Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by messymimi and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are:

1. biscuit 

2. reign 

3. selection 

4. vigorous 

5. treatment 

6. seal 


1. beef-witted 

2. fudgel 

3. groak 

4. titty-nope

Here is my very short story, with only the first six words:

The toddler in the child seat of the shopping trolley reigned supreme as her mother wheeled the cart around the aisles, choosing this and that, wondering what new thing she might try cooking for dinner. 

Other customers all over the store ooohed and aaahed over the golden-haired angel, with her sweet little smile and big brown eyes. Then the biscuit aisle loomed, and the mother warned others to please keep their distance. The child LOVED biscuits, the crinkly bags, the bright cartoonish colours and she wanted them. ALL of them. In an instant the angel became a devil as her little hands reached out to grab as much as she could. 

The mother wisely stayed in the centre of the aisle where the little arms couldn't reach the selection and the "Mama, bikkie" rose to operatic heights. The tears fell, the small feet kicked and they were barely two feet into the aisle! Just a half second before the ear-piercing scream began, the mother found the bag she was looking for. Crinkly, colourful and STRONG. She handed it to her daughter, who was immediately pacified. 

From that moment, the angel shook, chewed, cuddled, and smacked the bag against the handle of the trolley. After such vigorous treatment, the biscuits inside would be crushed, but the seal would hold and no trail of broken biscuits and crumbs would follow them through the rest of the store. Leaving the biscuit aisle, peace reigned again and the mother heaved a sigh of relief. 


  1. That is a wise (and experienced) mother, and a wonderful use of the prompts.

    1. Elephant's Child; and so much better than leaving the child screaming. thank you.

  2. Good use of the prompts, for one of my toddler it was brushes for doing the dishes - they were easier to keep away from ;)

    1. Charlotte; thank you. One of my four used to love the baby food cans, he would "talk" to the baby on the label.

  3. Smart mama! We've all seen (or had) that child, but not all are dealt with so well.

    1. messymimi; I've certainly heard a few during my days on the checkout. After a while I got to know which were "I want" tantrums and which were "I've had enough I'm tired" meltdowns.

  4. And a biscuit bag saved the day. Think I would keep one in my purse just in case.

    1. Arkansas Patti; but the bag has to have biscuits inside, the bashing and crushing of them is part of the fun I think.

  5. Just something to hold it happened to be the biscuits.

    1. Margaret D; the biscuits is the only thing she likes to hold.

  6. The second four words sure left me a little puzzled! "titty-nope"??? Do I even want to know, LOL!

    Oh, boy, yes, what to cook for dinner.
    LOL. My Niece once didn´t get a kid´s trolley (they had none), threw herself on the floor and screamed words of... well. I thought, "hey, I´m just the Auntie, not mine there!" LOL And there was no "pacifier". My Brother had some embarrassing time ;-) - yet somehow people looked at me, such ha cliché!!!

    Fun story! Well, if you´re but the Auntie!
    I am old. I got a "reason" when I screamed or cried... times have changed.

    1. Iris Flavia; I should have written the explanations for the second set of words, but I forgot to add them. I don't see many kids trolleys anymore.

  7. That's a good tactic to restore peace! Toddler Genius had a tantrum once in Walmart. ONCE. Because I picked him up out of the cart, left it there, and drove home. He didn't like that much. He decided getting one little treat, perhaps not his first choice, was better than leaving with NOTHING!


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