Sunday Selections # 572

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

We'll start in my garden:

the buds on the hoya and a spider web

the hoya flowers opened and nobody stole the stem this time as they have in the past

I like the way they look from the underside too.

a splash of bright yellow in my porch pot

my very own Coreopsis, two of the cuttings took while the main stem died

Then I took off walking and found:

a fat pigeon

a cornucopia spiral of flowers

and whatever this is meant to be. It's on the corner of a thrift shop called Second Chances, now closed and empty.

a bright red garden gate

a pretty pot of petunias

a fat mourning dove on a rooftop

a lovely white picket fence and gate

 stylish driveway gates

and a pair in wrought iron 

more fancy ironwork gates, double for cars, single for walkers

stone steps, possibly to stop erosion of the bank up to the tree.

a pretty housing structure for these mailboxes

agaves in matching pots

humungous air conditioning ducts for this building, but I didn't walk around to see what it was, maybe a community building of some sort?

and finally, some good advice posted outside a church hall.


  1. That Hoya flower is really stunning. Be interested if anyone knows what that display by the thrift store is. Also love that church advice.

    1. Arkansas Patti; we'll never know about the display, it's graffiti and has been there quite a while I think. the thrift shop has been up for sale for about a year now.

  2. Hoya flowers are quite amazing.
    The pigeon is very fat, fatter than I have seen.
    The flower spiral is cool.
    I really like the pair of wrought iron gates.
    That was a varied collection of photos this week.

    1. Andrew; hoya flowers are pretty amazing, I remember when I had that plant in the carport of my previous home, it flowered so prolifically each summer. The mourning doves that eat from my front lawn here are all fat, they eat rolled oats thrown out by the upstairs neighbour, as well as the mealworms I throw out for the magpies and crows, both of who rarely come down now.
      The wrought iron gates are stunning.

  3. So amazingly beautiful. The Hoya is impressive.

  4. My goodness! Those air-conditioning ducts are huge!

    The protea trees on this property are presently in full bloom. We've had lots of rain this summer so everything is growing at break-neck speed. Your garden is looking very healthy, too.

    I hope you have a great week ahead, River. Take good care...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. I hope she's doing well. :)

    1. Lee; I think that building is a community something-or-other, I will walk around that way one day and find out.
      I've forgotten what protea trees look like, so I shall google to jog my memory.
      Lola is doing very well, I managed to get her back to the vet and the raw patches on her neck are healing now.

  5. Such a welcomed post of lovely everything! Color!! We are still in darkness although there was five minutes of light that one day...Thank you for all of the amazing shots. Made my day!

    1. Linda Sue; Thank you, I know you are all still in the gloom of late winter, that's why I put up the colour for you.

  6. So much color! The hoya is lovely; they always are.

    1. Joanne; I'm glad you like them, hoyas are one of my favourites but they don't grow so easily here as they did in my previous home.

  7. Your garden is beautiful, and i do like your fence and gate selections.

    1. messymimi; Thank you. I knew you would like the fence and gate selections.

  8. I really like murals, it seem Australia has lot of them.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; we do seem to have a lot, most cities anyway, I can't speak for smaller towns.

  9. Wow, you live in a very, beautiful place and thank you so much for sharing this walk!
    The flowers are so pretty and the fat dove made me grin. The red gate, is wonderful and the last sign so true. My customer P acts exactly that way and helped me out of dark thoughts with this.

    1. Iris Flavia; my walk was in a more affluent suburb next to mine, the houses there are old, some very old and huge with really big gardens around them. And the fancy fences go with that look. There are many fat doves on my lawn every day. I like that church sign too, it's good advice.

  10. A wonderful selection of well-taken photos. Thank you River. I like the message in the last photo.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; thank you, it is a good message and appropriate everywhere.

  11. I love the stone steps and the mailbox "house."

    1. Val; I put up that mailbox house picture just for you.


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