
 Many of you may know that my cat, Lola, likes to live under my bed. It's her safe place, dark and quiet when she has her migraines and her hideaway when I'm trying to get her in her carrier to go to the vet. She knows I can't get her out from under, she gets right into the middle where my arms can't reach and if I swipe a broom to get her out, she zips out so fast and hides in other places and I just can't find her. 

I decided recently my only chance is to scoop her up while she is sleeping in my bed, so I prepared the carrier and read a book in bed until I heard the purring stop. whenever I am in bed, either sleeping or reading, she is in there with me. So once she was quiet, I scooped her up and into the carrier. She wasn't happy about it, but I told her it would only be a few hours and she could see Dr X, get her shot and be home again. Well, that didn't happen as planned. I phoned as soon as they opened only to discover Lola couldn't be seen until 4.40pm. She would have to spend the whole day in the carrier! There was no way I would even find her to get her back in if I let her out. 

At 4.35, (January 18th) I carried her around to the vet, he's just around the block from me, she got weighed, had her shot and zipped back into the carrier on her own, in a hurry to get home again. When I opened the carrier at home, she zipped back under the bed before I could blink. And stayed there. Until today. I would put out food and fresh water and Lola would sneak out to eat and drink while I was sleeping. For several days she didn't even get into the bed to sleep with me. It was nice to have the whole bed to myself for a change. 

Today, February 7th, I looked under the bed as I do every morning, saying "are ya dead?" and she wasn't there! I found her in the lounge room, under the desk, which sits next to the table I work on. She wandered around for a bit, ate a lot, then came to me when I called her over, which is unusual, AND she let me pick her up and hold her for more than two seconds! VERY unusual. I put her on the back of my TV chair and got the camera. So here she is:

she has four white paws and the very tip of her tail is also white

no smile for the camera?

just above her paws you can see the edge of raw skin, she has allergies and scratches at herself for most of the spring and summer.

here you see just how much she has scratched. I should take her back to the vet for the cortisone shot, but it isn't infected and she stops scratching when I tell her to, so I'm going to wait and see if it begins to heal. Another trip to the vet this soon would traumatise her again.

One last photo, you can just make out the white tip on her tail, and her lovely white bib. Her belly is also white.


  1. Awww, she is a beauty. so sad she has issues but such a good Mum. She is a lucky cat.

    1. Linda Sue; neither of us felt lucky in the beginning. I got her when she was 8 and it took a couple of years for us to get used to each other. It didn't help that we seemed to be always at the vet.

  2. Poor Lola. I am glad she has (finally) forgiven you. And hope that she will feel much better as summer draws to a close.

    1. Elephant's Child; I think she has forgiven me finally. She left the back of the chair to go and sit by the front door where she can see outside. Normally she would go back under the bed.

  3. What a beauty! Hope you can get that raw skin healed before it becomes an abscess.

    I love cats. She reminds me of a cat I had years ago named Samantha Josephine. She was so beautiful she deserved a middle name.

    1. Debby; the raw skin is where she scratches at the sides of her neck and it looks to be healing. Lola has allergies and migraines for most of the spring and summer. That was a learning curve for me, I've never had a pet with allergies before.

  4. It is much easier to trick a dog. A dog also won't hold a grudge as long as a I have been told. She is a handsome cat.

    1. joeh; dogs are very forgiving. My previous cat (Angel) would take medication without too much trouble, but not Lola. She'd rather starve than eat anything that's been 'doctored'.

  5. The second and last photos are good. She appears to have thought 'I haven't forgot what you did River, but it suits my purposes to get back to normal now'.

    1. Andrew; she will never forget, but I think her headache is gone for now. Otherwise the light is too much for her and she would be under the bed where it is dark. I never knew cats could get migraines.

  6. If the vet is that close you should talk into stopping by. Then tell Lola if she doesn't quit licking you're going to have him come back with first aid spray. That should get her attention.

    1. Mike; he doesn't do house calls and I suspect even he couldn't get her out from under the bed without a fight. She isn't licking, she is scratching, but seems to be healing now. We're almost at the end of allergy season now too, so that should help.

  7. Wow, she's beautiful, River. Her eyes are amazing. I wish I wasn't allergic to cats. I really do love them.

    1. MMM; thank you. My grand daughter is also allergic.

  8. Poor Lola! I hope her allergies stop tormenting her soon. She's such a beautiful cat!

    1. Debra She Who Seeks; the allergies are seasonal and will be with her forever, every spring and summer.

  9. I had no idea cats had migraines. How awful for her. So glad she has you who won't give up getting her help.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I had no idea either and apparently dogs can get them too.

  10. She is a beautiful character!
    A tad stubborn, maybe? Or is it the darn migraine? (suffered that, too, acupuncture helped!).

    1. Iris Flavia; she is beautiful and a bit stubborn, but more amenable as she gets older, she is almost 13 now, which is 68 in cat years.

  11. Awww, she's beautiful. May her sore heal with no more treatment needed.

    1. messymimi; it will heal as long as she doesn't scratch, we've been through this every year and I take her to the vet if it gets infected or too large.

  12. She is a beautiful cat. The allergies are a shame. I can relate.

    1. Joanne; thank you. I wish all pets didn't have allergies, it's bad enough when mine kick in, at the same time as Lola's usually.

  13. She is pretty kitty.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  14. Lola is such a pretty girl. She is lucky to have you, since you understand her needs, and deal with her accordingly.

    1. Val; thank you. Her allergies are similar to mine with the hayfever and the migraines. I sometimes have itchy skin too, but I don't scratch as much as Lola does. That's her biggest problem.

  15. Poor Lola! But at least she got her vet visit. You take good care of her. All cats hate the carrier!

    1. Steve Reed; she is improving now, not scratching as much. I know some cats who get used to the carrier and go in and out with no trouble at all. it must be something they learn from kitten age. Lola was 8 when I adopted her.

  16. Lola is gorgeous. 'Course, I happen to think the same of all cats.

    1. Catalyst; thank you, she is beautiful and so soft.


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