Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Lissa and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are:

1. belong

2. miserable

3. memory

4. quiver

5. ghost


1. woven

2. shiver

3. maybe

4. sunshine

5. beneath

Here is my story:

I stood uncertainly in the gloomy shop, searching the shelves for something I didn’t know yet. 

A voice from behind said, “it’s on the second shelf from the top, right beneath the handwoven dreamcatcher.” 

I spotted it right away, even as my own voice replied, “but it doesn’t belong there.” 

“It knows,” said the voice from behind and I felt a shiver, knowing there was no one there. 

I was being helped by a ghost


The memory of my previous supernatural encounter had left me miserable for weeks, it had been unexpected and I’d felt out of my depth. Maybe this time would be better. 

I felt a quiver in the air as the ghost reached past me and pulled the tiny gold box from the shelf where it shouldn’t have been, although I didn’t know why or how I knew that. 

This path hadn’t been properly explained to me and I wasn’t ready, yet here I was, holding out my hand for the tiny gold box as it floated down to me. 

I clasped it gently, bowed my head as the required thank you, (how did I know I should do that?) then walked back out into the sunshine

Never before had its warmth felt so welcome. 


  1. Replies
    1. Sandi; of course not. I would never steal. The girl in the story is following a trail and this magical item is part of the quest to solve something. I have no idea what. the words wrote themselves.

  2. Replies
    1. messymimi; I agree and I want to know more, but that's all I got.

  3. I could use a shopping helper like that. It evidently knows you really well.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the girl in the story isn't me and she isn't shopping. This is a supernatural happening.

  4. Ooooh. I would love to read some more of this story. And yes, that is most definitely a hint.

    1. Elephant's Child; I would love to read more myself, but this is all I got. The words wrote themselves.

  5. This was excellent. I would also love to read more.

    1. Susan Kane; three calls for more yet I'm not sure I can oblige. We'll all have to wait and see.

  6. With the words "gloomy shop," you put me right in the middle of the story. Well done! I imagined a backyard shed, with a bit of light seeping through cracks in the boards, a smell of greasy rags and decaying leaves, and a damp chill.

    Others might have sensed a more modern "store" kind of shop, rather than a workshop. But that's why we read, isn't it? To put ourselves in the story, and create our own environment based on our experiences.

    1. Val; you got it! Definitely not a backyard shed, but a small shop well away from the brightly lit main shopping areas, a shop that sells unusual items not often sought. Possibly an overstocked old-style junk shop in a seedy part of town.

  7. Your story reminds me of something really spooky that happened in real life to me.
    We came home, tadaaa, from Perth, from hot summer to cold winter, jet-lagged.
    I kept an eye on our luggage at the train station whilst Ingo went to call a friend to pick us up.
    Over the speakers I heard my late Dad´s voice. I can´t recall what was said but Ingo said there are no speakers on this tiny station.
    It was my Dad´s voice. Creepy and beautiful at the same time.

    1. Iris Flavia; that would be a bit creepy but nice too. I felt my dad around me for about a week after he passed but then he was gone. He seemed happy.

  8. Ohh, I hope the next sets of prompt speak to you in a similar fashion so that we all can have and ending to this eerie tale.

    1. Charlotte; it's my turn to provide the prompts next month, so I don't know where the words will take me.

  9. A ghost, supernatural, how interesting is your story!...

    1. Margaret D; I like it, but can't think how to go on.

  10. I love this ephemeral story, I often get pieces like that and eventually another piece of the puzzle drops. Or not. It is complete unto itself.


    1. WWW; I keep print outs of most of my stories, even little bits like this in the hopes that some might one day fit together.

  11. Betty was miserable, she did not belong here. The memory of that day still made her quiver and shiver, that day when she had looked down at her quiet cold body. Being a ghost? Was there such a thing?

    Sunshine drifted through her translucent hand, and should have been warm . The clouds were woven through blue and gold, and Betty saw the green earth beneath her slowly grow smaller and smaller. Maybe, just maybe? She gazed up at the blue and gold, gasping as the glorious light glowed from Him. He spread His arms and enclosed her.

    1. Susan Kane; I like this, a bit spooky to start with and a happy ending.

  12. Something similar to that happened to me the other day...for real! I picked up the box my new pillow from the Koala company came in...taking the box to the rubbish bin when, out of nowhere...out of the blue... I heard the strains of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" playing! I thought I'd finally lost it...and the men in the white jackets would soon be coming for me!! :)

    Wondering where the sound was coming from...was it my imagination...I discovered a tiny plastic, flat thingie stuck to the inside of one of the box's sides! I pulled the little flat "thing" off the side of the cardboard box. The music kept playing! I couldn't stop the damn thing! lol

    Finally, after 20 minutes or so, the music ceased when I placed the little plastic strip upside down on my desk.. I'm not game to touch it, for fear of starting it off again! It's white plastic... flat, thin...and about 1-inch wide and 1-1/2- inches in length!

    It's not a gold box...but it sure plays a mean tune! :)

    1. Lee; it's like the strip in those musical birthday cards and twinkle twinkle is something you might sing to a child as he or she falls asleep, that's why it would be in the pillow box. Perhaps it was attached to the pillow?


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