Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. 
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by  Lissa and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: two photos

Here is my story:

Margaret walked along the city street, packages under one arm, the other hand holding aloft an umbrella against the rain. Looking into the shops as she passed, wondering what else she could buy. In just one week, she would be off to Liverpool, to see the cousin she had never met, Judith and her children, all five of them. FIVE! "How on earth does cousin Judith manage?" she wondered.

Margaret, an only child, also wondered how it was that no one had told her about her father's family, and then too, wondered if they knew her father had died. This was the reason for her visit. 

Her father had named Margaret as the person who was to deliver to Judith the things he had left her.  Things that should have been given to Judith's mother, Maggie, upon Grandmother Reynolds' death and Margaret had then realised she had been named for her unknown aunt. Along with the small trinkets, Margaret was to deliver a substantial amount of money to help with the children's education. 

Yesterday's packages were already packed in the big suitcase, now she was shopping for smaller items and desperately hoping the cousins wouldn't find her "uppity" or condescending, because she had money and a job in the city, while they were quite poor. Which certainly wasn't her fault, or theirs. Circumstances had arranged it so and now that she knew, Margaret wanted to help. 

She spotted a store with scented soaps and powders and walked in to buy things for Judith and her two daughters. She would shop for the boys tomorrow, bringing with her a male friend who might know more about what young boys liked.


  1. Think she is handling the surprise family quite well. Hope they are as accepting of her. She has a kind heart.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I think they will be accepting, she is their only remaining family.

  2. Excellent painting a word-photo of that event. Well done. Be back later.

  3. I like this. It sounds as if there has been a family rift - which Margaret is going some way to healing. I would love to learn more.

    1. Elephant's Child; the rift came when Judith eloped with a man her mother deemed unsuitable and disowned her.

    2. EC, that's Judith's mother, Maggie, who did the eloping.

  4. This is good, I can picture this Margaret, the actual photo helps, and I can see a family coming together and learning about each other and from each other.
    Good use of the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. lissa; thank you. The photos were hard at first, I couldn't think what to write, but it came together nicely in the end.

  5. My hope is that both sides will now have new family they love as much as the old.

    1. messymimi; they do become a "together" family.

  6. Well done, River.

    I hope all is well with you, and your loved ones. Cuddles to Lola. Take good care. :)

    1. Lee; thank you. All is indeed well, there have been conversations with my kids and my mind is at ease.

  7. Once I retire hopefully I can be more creative and include some stories

    1. Dora; we can hope the meme will still be going by then.

  8. A beautiful story.
    I have so many cousins, most in Germany, even, and there is no contact no more.
    Some live far away in the South and even invited me. "You´re welcome here", I answered - nothing. Too lazy. Well, me too, then. Sad, but true.

    1. Iris Flavia; I don't have any cousins that I know about. Maybe some distant relatives in Sweden on my mother's side, I know nothing of my father's side. my kids have plenty of cousins and their kids have plenty of cousins, so I'm happy about that.

    2. Yes, it´s sad to have none or to be forgotten... And great to have them, those cousins, if in the next generations!
      Btw... I´m truly Aussie-proofed! I loooove 40+C! I miss Grill´d, Emu, VB, XXXX and especially also Jester´s pies!!! Glory Morning, Yummm...

      Oh ... AND! Pretty please, how about some pics of your cute chimpanzees ???

    3. You know, Mielebaer asks me every day... ;-)

    4. Iris Flavia; I've had the chimpanzees on the blog a long time ago, in August 2011 I think, if you care to look through my archives.

    5. Ohhh, on my search I found Henry from your Sunday Selections # 42
      but not your chimpanzees in August... But my Henry says hi :-)

  9. Margaret the messenger.
    Nice story R..
    Take care.

  10. Both of those photos are quite evocative, and you did a great job of interpreting one of them through your story. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but the right words can make a picture shine. You made that picture shine. Nice job!

    Have a super weekend ,sweet lady.

    1. Susan; thank you, this one didn't come as easily as most of them do, but it got there in the end. I'm thinking of you..hope you are doing okay


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