oink oink oink

 This, from a long ago newspaper:

This, from today's newspaper: Tuesday 9th November 2021

so once again, this, (also from a long ago newspaper,) seems appropriate:

For those who can't see, the top left corner reads PARLIAMENTARY CANTEEN and the "lettuce" is money.


  1. I relate completely.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. Dora; it really annoys me that they get automatic pay rises each year while the rest of us have to fight for them through our unions or any other way we can, and we often get rejected.

  2. Sigh. And the same people with their noses in the parliamentary trough feel it is appropriate to deny those with less any increases...

    1. Elephant's Child; exactly. The money that pays them comes from our taxes, yet they see it as their right to claim even more with each pay rise they get. Then they plan improvements for communities, like new roads etc and we get extra levies (taxes) to help pay for these things that we so desperately need. And WHY do promises of improvements ALWAYS hinge on "IF I get elected..."

  3. As we have discovered they are not content with their own wages and allowances, they spend our money on being re-elected by having electoral office staff doing political work.

  4. It´s the same all over and there is no shame in them.
    How they can even look into the mirror or sleep.

    But it´s not only politicians.
    My "friend" P... she was a trainee and I asked my colleague if he can take her to work with me. Trainee = no money, right.
    Volkswagen hired her and suddenly she became someone "better" and I was not worth enough any more. Ingo knows someone like that, too. The richer people get the richer they want to become...
    Glad I don´t have much...

    1. Iris Flavia; I know a few people who are not exactly rich, but they do have a lot of money, they manage it well and have no interest in becoming richer.
      But politicians take all they can get and don't even wonder where it is coming from. No shame. Here in Australia trainees get paid a lesser amount and when they qualify and get full work, they get full pay. shame you lost your job to a 'friend'.
      But you have a new job now :)

    2. I had my job, as external back then, but she thought she is someone better now and dropped the friendship.
      Her loss, right.
      I also know many Volkswagen-guys who stayed decent and friendly, don´t get me wrong. But honestly I "know" no politician that ... well, you know. Did not grab what is possibly somehow available. Lying included, of course.

  5. Sad to think we haven't made any progress. Maybe the young ones coming up will make a difference. We can hope and vote when we can.

    1. Arkansas Patti; when it comes to politics there isn't much hope of change where money is concerned.

  6. Replies
    1. Linda Sue; yes, from the first time someone traded something to someone else for something in return.

  7. It's true everywhere, and it's a sad commentary on those who do get elected.

    1. messymimi; it's a sorry situation, the young ones go in with such ideals, but end up corrupted by the bickering parties behind them, or the parties they choose to work for.

  8. Same everywhere, I fought this for years naming names, etc. One can't win against the tide of narcissism in our political systems. Every single focus is on re-election and lining their already enormous pockets.



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