the first photo

 So far the only differences I can see between my old Fuji and my new Canon is the colours are truer and the focus is different. 

I used the zoom to take this photo of yellow roses across the yard while standing on my front porch. You will notice the background is out of focus, while with the old Fuji, it would have been in focus. 

This is the "auto" setting, I've yet to play around with any other. 

The Canon is of similar size and shape to the Fuji, but feels different in my hands, it will take a bit of getting used to, also the buttons are in different places.


  1. Happy experimentation. I look forward to seeing the results.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm waiting for warmer weather, also for the pollen season to be over. This season began early and I've been stuck inside as much as possible because of the pollens and seeds flying about.

  2. Well, I think that is a good thing that the background is out of focus and what you want to really show is in focus. I like my Canon camera.

    1. Andrew; it is good, but I may have been wrong about the Fuji, I didn't really take much notice.

  3. Wow, one would think you were right on the flower. Love it.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I like being able to zoom in on things, it means I can stand under shelter if it is raining or too hot and still get a photo.

  4. Ah, the old aperture business. I miss a real camera. It just sits in the drawer.

    1. Joanne; I don't understand aperture, the instructions tell what does what, but it is confusing. Can you use your camera or is it too heavy? can you gift it to a fellow photographer, perhaps Francis?

  5. Ah, it"\'s fun to get and play with a new toy. Enjoy!

    1. messymimi; I'm going to enjoy taking it out to the beach boardwalks

  6. Wow. Looks like you're right next to it!

    1. Val; it really isn't all that far away, about 30-40 feet, but it was windy yet the camera caught it beautifully.

  7. I love this...and the focus is on the centre piece...the main subject...beautiful. :)

  8. Beautiful River, do like the Canon colour. Having Canon and Nikon I'm never sure which one I prefer.
    Love the background blurred, makes the rose pop.

    1. Margaret D; I also like the way the rose popped. I'll have to take photos of different pink shades and see how the colour comes out, with the Fuji, anything pink or red always came out near vermilion and all purples were blue. I'm hoping that's NOT the case with the Canon.

  9. Lovely challenge!!!!
    II went back to a small Sony and always ... often... use a photo-editing programme as the colors don´t come out that well.


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