Sunday Selections # 571

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in on them and have a look.

I finally started sewing something for the girls, first trial run to see how the pattern fits.

here it is turned right side out, which is when I discovered I had made a boo-boo and had to do some unpicking, I think I may be a little over ambitious here.

almost done, just needs a couple of studs at the back for closing

Jordan volunteered to be my model and agreed it is too tight around the neck, "that Skipper girl must be really thin" she said. It is also a little tight around the hem, but on a Skipper doll, that would be the waist. I need to make some adjustments to the patterns.

The girls went back to practising for their next concert, here Gillian is rehearsing her welcome speech while Riley and Jordan check the piano is in tune.

The new puppy, Mr Pink seems quite excited

Meg has borrowed Harvey Banana's Tom-Tom, "we're almost a real band now that we have a drum," she said. Gillian is the singer.

Under those monkeys is my bedroom stool, really only there because I have nowhere else to put it.

you can see here where I started sanding it back for repainting, probably five years ago now.

this is the whole stool, I just need to finish sanding it, then decide what colour to paint it.

this is my arm, there are a couple of bandaids on the other side too. I rolled over onto Lola one night in my sleep (weeks ago now) and  she struck back hard.

hard enough to leave bruises where the paws hit, I'm glad she is only a tiny eight pound girl, not a bigger cat.

While Meg and Gillian were out picking flowers for me,

Jordan found a "Magic" bottle and now they are all waiting for The Genie to appear 😀


  1. Lola is a tiny girl. Jazz comes in at 8 kilos. Ouch on the bruises and the blood, both of which are very familiar.
    Mr Pink made me smile. My first childhood toy (which I still have) was Pink Puppy, though he lost his pink colour when the nurses put him in the steralyser when I was sick on him in hospital.
    Nice to see the girls again - and that they continue to have fun.

    1. Elephant's Child; 8 kilos! angel was a big boy too, but only weighed a smidge over 5kg. We was mostly thick fur. Mr Pink was found in a bag of toys at our "dump site" where people put stuff they no longer want, instead of out on the footpath where they used to put it.

    2. When I was three years old I had a little brown doll. I had it when I was in the hospital with measles. When I left, the nurses sterilized my little brown doll to a pink doll. I refused to take it home.

    3. Joanne; that's a shame, I didn't know sterilising could change the colour, so you lost your companion.

  2. Interesting how you make garments for the girls. Bet they are always happy about something new.
    My goodness your arm looks awful. Lola sure has a bit of an attitude when you wake her up like that. Think I might make her wear gloves to bed:) Like that would work.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I haven't made much for the girls, a couple of knitted skirts and made a few adjustments to Barbie Doll clothes. I expected to make more, bought fabrics and patterns, but my fat clumsy fingers don't work as they did when I made baby clothes all those years ago. Lola has taken to sleeping under the TV cabinet lately.

  3. I assume you didn't throw the cat across the room and it's still alive?
    Here's a good cat story. A friend's cat was using the area behind a big stereo speaker in his living room as a litter box. He was on the look out to catch the cat in action. He saw the cat go behind the speaker so he jumped up and ran over to the speaker. He reached behind the speaker and got the cat by the back of its neck and yanked it out. There was shit up the wall, across the ceiling, and down the other wall.

    1. Mike; I would never throw a cat across the room. My Lola was hiding under the desk in the corner for a while last year and barely coming out at all, I didn't realise she was peeing under there until the pee lake got large enough to come across the floor. I have no idea how much pee might have soaked up through the sides of the desk which is wooden. It was one of her migraine weeks and I got her to the vet that same day.

  4. You are to be complimented on your dedicated dressmaking for the girls, River. I admit I don't have your patience...I don't have anyone patience...I don't have any patience of my own to do similar.
    Perhaps you'll have to knit some mittens for your kitten! :)

    Have a good week ahead...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...take good care.l :)

    1. Lee; I have only made that one thing so far, but I think by making the neck a little wider and the whole thing a little shorter, I will have a bodice I can attach a skirt to. But how to do it without the full lining? I don't want to be fiddling with miniscule facings.
      Lola isn't into cuddling right now, she is living under the TV cabinet, only coming out to eat. i may have to get her back to the vet after all.

    2. Your little girls are keeping you busy.

    3. Joanne; not so busy, they do a lot on their own. They do love television.

  5. That piano is precious! I really like the stool, too. Sorry for your Lola injury. Animals will be animals. I'm sure Lola was not malicious, only startled.

    1. Val; yes, startled and reacted as any cat would, any human too I'd imagine or a dog. Any animal really. I still can't decide the colour for the stool, I may paint it with the left over "French Riviera" blue if it hasn't congealed in the can. The girls love the piano.

  6. Replies
    1. Victor SE Moubarak; thank you. Less than I used to be, my fingers have grown fat and clumsy with age.

  7. Wow on the dress and owww to the note from Lola!

    1. Iris Flavia; it's too short for a dress, was meant to be a top, with shorts or a skirt.

  8. Sewing takes a knack that i just don't have. You'll get it, and the girls will love the new clothes.

    They certainly do have some fun adventures.

    1. messymimi; I used to sew a lot, maternity dresses for me, clothes for the babies. my Mum and mum-in-law were both dressmakers. My daughter and grand daughter also sew, with grand daughter sewing for a living now, as a costumier.

  9. Nice little outfit. I've thought of sewing Granddaughters clothes for their dolls.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; that's a great idea. You could use some of the fabrics from your stash.

  10. What a beautiful blogsite! Thanks för providing this site. These art-works (beautiful tiny outfits) look great. Thanks for sharing,

  11. I just love the doingd of the four girls. Sewing things that small can be a pita. I was better at it when I was small, and did not know the rigth way to do it ;)

    1. Charlotte; I haven't made anything more yet, but when I do there will be pictures.


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