Sunday Selections # 561

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

a few more of the houses under construction next door now have windows

the blue tinge is because I took the photos through the fencing which is covered in blue "shadecloth" which is not easily seen through, probably to discourage potential thieves from knicking any materials laying around.

here on the left, you can see the blue fence covering, I managed to sneak a shot through this opening while the site watchman wasn't looking. Full speed ahead on the site now.

this very pretty tiled cross is on a building at the back of the Salvation Army building next door to the new build site

looking straight up into the canopy of the only pine tree left, luckily there weren't any cockatoos in there to drop anything on my face

the concrete slab foundation style is common here in Australia, the blue steel framing wasn't, but is now gaining popularity as it can't be eaten away by termites, which we have plenty of.

this stand of Coreopsis was so small not so long ago, recently someone pulled up a root section and left it lying on the footpath, perhaps to collect later. I rescued it first and will plant it in a pot on my front porch, I hope it survives and grows.

the flowers are so cheerful

this dried hollyhock seed pod is attached to a broken stem, maybe broken by  the same person who pulled up the coreopsis section? 

another stem has green seed pods all the way up

this is a passionfruit flower with petals drooping and almost ready to fall off

this is the view from the top, interesting flower, don't you think? and so colourful

here is a baby passionfruit growing

and this is Lola. Where? you ask. That black triangle wedged between the slipping pillow and the chest of drawers. That's her, sound asleep.


  1. Oh, maybe a person sneaking plant dye materials? Coreopsis and hollyhocks both dye very pretty colours oon wool. I hope thy'll thrive at your place.

    1. Charlotte; I don't think anyone around here does things like plant dying, the neighbourhood is mostly older retired people and working people.

  2. Lola looks very comfortable. I am fascinated by passion fruit flowers and always love to see them. I do hope the coreopsis grow.
    I haven't seen any of those blue steel frames here - I will have to keep an eye out for them.

    1. Elephant's Child; I also hope the coreopsis grows and thrives. There is a very small window for purchase of coreopsis seedlings in September and early October, I always get there too late.
      Are termites a big problem in Canberra? If yes, then you may see blue steel frames on new house builds.

  3. The steel frames besides being termite proof are also saving trees. Not a bad thing.
    That passion fruit flower is so pretty and delicate.

    1. Arkansas Patti; saving trees is always a good thing. Sadly too many new housing developments don't leave room for trees, or even large shrubs. I like the passionfruit flowers, but don't like the actual fruit.

  4. I wonder if we have blue steel house frames here. I have seen steel framing.
    The Coreopsis are nice but the busy looks like it could become quite leggy if not pruned.
    I'd forgotten how interesting passionfruit flowers are. Beautiful.

    1. Andrew; there are more coreopsis in the kerbside flowerbed and they do get leggy and sprawly. They come back in the same spot every summer, which means they are perennials, which is great. I think the passionfruit flowers are interesting to look at.

  5. Yellow is such a bright, happy colour. I love it.

    Shama has her special is semi-wedged comfortably at the top end of "our" bed pushed up against the bedside table to ensure it is solidly, comfortably place... Curled up there she is level with my head. On the other side, she has her other special pillow. That is usually where she spends her time sleeping during the day. Remy doesn't interfere with her spots...he has his on the rest of the mattress. And at night usually he curls up snuggled into the bend of my knees/legs. I sleep on my left side. It is very kind of them to allow me to share their bed.

    Have a great week, River...take care...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I like yellow too, but mostly on flowers. Some shades don't look right when they are paint for instance, or used in the wrong setting perhaps.
      Lola doesn't have her own special pillows, she prefers anything that is mine. I also sleep on my left side and Lola sleeps curled up against my ribs and chest with her head on my arm. Her other favourite places are out on the big scratching post tower and under the tv cabinet.

  6. I love Lola's positioning. And your flowers are beautiful and I hope you succeed in growing that unpronouncable one. Those house structures wouldn't survive here because of wind.


    1. WWW; I suspect Lola was on top of the pillow and so sound asleep she didn't feel it slipping; there isn't enough room for it to fall all the way, so she just stayed asleep until dinnertime.
      The houses will be very strong, the blue steel is anchored to a solid concrete base and the walls are beginning to be bricked in now. Then all the internal walls will go in and the fittings, stoves, bathtubs etc.

  7. Cats can get comfortable in the most odd places.

    Building with steel sounds smart, we have plenty of termites here. This year, we had the special bait stations put in as part of our contract with the extermination company (you have to be under contract to prevent termites for the mortgage company).

    The flowers are lovely, i hope they do grow for you.

    1. messymimi; I've seen cats fast asleep hanging half off chairs and they seem perfectly comfortable.
      Termites are a big problem, many older houses have them and eventually need to be demolished because of the damage. Newer houses have a termite-proof barrier between the soil and the foundations which often stretches wider than the foundation and the rest of the soil on the block is also treated before any construction begins. It is part of most building contracts now.

  8. Not much building going on now here.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; with winter coming on there I would expect most building companies to be shut down. It's hard to build when everything is covered in snow.

  9. I love your pine tree photo! And the passionfruit flower. Cats can sleep in odd places and positions because it's like they forget they have bones.

    1. Val; I love the pine tree too, and was c]glad there weren't any cockies in there to drop cones on me. I'm pretty sure cats bones dissolve while they sleep and reform when they wake up.

  10. Great selection of photos. I like the flowers.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; I hope to have some of those yellow ones growing in a pot next summer, maybe even this summer.

  11. The building is coming along nicely and I rather think the blue frame is a great idea.
    The flowers are pretty and passionfruit, well the price for one is atrocious, asking $2.49 each mind you.

    1. Margaret D; $2.49 each? Zip across to Adelaide and you can have them for free from this vine.
      Blue steel frames are better than having your house collapse because termites have eaten the supports.

  12. Wow, the passionfruit flower looks wonderful!
    And Lola of course.
    Eeek, termites, they must be a pest - a disappointed one in this case ;-)

    1. Iris Flavia; the passionfruit flowers are lovely, but I don't like the fruit. All those black seeds to get stuck in the teeth.

    2. If I ever tried them then they were sour, too....

  13. The yellow/gold flowers are stunning!


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