Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Lissa and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1: If you feel like screaming, be my guest 
2: There is something different about you

Here is my story: 

She gave me the stink-eye as I smiled vaguely and hummed under my breath. 
"There is something different about you," she said, as I continued with the tasks she had set me. As always, she had me running around doing everything that was on the list. 
A list that hadn't even existed until a former colleague and I had managed to fit a few extra non-essential chores into the morning routine. 
The big boss had noticed and said something to the department manager, who then typed up a list of tasks that now "had" to be done each morning. 
Over time, the list had grown to an almost impossible length, with items done needing to be ticked off and signed. 
The former colleague had since resigned, due to permanent repetitive strain injuries. Now, only a couple of others were happy enough to help out getting "the list" finished. 
Most days, depending on who was on the roster that day, the list just didn't get done. 
I was getting tired of the attitudes of those "above me" and had decided to resign. 
"She" hadn't believed I would actually do so, but from the moment I decided, I was more peaceful within myself. 
One morning, as I was entering the lunchroom area, I heard her saying, "I could just scream with frustration. I don't know what she is up to," (meaning me, with my new 'yes boss' attitude). The reply from another, "If you feel like screaming, be my guest. Just wait until I get downstairs, I don't want to be blamed for anything." 
That same day, as I was leaving, I headed to the office with my resignation, after handing it to her to sign off on. Let her scream, I thought.


  1. Oh that must have been a feel good day. Always good to leave them guessing.

    1. Arkansas Patti; it was a good day, although the screaming part is fictional.

  2. Sadly familiar. I wish I had the courage of your protagonist and HAD resigned.

    1. Elephant's Child; I really needed to resign, I'd had enough of a certain manager.

  3. I heard screaming in the I know where it came from! I saw some hair floating in the wind, too! :)

    Take good care, River...cuddles to Lola. :)

    1. Lee; interesting that my story became audible :)
      I'll cuddle Lola when she wakes up.

  4. Everybody has a breaking point, and it sounds like this person finally found hers.

    I'm fortunate in that I've never had a bad work experience. Not everyone has been that lucky.

    1. jenny_o; the work was okay, even with it being a job I never wanted to do, but you do what you have to when rent needs to be paid and children fed. But after 12 years I'd had enough.

  5. I am imagining a hearty scream, like the bellow of that quitting time bird at the quarry, in The Flintstones' opening sequence!

    1. Val; I remember that! I haven't seen The Flintstones in so long, wish they'd show it on TV again.

  6. Must have been bad for her to resign.

    1. Margaret D; probably not so bad, it depends on the individual, in this case me, and I'd just had enough of a certain person's arrogance towards others.

  7. I see myself here a lot and will join you later. Sad, true story (mine is rather not sad). HOMEWORK now, THAT is bad ;-)
    Vaccuming, steaming, I HATE that, LOL.

    1. Iris Flavia; this was the only time I ever resigned from this arrogance cause, all my other jobs were wonderful and I only resigned because I got married and moved away, or if I went to a better job.

  8. Wonderful! Bosses like that deserve what they get.

    1. messymimi; bosses like this one, with double standards are hard on the staff. If they obeyed the same rules as they give out, it wouldn't matter so much.

  9. I think bosses don't like if you are too obedient but then again, sometimes keeping quiet and doing your job is not a terrible thing. Good use of the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.


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