Sunday Selections # 532

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one, messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

She's here!

Riley is here!

Come on out Riley, there's nothing to be scared of here.

welcoming hugs

so you're our new Mum, the sisters said you were nice, it's good to be home at last.

Gillian: how did you get the scrape on your nose?

Meg: does it hurt?

Riley: there was a sudden loud noise and I threw my arms up in the air and just fell over, smack onto my nose, but it doesn't hurt anymore

then I got up and fell over backwards, I was discombobulated

Meg and Gillian: Like this? 

Riley: Exactly like this 😀

Meg: this is Harley, he tells really great stories

Gillian: and he minds the baby, her name is Astra

Hello Harley, I'm Riley

Thanks for the new clothes Mum, it's nice to wear something different at last,

I love my new shoes

Look at my new shoes, aren't they beautiful?

Hello Harvey Banana, my name is Riley

So this is what I look like now, my nose isn't too mashed up at all, thanks for washing off the dirt.

it's been a long time since I looked in a mirror

Hello Jessy, Meg and Gillian tell me you are the keeper of secrets

Hooray! It's burgers with onions night! Yum.

from here we can all see Dr Who on the television, he's doing battle with those pesky Daleks again.


  1. Those adventures of Gillian and her sisters have grown on me. Congratulations on the homecoming, Riley.

    1. Charlotte; Riley is very happy to be here, the sisters love being together again.

  2. Welcome home Riley. You have come to a wonderful place.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. Now I need to get sewing and knitting.

  3. My Goodness! Your family is growing rapidly!

    Happy Mother's Day, River. I hope your day is a relaxed, enjoyable one...and similar for the coming week. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I'm glad my original family didn't grow this fast! Thank you.

  4. Lucky you Riley. You are with your sisters again and have one terrific mom. Looking forward to your many adventures. Cool shoes by the way.

    1. Arkansas Patti; thank you, the sisters are happy being together again. The shoes are too cute :)

  5. Welcome to Riley, but I am not seeing much gender diversity in the family.

    1. Andrew; there aren't many boy dolls out there but I'm sure at least one can be found eventually.

  6. More fun adventures are in store, i am sure of it.

    1. messymimi; I sometimes wonder what they get up to while I'm sleeping.

  7. Sweet young girls, and they all have great red head names.

    1. Joanne; thank you. I hadn't thought of their names as red-headed.

  8. They seems to be busy and having a good time.
    R, who makes their clothes?

    1. Margaret D; most clothes are found on ebay, mostly Barbie doll clothes which I adapt to fit. I have patterns to make some too, but no fabric yet and nowhere to set up my sewing machine.

  9. A threesome-fun-package!
    Those shoes are adorable!!!
    Hmmm... secrets! Tempting to bribe to get to know them.
    But a burger will do, too :-)
    Dr. Who... I really need to get to know this!
    Happy Sunday :-)

    1. Iris Flavia; secrets should remain secret. I love the shoes, there are others the same in white, pink and black. Dr Who is science fiction fantasy.

    2. Is Dr Who like Quantum Leap? As in "scientific"? A little bit "real"?
      Secrets stay secrets, or as I say, what´s told in the kitchen, stays in the kitchen.
      Kitchen is the only place here to sit properly as in the living room we only have the swing and no table.

    3. Iris Flavia; Dr Who is nothing like Quantum Leap.

  10. Three's a charm: Riley is a darling.
    Happiness abounds! Thank you for sharing it here. :)

    1. Fresca; three is a charm, but wait until you see what they are up to.

  11. I love the shoes! She'll probably sleep in them. I would!

    1. Val; she is sleeping in them and the other two are sleeping in their boots.

  12. Hello Riley. You could not have a better home. Meg and Gillian will watch after you very carefully.

    1. Granny Annie; they are all looking after each other, sometimes I think they are plotting something...

  13. This is so precious. Your red headed family look happy.

  14. Remind me of song "hey hey oh playmate come out and play with me. And bring your dollies three.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  15. Oh that is so lovely. I'm becoming quite attached to your (now) trio.


  16. I like Riley's red shoes, they're adorable.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Lissa; thank you. There are three more pairs the same in different colours.


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