Who remembers...

 several decades ago, when there were whispers of germ warfare?

We all giggled nervously and reassured ourselves it couldn't happen, could it?

It would decimate the population for sure, nah, it probably won't ever happen, we hoped, we prayed, we convinced ourselves.

And life went on, the whispers forgotten.

Then Covid-19...............


  1. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; especially in over crowded countries like India.

  2. Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think this would happen, yet really it was so predictable.

    1. Andrew; so predictable? Yet vaccinations were not able to be prepared and ready-to-go.
      The mutations have me a bit worried too. India currently has four different mutations decimating the population.

  3. There certainly were whispers and little did we all know Covid-19 would encroach upon us.

    1. Margaret D; whispers that I never heard, living as I do in my own little bubble here.

  4. Replies
    1. Joanne; most of them we are already well used to. The newer ones are scary though.

  5. Scary thought. I think a country would wait until they had a vaccine before letting it loose...but, who knows?

    1. joeh; perhaps "that" country did have a vaccine handy. We just have to look around and see which country has never had the infections numbers the rest of us have?

  6. Enough movies on that, they keep showing on TV. Wonder what they´ll do with "Corinna".
    A lot of material for "more movies", I think. Horror movies. Of kids running nuts (I hear this in the background when my Brother calls), violence at homes was in the news already. My sweet W who hardly sees his wife in the nursing home.. he´s so sad.
    People loosing jobs... A guy was in the news, he drove into the inner city with very high speed, killing people, then himself (not Braunschweig).
    Stephen King sure would be able to make a very horrible story...

    1. Iris Flavia; I hope they don't make movies and write books about this, there are enough out there already, like the movie Contagion ( or maybe it was Contagious) based on the book written by Robin Cook I think.

    2. I´m not sure. I read a book about the lies. No idea if anyone else will read it, but it should not be forgotten how some (here in Germany at least) plain make money of it.
      Sometimes I just think I´m in a dream. Or coma. This cannot really happen, can it?! Oh, it does. We´re still in lockdown. So many shops closed for good...

  7. My husband said that WWIII would be germ warfare. Well....

  8. Germs will always be with us, and we will never know for sure which were simply mutations and which might be engineered. Either way, there's a pandemic every so often as well, one can play into the other.


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