Sunday Selections # 534

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

Continuing on from last week, where the girls were headed into the jungle:

Gillian: I like these wide ferns

Riley: I'm sitting with a kookaburra

Meg: I'm balancing on one foot, ha ha. Do we need to get higher?

Riley: as high as you can, so the breezes in the trees can carry our thoughts.
Gillian: I'm right up by the monkey now, these ferns aren't so wide but they seem strong enough.

Meg: I'm by another monkey, I like being up high.
Riley; all right, everybody sing for Jordan. We'll stay up here as long as we can.
(they were up there singing for two days!)

A few days later, there was a very tiny knock at my front screen door, and a little redheaded doll stood smiling at me.

Hello, I'm Jordan

Are my sisters here? I've been hearing their thoughts and they are very close

Me: Of course, come in
Jordan: it's much warmer in here

Jordan: Which way to my sisters please?
Me: straight through here and out the back door into the porch.

Jordan: Through here?
Me: yes, I'll help you up onto the Fairyland table

Jordan: I see them! I see my sisters! They look so well and happy.

Meg: Look! It's Jordan! 
Gillian: We're coming down!
Riley: we're so glad you made it!


Riley: I just need to edge around this teapot tea and cakes shop.

Gillian: welcome home!
Meg: oops

Meg: help help!

Riley: I'll help you, did you bump your head?

Meg: thank you, my head is fine. I bumped against the table in my hurry to hug Jordan.

We're all together at last!

Meg: Let's go inside where it's warmer, we can sit on Mum's bed and you can tell us about your journey.

Jordan: it took me so long! I thought I would never make it. At first I could only hear Riley very faintly, then all of a sudden I heard all of you! So you were easier to follow.

Gillian: that was Riley's idea, we lit a candle and all thought of you at once.

Riley: what's in the bag?

Jordan: nothing now. I had sandwiches to eat along the way but they're all gone now. 


  1. Oh, River—this is the BEST reunion!
    First Meg found her sister Gillian, then they found Riley—and then they all called Jordan home!!!🌈
    Success! 🌟
    So much love❤️❤️❤️!

    1. Fresca; I love having them all together and have discovered that Jordan is one very self-assured young lady. Gillian is the shyest one and Riley a bit of a daredevil. Meg is the calm one.

  2. What a fun visit, the girls are very athletic with all that climbing. Jordan is such a cutie.

    1. Terra; thank you. The girls are very happy to be reunited.

  3. Sorry, my comment posted 3x!

  4. Much fun is being had in Fantasy Land. Many adventures are instore.

    Have a great week ahead, River...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. I hope her nose isn't out of joint from the growing family. :)

    1. Lee; I think things will be quiet for a while, the girls have much talking to do. Lola doesn't seem to mind at all, she sleeps her days away just as she always has.

  5. How wonderful the girls are finally united. Families should be together and you and they have made it happen. Can't wait to see what adventures lay ahead for the fabulous four.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I hope they don't get TOO adventurous, they are very small. But I'll be watching wherever they go.

  6. What a sweet, sun story to follow.

    1. Joanne; thank you. I'd better be charging up the camera battery for next time.

  7. Oh, how wonderful and you have arranged them beautifully.

    1. Margaret D; posing them is tricky, they need to be balanced just right or propped against something.

  8. Can we be sure there aren't any surprises? It is a large family by modern standards. Maybe it is just as well there isn't a brother. God forbid having four sisters.

    1. Andrew; we can't be completely sure and surprises are always welcome. I once knew a family of seven sisters, Scottish they were and fiery tempered. Probably the noisiest family I ever spent time with and never went again.

  9. Ohhh, Riley can come over here, three kookaburras sit right above here! (OK, just a painting by Wendy Binks). We have (had?) one sadly single in our zoo. He/she never "laughs".
    A visit to the zoo!!! Hope for that here soon, also.
    Oh, hi Jordan!
    Oh, Meg, careful, watch your step, Sweetie!
    Jordan didn´t come with pressies? Well, guess she was the pressie herself!

    Cute, heartwarming story, have a nice rest-Sunday!

    1. Iris Flavia; I'm sad to hear your zoo kookaburra is all alone and not laughing. He must be very unhappy.
      Meg is always careful, but she does have good balancing skills. Jordan was indeed the best present.

    2. Yes, it´s a very sad fella. I think it should be forbitten to keep them as singles.
      But who knows, it was years ago we were there, maybe his partner had just passed and they got a new one to cheer him up.

  10. Good morning, so glad you dropped by my page and I am so happy I dropped by yours-this post was so adorable I loved it hugs from the lake Kathy

    1. kathyinozarks; welcome to drifting and thank you.

  11. Two days in the jungle! What an adventure. And what a good reason to come down. I hope Meg didn't skin her nose. Love the picture where she's fallen in the background, while Riley is greeting Jordan.

    1. Val; they loved being in the jungle, which is actually only one fake tree, but big enough. Meg didn't skin her nose, but Riley did on her way here. That's Riley helping her up while Gillian greets Jordan. I can tell the difference because they are wearing different boots.

  12. Four siblings are the best. Wonderful tale.

    1. Charlotte; four does seem to be a good number. Thank you.

  13. So clever!! Redheads are a feisty group. Great tale.

  14. Hello Jordan. Glad you heard your sister's thoughts. Maybe you heard mine too and those of the others who love following these stories.

    1. Granny Annie; I'm glad Jordan heard the thoughts and singing too, it's nice to have the sisters all together again.

  15. I love this whimsy, River. Not to mention the humour you insert occasionally :)
    This reminds me of when I was a pre-teen, playing with my dolls - making clothing and dressing them up, finding accessories from household items (I love the backpack you have on Jordan), and so on. Those are happy memories.

    1. jenny_o; thank you. I never played with dolls as a child, I had an imitation Barbie when I was eleven, but soon gave her away.

  16. They are all bundled up which looks upside down to the orphans up here in their summer gear. Helloooo down there!
    Adorable as always, I have a Jordan also, she is a doctor sometimes...

    1. Linda Sue; they certainly were bundled up, it's cold in the back porch with only shade cloth covering the sides. Is your Jordan also named for Jill Hennessey's "Crossing Jordan"?


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