Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by messymimi and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. experiment 

2. worker 

3. final 

4. mosquito 

5. salesperson 

6. address 

and two phrases: 

1. there's no "I" in team 

2. in a pickle

Here is my story: 

"Good morning workers! We have a new salesperson joining us today. Let us all remind him of our motto."

Everyone chants, "there is no "I" in team"

Good, good. Now take a seat, umm, what was your name again? "

"Billy Bob Cayman, sir"

"Right. Any questions so far?"

"What does team mean, sir?"

"Oh, you're a really new newbie. All together now."

Everyone chants, " Together Everyone Achieves More"

Billy Bob, "Oh. But doesn't that only work when everyone puts in the same amount of effort and gets the same results?"

"Hush now, you'll get the hang of things quicker if you don't ask questions. No need to put yourself in a pickle over details."

Billy Bob, "Huh? I think maybe I chose the wrong job. Should have tried for Lawyer."

"Alright now, today we are trying another experiment. The final trial to see if you all have what it takes to reach the top. To use a new term I've learned, today we are going "off shore", not only off shore, but off planet. Today you are heading to a planet called Earth. You all have an address in your file, you are to go there and sell as much as you can of our product. Shouldn't be too hard. I've been told that Earthlings will buy just about anything."

Billy Bob, "what is it we are selling sir?"

"Mosquito repellant Billy Bob. Apparently Earth has more mosquitos than it does people, so no one should have any trouble selling, right? Now off you all go. The spaceship is on deck J and will be loading supplies and passengers from the moment you get there. I want to see bags full of Earth money when you all come home again."


  1. How funny, I didn't see aliens coming. Ha ha, wonder where they spend their Earth money? Ya suppose here?

    1. Arkansas Patti; all sales money goes back to the home planet where it gets converted to their own currency.

  2. Smiling - and glad not to be part of that team. Anywhere that discourages questions scares me...

    1. Elephant's Child; glad I could make you smile. There's a reason questions aren't allowed, the boss likes to hold all the strings.

  3. Heeheehee! Very clever indeed. Does the boss go down to Earth and spend money on stuff for himself?

    1. messymimi; thank you. I don't believe the boss comes to Earth, but he might be swindling his team and taking off to follow his dream somewhere else.

  4. I hope they take on a human shape, unless they're selling on Halloween!

    1. Val; they already have human shape, this is waaaaay into the future when humans have colonised other planets and basically forgotten where they came from.

  5. A planet called earth - with mozzies with more of those than people - sounds interesting :)

    1. Margaret D; interesting and very familiar? unless you don't have mosquitos where you live.

  6. I would be an easily tempted customer. We do have more mosquitoes than people here. What a fun twist to the story.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. I think too many people are easily tempted into spending money, me included.

  7. Oh. We - only in "emergency" - used your "Bushman" protection, taking care not using it where our glasses touch the skin as it says plastic will get destroyed. LOL.
    Your mossies are from another world, they all work together to sell us this stuff, now I know ;-)
    Not that ours a re nicer. And they always only test Ingo and turn to me then.

    Fun story! Love the T.E.A.M.!
    I´ll sure keep that in mind, clever.

    1. Iris Flavia; I rarely use the mozzie repellant these days, not many mozzies around here although plenty in the garden if I water at dusk.. TEAM is something I learned at another useless factory meeting where we were all urged to give 110% and I said we can't do that while we're sitting here, of course the boss wasn't too happy with me saying that, but we all laughed anyway.

    2. You sure made me laugh with this!!! Good one, those meetings are always un-productive!
      And oh how often do I tell Ingo to NOT give 100+ % cause no one thanks him anyways.

  8. Another great name...Billy Bob Cayman. Another great story with a surprise twist.

    1. Granny Annie; I have a list of names as long as my arm, if only I could find it. Thank you.


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