Where are the birthday cards for men?

 I went shopping yesterday (in a supermarket, silly me) for birthday cards, one for a son in his forties and three for some of the women in my family, daughter, grand daughter and sister in law. 

I had no trouble at all finding cards for the women, but the men's section is sadly lacking in taste as far as I'm concerned. There are cards for older men (grandpa age?) who like golfing, sailing or cars, according to the picture on the card, but none of "my" men fit this image. Other cards are musical, no thank you, and either funny or rude. The funny ones don't suit and the rude ones, well, just say no. 

Even cards for younger boys are themed according to what "Hallmark" or whoever deems the current craze. Batman anyone? 

Back to the men, so many cards border on vulgar, like how many kegs of beer can you swallow, how many farts will it take to blow out the candles on your cake? All are unacceptable. To me anyway. I don't want cards that are overly mushy or emotional, but I want nice cards suitable for men in their forties. 

The newsagent that used to be there has closed, so my only other option is to go to the city and hope to find a better selection there.


  1. They say that elephants never forget ... ... ...

    Do you know, I never received a birthday card from an elephant.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; perhaps the elephant was not told of your birth.

  2. A picture of a naked woman with happy birthday on the back. Problem solved.

    1. Mike; no, absolutely not. These are men in their forties with families of their own.

  3. Yes! we sure need some "neutral" ones like ... birthday cakes, trees (or something else) with bunting, Birthday cars, trains ... I also have many female, but not pink-cute friends.
    I so agreee, as I was card hunting just yesterday ;)

    1. Charlotte; that's exactly what we need, cards with cakes and bunting or similar. (also less of the pink-cute would be nice too. I always hated shopping for Mother's Day cards because they were so lovey-dovey and that wasn't my mother at all.)

  4. Replies
    1. Kathy G; thank you, there must be many of us out there.

  5. I just went through that for a really nice neighbor's birthday and really didn't like the only card I found that was almost appropriate. Sad but true fact.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I did find one amongst the many that was suitable, but because these men are all related, I can't possibly buy the same card for all of them.

  6. Make your card. It is easy, find an image you like, print it, glue it on to card stock and send it, with love.

    1. Linda Sue; I have a friend who makes her own cards, she designs the picture and the greeting, but I'm not that clever. Where would I buy card stock? And then I would need appropriately sized envelopes too.

  7. I agree, but don't like many of the typically 'girly' cards I find either. I have got in the habit of buying cards I like when I see them and stockpiling them. Sympathy cards are another that I find difficult.

    1. Elephant's Child; I did the stockpiling thing too, but I've run out, so I need to shop. And will stockpile again. I only have one man birthday this month but there are six more before the end of the year. I agree about the "too girly" cards too, but as long as the sentiment inside isn't too mushy, I'm okay with a lot of the pictures on them. This year I have chosen cards with bunches of flowers with added sparkly beads in different designs and colours. Sympathy cards are as hard as Mother's Day cards were for me.

  8. My drug store generally has a good selection. I agree there are publishers of only the stupid variety of cards.

    1. Joanne; we don't have drug stores here, we have chemists and pharmacies, but neither sells anything more than medicines, health aids and perfumes. Newsagencies here sell cards, but the local one closed down a couple of weeks ago.

  9. Could you buy a blank card in a neutral color and simply write in your own sentiment? A simple, "Happy Birthday, I'm glad you are part of our family" suits just about anyone.

    1. messymimi; I prefer cards with pictures on them, with a nice sentiment inside, but if they are blank inside I can write my own message, but blank outside doesn't seem right to me.

  10. We don't really read them anyway so, no problem.

  11. Cards are terrible expensive here in States. I usual go to thrift place to get my cards
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; really nice ones are expensive here too, but my kids and their partners are worth it, And the grandkids too. I used to get cards from the $2 store, but now I save and get the nicer ones.

  12. Crazy. I just call my Brother, no cards. But I sure will have a look on what´s in stack here.
    But... what do men in their 40´s like?
    My Brother is in his 40´s, has two kids and lot of stress. I would have no idea if I was able to make a card what to put on there! Maybe a pic/drawing of his family presenting a birthday cake to him?
    I even have a picture of that for real. Maybe paint / sketch something like that?

    1. Iris Flavia; all my kids are in their forties and my brother in his sixties, grandchildren are in their twenties apart from the youngest who is 18 this June. I like pictures on their cards that mean "birthday", like cakes and balloons for the men, but for the women anything with flowers and beads is good. One year I gave my gran daughter a card with glitzy handbags and shoes because that is what she loved at the time.
      I think your idea of a drawing of family presenting cake would be nice for your brother.

  13. I agree. I have to rely on the grocery store cards these days, and the selection is not good. Sometimes I can find one with a dog and clever saying, so I go with that, and write my own message inside as well.

    1. Val; I'll be going into the city soonish and I'll go to my favourite newsagent who has a great selection and I'll buy all the cards I need for the rest of the year.


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