another repost from December 2010 where the monkey mayhem happened

Last night I opened the tree box, set the tree on a stool, then went to bed. I couldn't be bothered with decorating it. (There's that procrastination again.)

While I was sleeping the monkeys got up to a little monkey mischief, (yes, I have stuffed toys, I keep them for little visitors to play with and technically they're not all monkeys, I know, just humor me ok?)

George and Jerome climbed into the tree and began attaching tinsel and baubles.

Hugo and Harry pulled stuff out of the crate to hand up to them.

Harvey put himself in charge of the silver baubles when he saw that they'd broken one of the red ones.

The "babies" played with Santa's sleigh and the lolly train. Luckily it wasn't yet filled with lollies.

Hector gave a reindeer a ride.

Hank Jr. commandeered the sleigh with his mate Not Rudolph.

Sarah was the engine driver.

This is the engine. The two cars behind are filled with small sweet treats for people to take as they leave after visiting. The sleigh also gets filled with lollies

The decorating is going well, pass up some more tinsel.

That's not tinsel!!

Where's the bag of tinsel?

We can't find the tinsel.

Aha! Hugo's using it as a cushion.

Grumpy Hank made an excellent supervisor.

Taking time to admire their handiwork.

Oooh! Shiny!

And sparkly too.

Looking very nice. Well done boys.

But what's this?? Jerome and George are still in the tree!!
Well, that'll keep them out of any more mischief for a while.

I think they did a pretty good job!


  1. I love it. What talent.

  2. Very cute! That Hank looks like a bit of a character, eh? (but I wouldn't cross him...)

  3. delightful River....absolutely delightful.....

  4. R.H. I have very talented toys.

    Being Me; Hank is a favourite rescued from a garage sale, his left hand has a squeaker in it.

    Cheese Whine and Whispers; I put this up for the kids of some of my readers as well as all of us big kids.

  5. That's adorable. Did they get paid double time for doing this kind of work outside of standard office hours? Were all OHS and EEO principles observed? Did you seek their permission before putting their images up on your website and available to the public?

  6. Kath; I can't say about the OHS and EEO stuff, they did this while I was asleep....
    I did ask permission to use the photos, not sure who took those, you know, me being asleep and all, might have been one of the big teddies, probably Sebastian. Could have been Abby.
    We came to an agreement about payment. Bananas, and for christmas day, banana splits.

  7. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; you're welcome. I should repost more of the old stuff.

  8. Great fun with monkey business.

    1. Andrew; they don't get up to much these days.

  9. I am so with you on putting up the tree! You sure have a lot of adventures in decorating. thank goodness for the Monkeys!

    The little princess will have fun with this.

    1. Susan Kane; I used to enjoy putting up the tree, but this post was the last year I was in my previous home, and here I just don't have the space.

  10. that was absolutely delightful. Well done!


  11. Owwww, how cute is that! My Father´s name was Hugo and we had a George one Christmas, your monkeys did a great job ( 06:26 am here, btw! ;-)...)

    1. Iris Flavia; I had a lot more monkeys back then, and teddies too, as well as the baby doll. Now all I have left is Harvey Banana, the big golden chimpanzee, Cousin Hugo, the black and tan, L'il Hector, the smaller black and tan (the one in the train), and Harry the brown one and one small teddy named Jacko. The others have all gone to new homes.

    2. Including the bunny that Vicki made you?

    3. I have so many toy-lions, argh. They smile at me and BOOM, I fall for them. I bought one really high-quality one (Steiff) for my Big Niece, who is a Lion by zodiac and was in hospital and so sad. My Brother said, "no more toys!", so... guess.
      To be fair I also got a bunny from that company for Little Niece. So fluffy and all. Sits in the kitchen here... Call me toy-mummy...

    4. Elephant's Child; no of course not, I still have him, Harry Jnr lives in the bedroom now.

      Iris Flavia; I haven't ever had a toy stuffed lion, I do have a few very small soft plastic ones, they were a give-away in the supermarket last year if you bought more than $30 in groceries. The coveted ones were gold coloured and I have two of those.

  12. Your imagination is so wonderful R.
    Love the photos and the mischief they got up to. :)

    1. Margaret D; they don't get up to mischief these days, they ten years older now and probably tired..

  13. This was just such a fun post. Wow, who knew what mischief they could get into when unattended. They actually did a great job though and let you sleep through it all--maybe:)

    1. Arkansas Patti; monkeys will get up to things when they think they aren't being watched, just like toddlers.

  14. Heh, heh! That was great! They are remarkably talented, as are YOU!

    1. Val; thank you, and the monkeys thank you too.


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