Sunday Selections #560

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

the footpath roses are blooming again

aren't those ruffles just gorgeous?

honeysuckle is also blooming on the footpath on the way to the shop

the girls held themselves a little disco to the music I was playing

and then practised their gymnastics

all the elephants and birds were lifted down from the shelf and had the greasy steam cooking residue washed off

this little one lost a few beads, if they had come off in one piece I would have glued them back on, but individually it wasn't easy to know what went where and several were lost down the sink drain anyway

I like the delicate green centres on newly opened white geraniums

my monsteras are finally developing the split leaves they are famous for

nice aren't they?

late at night the girls were discussing the latest Harry Potter movie and have decided that since they all have red hair, they must be related to Ron and Ginny Weasley.

next morning, bright and too early: any more strawberries Mum? this bowl is empty already.

the wind has not been kind to the shrubs, with many oleander buds being blown off before they could open

"my" crows have been leaving me gifts of feathers, I have two now. Perhaps I can make quill pens for the girls.


  1. A delightful selection - again.
    The girls look like they are having a heap of fun.
    I have one of those beaded elephants too - and it is also losing its beads.

    1. Elephant's Child; the girls always have fun, they find the happy in everything. I could wish the beads were better attached, but it's too late now. I think they are all glued to patches of thin cloth and that is what came away in the washing of them.

  2. Loved the footpath roses. Must smell wonderful as I hope that honeysuckle does also. So sorry your elephant appears to be molting. The girls always have so much fun. They are a delight.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the footpath roses are not scented, but the honeysuckle is and I love it. The elephant will survive without its beads. My girls are always happy. They are wondering what their Saturday night movies will be now the Harry Potter series is finished.

  3. Love those girls, happiest people on the planet. And I love honeysuckle I grew it on the back fence in Toronto but the zone here isn't amenable. The smell is enchanting.


    1. WWW; I don't think anything could make the girls sad. I had a giant honeysuckle in my previous home, the flowers were 4-5 inches long and the smell was heavenly. I have one growing up my windmill frame too, but it hasn't flowered yet this year. Last year it only had two tiny flowers, so I think it is a miniature, the leaves are also very small.

  4. Those white roses are magnificent...such a stunning display.

    A happy post, most welcome.

    I hope the coming week treats you well, River. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I love those roses each summer, but they usually get sunburned badly by mid January. Lola spent all day yesterday being close to me and wanting to be cuddled, I didn't get a thing done apart from reading.

  5. The roses are glorious and I'm sure the oleander will survive and thrive. Have you ever tried to write with a feather quill? I did when I was young and it was not easy. Maybe you need special feathers.

    1. Andrew; I did have an imitation quill pen, the feather was real, but was attached to a nib such as was used in school many years ago, when we had the sort of pens that needed constant dipping into an inkwell. I don't think the type of feather matters as long as the shaft is strong enough to be shaped. The oleander will definitely survive but I am pleased there may be fewer seed pods to burst open and cause me grief next season.

  6. Those roses are wonderful; the bushes are so loaded with blossoms. It's nice to see everything green and growing there while we are losing all our greenery for another year. Those girls keep busy. If you lived close to me I would fix your elephant; I have all kinds of those beads and things in my craft supply. The patch might not match the other side but I'd take a good crack at it!

    1. jenny_o; a lovely offer, thank you, but the elephant will just have to stay as he is. My own fault. check back tomorrow for an update on the roses.

  7. The girls keep so busy, it's lovely what fun they have.

    All the flowers are pretty, although i am sad with you about the oleander buds not having a chance.

    Monsteras is an interesting name, i like the way the leaves split that way.

    Everything needs cleaning once in so often, i am sorry, though, that your elephant lost some of the beads.

    1. messymimi; the girls are wonderful little happy-makers. I don't mind half the oleanders being gone, their seed pods cause me a lot of hayfever grief. Monsteras are known by other names, I think "fruit salad" plant is one, but can't be sure on that.

  8. I really like White Roses.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I like the white ones too and the really deep red ones that look like red velvet.

  9. Lovely looking roses R. The girls have been busy then.

    1. Margaret D; the roses have met an untimely end :(
      The girls are often busy when I'm not looking.

  10. Heh, heh! I thought the "gymnastics" picture was the girls falling down with exhaustion from disco-ing so hard! My favorite pictures are the clean birds and elephants (so colorful), and the girls in their discussion group (they seem so animated in that still picture).

    1. Val; I'm glad the girls look animated there, I moved their arms about hoping to indicate discussion. the clean birds and elephants will only last until I start cooking again. For now I have been eating pre-cooked meals from the freezer, but there is only one container of spaghetti sauce left and a pack of uncooked sausages.

  11. Wonderful flowers, especially white roses.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; thank you, sadly the roses have been pruned now.


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