Sunday Selections 533


Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one, messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

NEVER use a large meat cleaver to trim your nails! Just kidding, I was trimming the fat off a chunk of bolar roast and my finger got in the way. I felt the slice, but it didn't hurt and didn't bleed, so I got lucky there. 

here is the meat simmering away, I took off the tight fitting lid so you can see the yumminess, the liquid was covering the meat a couple of hours ago.

these big meat forks will be used to turn the meat over when the cooking is about half done

and here it is turned, you can see the liquid is much reduced. I won't top it up as I always have too much left over and have limited freezer space to store it.

here's the meat, all cooked and ready to shred. It's bigger than it looks. The smaller chunks covered in sauce are my dinner, I had them with mashed potatoes and other vegetables.

all shredded, I guess you northern hemisphere folks call this "pulled" meat

bagged in individual sandwich sized portions

and boxed ready to be frozen. 

Meanwhile, the girls had been very quiet, so I went to investigate:

What are you all doing and who lit the candle?

Riley: "I lit the candle. We are "thinking" Jordan home. I searched a long time without finding her, but now we are three, our thinking is a lot stronger, so we are calling her. "

Gillian: "we have her crown ready for her"

All that strong thinking tired them out, so they put themselves to bed for a nap.

A few days later: "where are you all going?"

Riley: "We need to get up high, so we are getting into the Pirate ship,"

Gillian: "and sailing across the seas to the jungle where the trees are very tall. I'm doing the steering again because I am the best at it."

Meg: "I'm watching out for Pirates and Krakens"

Riley: "I'm searching for the jungle"

"and there it is! straight ahead please Gillian. I see a big tree with birds and monkeys. It must be the jungle!"

(to be continued next week)

Iris Flavia wanted to see my frangipani umbrella

and here is a close up of the flowers and butterflies.


  1. I am glad that it was your nail that took the brunt of that slice.
    Jordan? Are the girls hoping for a new friend?
    LOVE that umbrella.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm glad it was the nail too. Jordan is the fourth sister and we hope she will be finally home soon.
      The umbrella really brightens up a dull day.

  2. How lucky you were you didn't cut the top off your finger! Close shave that was! I buy hunks of beef similar to that shown for my two furry mates. Instead of chopping it with a knife or cleaver, I use scissors to cut the hunks into suitable size pieces for them.

    And the girls are still having fun...I hope you do, too, in the coming week...have a good one, River...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; this was a 2kg chunk of meat and I did cut some small pieces for Lola, but she turned away from it. She's so picky.

  3. That was some leading picture! When/where I grew up, we called it shredded. In the south it's called pulled, and that word has taken over.

    1. Joanne; thank you, I thought "pulled" began in New York, don't know why I thought that.

  4. That meat looks soooo tender. So glad your finger wasn't part of the meal.
    Love all the things the girls have to play with. Looks like they are conjuring up another girl to join in the fun. You are going to have a house full.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the meat is tender and delicious. I asked the girls just how many sisters there are and they said only the four. Which is a bit of a relief.

  5. Must be Girl Saturday! I love the adventure on a real pirate ship! Wow and "Kraken!, yikes! Hope no one got sea sick and all are well. LOVE the girls!! They have acquired some lovely coats!!

    1. Linda Sue; Sunday here and none of the girls get seasick. They didn't disturb any Krakens either, thank goodness. Their coats are tracksuit tops from Ken dolls.

  6. How smart to cook large portions and freeze most of it for later. Much better than having to cook every day.

    Love the girls' adventures!

    1. messymimi; I've been cooking for the freezer for many years now, it takes longer on the day, but saves so much time during the next couple of weeks.
      The girls are having plenty of fun before it gets too cold to be where the toys are.

  7. Pulled pork is great as sandwich meet.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; this is beef, I really Dislike Pork.

  8. ALSO- OUCH!! Your poor finger. Sorry about it! OW

    1. Linda Sue; it didn't hurt at all, only the nail was affected, but thank you.

  9. Well you were ever so lucky with your nail, I bet it's sore today.
    Do admire the 3 doing their thing - your imagination always intrigues me.
    What a delightful umbrella.

    1. Margaret D; it isn't at all sore, I didn't lose any skin, just a section of the nail.
      I love seeing the girls have adventures. The umbrella was a gift many years ago, I was out with my daughter and it began to rain, so we ducked into a shop and she bought me that.

  10. YIKES! Disaster narrowly averted. The meat looks delicious, and yes, we call it "pulled." For a minute, I thought those girls were doing the see-no-evil, hear-no-evil gestures, and that Riley was going to lasso the candle!

    1. Val; the girls hear, see and do just about everything. Right now they are out amongst the Fairy villages.

  11. OUTCH!!!! This looks OUTCH! Oh, don´t you hate when this happens.
    I cut two fingers this weekend. Nothing serious, we are lucky, are we.
    I´ve never seen such forks!
    Hmmm, the meat looks very yummy! Yupp, we call it pulled meat :-)

    Ohhh, the red coat! And you have a pirate-ship, too. You call them Krakens? We, also.

    Ohhh and such a beautiful brolly! Thank you for sharing (sorry I´m a tad late!)

    1. Iris Flavia; No ouch! it didn't hurt, because only the nail got cut. I found the forks in a kitchenware shop when I was looking for something else, they were sold as a pair, but when I bought some later for my kids they were sold as singles at twice the price!
      The Pirate ship I found in a thrift shop, or charity shop, whatever they are called in your country. I love the brolly :)

    2. It still looks outch. I always rip off a piece of... no details.
      Hm. How do we call those shops. "Second hand", mostly. Some are ... will have to look, I think you must have an "allowance" to buy in those I have to look up (haha, closed anyways). I always wanted to buy a Henry-brolly, but prefer my blue one, you can look through. It broke. Too much rain ;-)

    3. Iris; here they are sometimes called secondhand shops and also called op shops and anyone can shop in them. I'm not sure what "op" means, maybe opportunity.

    4. opportunity makes sense. I always wondered, too. Though all I´ve seen in Australia were second hand book shops, but then I haven´t looked for anything else - we lived in the car, right ;-)

  12. I didn't look at the first picture being a squeamish.




    1. Plasman; but there wasn't even any blood dripping off it, ha ha

  13. Those girls have so much fun. What adventures will they have next? Hope they did not see the cut on your finger, it would frighten them. Those sandwich portions look huge!

    1. Granny Annie; nothing frightens these little girls, everything is an adventure to them. I like a decent amount of filling in my sandwiches, but I think these just look huge because of the camera angle.

  14. As always a pleasure River, love the stories of the adventurous girls and that roast looks wonderful.


    1. WWW; that roast is delicious, I had two hot meals, and the rest is sandwich meat.

  15. The girls are "thinking Jordan home", eh? Watch out, they are very powerful together!
    I look forward to seeing what happens next...

    1. Fresca; they are powerful. They followed the thinking with singing as you will see next Sunday.


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