Sunday Selections # 535

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

here is Lola, so deeply asleep nothing woke her for several hours

the house next door to the flats has industrial temporary fencing across the yard

it's been empty and neglected for quite some time and I'm wondering if it will be demolished and something else built in its place or if it will be renovated and perhaps sold. 

the next day I noticed the torn awning had been pulled off, some of the front fencing was gone, shrubs had been cut down to the ground,

and several window airconditioning units had been removed.

back in my yard, my plum trees still have quite a lot of leaves in their middle sections

while the upper branches are quite bare and letting sunlight to the pots below. I hope later, colder weather doesn't kill off the pepperomias

the ground under them is a carpet of red

almost all of the jade flowers have opened, but with the weather cooling down I expect them to not last as long as the spring/summer display

I went inside and couldn't see the sisters anywhere, but heard chatting and laughter from the enclosed back porch, so I left them to it

and made pizza dough

which rose nicely by the sunny front window as I assembled the ingredients for topping

passata with minced garlic added to spread over the base

finely chopped black olives, finely chopped prosciutto, just a little, and pineapple pieces sliced even thinner. I won't buy that brand again, the fruit is too pale and almost tasteless, certainly I couldn't smell pineapple when I opened the can.

thinly sliced mushroom and capsicum (bell pepper)

torn fresh basil

and cherry bocconcini, which I tore into smaller pieces and dotted them over the whole thing. I should have used more, or maybe slices of a bigger mozzarella ball. There just wasn't enough cheese when it came out of the oven.

one ball of dough, rolled out, was too big for the pizza tray, rolled a bit thinner it would have made two, so the remaining ball was divided in two before I froze it.

here it is ready for the oven. Home made pizza with thin crust should cook quickly so I had the oven set to the highest temperature and this was ready to eat in fifteen minutes. 


  1. Oh, your pizza looks yummy. I hope for you that the house next door will get some nice inhabitants.

    1. Charlotte; it was yummy, just needed more cheese. I'll worry about neighbours when I see what sort of dwelling gets built there.

  2. Your pizza looks and sounds good. It is too long since I have made (or even eaten one).
    Lola looks totally blissed out.
    Echoing MotherOwl. I do hope that you get some nice neighbours - and that the work is over quickly.

    1. Elephant's Child; try a pizza soon, making your own is more satisfying than ordering one. Works around here never get done quickly, it will be a long time until anything is ready to live in there.

  3. Homemade pizza! That sounds so good.

    The abandoned house upsets me! It is a classic 60s house, and has so many possibilities. Let me know what happens to it?

    1. Susan Kane; it was very good. I believe the house belonged to a government department and has fallen into disrepair. Possibly there is asbestos which will need very careful removal. So many older homes here have that stuff. It's a wait and see project now.

  4. You had me when you mentioned pineapple for the pizza. Lots of people think that is not real pizza but for me it is the only pizza.
    Hope your new neighbors will be an improvement.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I always put pineapple on pizza. New neighbours will be a long time coming, I suspect the house will be demolished and something else built. in these covid times that will take a very long time. Just down the street a block of three new townhouses was begun just as covid began here, almost two years later they are still not finished. All work stopped completely when we were locked down.

  5. My two furry mates are snuggled up in bed awaiting my return with the paper. I'll be re-joining them shortly to do a spot of reading as well as tackling the crosswords.

    Have a relaxed, good week ahead, River...take care...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...after she wakes, of course! :)

    1. Lee; Lola rarely sleeps on the bed if I am not in it, she prefers my TV chair which is in the warmer room. I'm also a fan of the newspaper crosswords. Never the cryptic though, too hard for me.

  6. The girls too busy to come to the pizza party? Maybe next time. It certainly looks wonderful.

    1. Joanne; they were inside in time to eat, for sure. But the camera battery was on the charger by then.

  7. That looks delightful, and while the little ones may have been busy while you cooked, i am sure they were hungry enough to help you eat!

    1. messymimi; they were very hungry, I almost had to eat in the kitchen to keep their hands off my plate, ha ha.

  8. Tasty looking pizza you have made there.
    Interesting know about that house as to it's future.
    Lola - well isn't she just a picture of total happiness and contentment in that photo and her coat is so shiny too.

    1. Margaret D; I love her coat, it's so soft although she does shed a lot, so the lint brush is kept busy. I'm curious about the house too and will be watching, since it is so close to home. The pizza was yummy.

  9. I sure had to giggle seeing Lola like that! Awww, sweet girl!
    Oh, I remember those window airconditioning from Perth cabins and Cuba!
    And ohhh, those leaves. A carpet of beauty. (Oh, sure, you took my word, LOL - it´s like a beautiful carpet with the pink cherry-tree leaves here).

    Pizza! Can I come over? Can you invent beaming?
    Pic from out of the oven?
    No, don´t.
    I would SO want!

    Happy Sunday to you!

    1. Iris Flavia; no pic from out of the oven, I had to charge the camera battery. And it was a little over cooked.
      I wish I could invent beaming, or a stargate, or a ring transporter.

    2. LOL, we´re all into Pizza, huh? Thank you - I corrected my post! You are right, I sometimes just think you all know what I´m talking about, sorry...
      I hope the battery was not.. over cooked.
      Please, take your time, but invent this stuff! Maybe you need calculus, hence I cannot do this. But I´d like to step out on my balcony, say "River" and visit you. I´d bring a Guido´s Pizza, it´s made from guys of Sicily. YUM.

  10. Your pizza looks delicious! And Lola looks even more like Cassie in her sleeping position. It is interesting seeing some of the plants in your part of the world too.

    1. Sarah; thank you, she does love to sleep in my chair. The pizza was delicious, a little over cooked but still very edible, just a bit too crispy around the edges.

  11. Hi River,

    The pizza looks lovely. Mrs PM has recently tried that too and she is pretty good at it.




    1. Plasman; thank you. Pizza making is easier than I thought, even making the dough is easy.

  12. Lola's little paws---the one is curled so sweetly---and her little pink paw pads... So dear!

    I glanced at all the photos first before reading and didn't see the sisters---was happy to read that they were laughing out on the porch.
    . . . And then I smiled to read in the comments that they made sure to come in for pizza.

    And what a pizza! A work of beauty!
    I may have to have that for dinner (though I'd buy it, too lazy to make it).

    There's almost never enough cheese on pizza for me.

    I love seeing bits of the outside around you, now it's cooler enough to venture out.

    1. Fresca; Lola usually wakes up when I get the camera and moves just as I push the button, but this time she was too sound asleep. the pizza was yummy, but needed more cheese, I'll be sure to add extra next time. it's cooler here alright, almost too cold. Our mornings have been cold enough for me to stay in bed until 8am. You'd probably laugh at that, comparing it to your snow and ice winters.

  13. Actual that not bad looking home. I think the last time we had home made Pizza is when both boys was home, and now they're in there early 30.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora: we used to have home made pizza about once a week, but always bought the ready-made bases and just put our own toppings. I like the home-made base better.
      The home is getting torn down today, Monday 31st, I can hear the noises, the banging and crashing, but it's too cold to go out and watch.

  14. Mmm. I'd like all those ingredients on my pizza! That temporary fence was very straight. I like the angle of the photo. And those red leaves on the ground make a nice outdoor carpet.

    1. Val; I'd send you a slice but it's long gone now. The red leaves are pretty but they stick to my shoes and have to be brushed off before I come inside.

  15. Homemade pizza is the best and since it's homemade you can put all the toppings you want on it! :) Speaking as an Italian woman... There are no rules for pizza making. To each their own. Happy June!


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