directions to Laura, who does the assembly.She has no idea I am amused by the eerie similarity.

    1. Joanne; I'm really going to miss my brother when he goes back home to Perth. He's here on a three year job contract. I used to be able to put things together, but I have too much neck and shoulder trouble now to manage things as big as cabinets.

  4. I like the looks of those cupboards, so much of the furnishings like this come in a flat box for you to put together, my desk even came in a box like this, I sure had to read the instructions on that one ha ha.

    Lola has it figured that wherever you sit is simply warming a spot for her, you have to love that she has taken to you so well.

    The flowers are simply beautiful.

    1. Jimmy; I like the flat-pack stuff, so much more can be delivered in one truck load, but the putting together isn't so easy for me now. I thought of getting similar cabinets from IKEA but they were a bit above my budget, especially with delivery added. Cheap as Chips is our "$2" store although things there do cost more than $2.
      I am happy that Lola has settled in so well, but I'll confess here that occasionally I resent her because she isn't Angel. I know this will pass as time goes on.

  5. How nice to see the colors of Spring as we view the last of the colors of Fall.
    How nice to have had the cupboards put together by your brother. Those box furnishings can be a struggle.

    1. Arkansas Patti; my brother is the best handyman I know, knows enough of everything to fix/build almost anything. He's a concrete construction engineer. My job was to hand over tools, then later rip up the quite flimsy cardboard boxes to fit them in the recycle bin.

  6. Loving the gardens. And lovely Lola. Bed hogging is a real skill for cats.
    And hooray for having someone to assist making flat packs three dimensional.

    1. Elephant's Child; the gardens are gorgeous right now, (just ignore any bare patches), things people have planted have made enough growth to fill in most of the beds. Lola has begun to meow at me when she wants something, usually it means fresh water please or top up my kibble.
      I'm going to miss my brother when his job is done and he moves away again.

  7. Lots of colour. The roses all seem to be loving the heat.

    1. Andrew; the colours are lovely, some areas are soft and pretty, others are bright and bold and it all just fits together. Roses do like heat as long as they get enough to drink, but deep watering, not a shallow sprinkle.

  8. It's been lovely and cool here this past week...with some showers thrown into the measure to make it even more pleasant.

    I hope you have a good week, River...cuddles to Lovely Lola. :)

    1. Lee; we had that weather last week, this week from yesterday inwards, all days are expected to be over 30C, with today being 35C.
      I plan on having a good week, we'll see how that turns out..

  9. The flowers are exquisite!!

  10. Sometimes we have pieces left over after putting stuff together!

    The flowers are beautiful. I haven't seen hollyhocks for a long time. Looks like Lola is getting comfortable.

    1. Val; with flat-pack stuff, we often have a few screws and tiny nails left over, I think they give extra in case any get lost or bent.
      Lola is very comfortable. On cold nights she curls up next to my knees to sleep.

  11. Glorious Spring/Summer flowers, you've shared a great set of photographs here.
    Lola is just so sweet ...

    All the best Jan

  12. The flowers do look beautiful the roses look healthy. One can always do with plenty of cupboards.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I don't have nearly enough cupboards, even with these two new ones, but I don't have space for more. These flats were originally built for single people that didn't have any material belongings, not for people like me with a lifetimes worth of stuff.

  13. What splendour, everywhere, it seems! The yellow cosmos especially caught my eye.

    New cupboards are good, doors make them even better. And Lola is right at home now, isn't she? She looks so much like one of our girls ... who also likes to take my warm spot.

    1. jenny_o; I've only ever seen purple cosmos and pink, didn't know they came in yellow too. I've made a note to buy some and fill in the empty gaps where the bulbs bloom for such a short time.
      Lola has been at home for a while, she adjusted quicker than I did.


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