Words for Wednesday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by River (that's me) and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are:

1. jagged

2. corroded

3. withdraw

4. effective

5. inked

6. acres


1. destruction

2. inadequate

3. ladder

4. intrigued

5. tangled

6. swore

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

My own offering will appear on this very blog sometime on Friday.


  1. Intrigued by the tangled but inadequate destruction, the bomb maker swore he would go up the ladder to a bigger and more destructive device. 😮

    1. Mike; excellent, but what is he trying to blow up? We need to know more.

    2. Well done. Now if only he'd go to bigger and better ways to repair instead.

    3. messymimi; repair is more often needed than destruction.
      Mike; good idea, but will he allow the soldiers to leave them first?

    4. Well done Mike - got us thinking ... cheers Hilary

    5. Tyrannicide would have the advantage that less blood would be spilled.

    6. You made me look up a word Sean!

  2. I'm thinking ... No ... I can't make up a poem using all those words.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; perhaps you could try a story. It is a tricky selection though.

  3. Hi River -Oh bother … that nail was corroded – and look it's split the wood leaving that jagged splinter. Right – first let's withdraw it.

    Now to patch up the splintered piece of fencing … it needs an effective plaster before being marked up.

    The rangers will know where to check after we've inked up the possible weak places in the fencing – that enclose their acres of sunflowers.

    Cheers - thanks for hosting this month ... Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher; nicely done and ouch on the splinter. Thank you.

    2. It's important to keep those fences in good repair.

    3. How cometh when thinking of fencing 'en garde!' comes to my mind?

  4. The interior of Putin's brain was so jagged and corroded that we decided to withdraw treatment. It had been quite effective up to that point. He was taken to a tattooist's shop to be inked. I believe this flourishing business was called "The Gold Acres".

    We challenged him about the destruction of Ukrainian cities and he admitted that his brain was inadequate. When a ladder was duly erected, Putin was intrigued. The rope was tangled but we managed to get the noose round his neck. Just before he swung in the air, he swore in Russian, "Oh bugger me!"

    His death was met with wholesome applause.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; this made me smile, thank you. A jagged and corroded brain...

    2. It grieves me sorely that there are people like this in the world.

    3. Ha, good one. Interesting that quite a few of us thought in the same direction.

    4. Well done Yorkshire Pudding - I concur ...

  5. LEFT ALONE by Granny Annie
    NATO was not being effective. I watched the destruction on television and swore loudly. My concerns were totally inadequate. While I was intrigued by the dilemma, there was nothing I could do about this tangled mess in Ukraine. President Zelenskyy was showing tremendous bravery. Our President Biden was totally lost. We needed for the pious Putin to withdraw his military. We must see that the end to this world crisis was promised and a Russian withdrawal inked. Exactly what ladder is Russia climbing to achieve these added acres. When is enough, enough? They were trying to leave Ukraine a jagged, corroded mess while the brave Ukrainians were fighting back with all their might.

    1. Granny Annie; another good story. I also swear at the television these days, and cry too. I'm feeling proud of President Zelensky. I hope this war can soon be over, Putin must not be allowed to succeed.

    2. Once a dictator gets started taking over new territory, there's no end of it, so you are right, this has to end soon.

    3. No matter how quickly the killing ends: Enough hatred has been sown for the next two or three generations. At least.

  6. I jumped the gun and published the next installment here: Words for Wednesday.

  7. Imagine the tangled, jagged and totally corroded brain of someone feeling inadequate despite or rather because he has reached the top of the social ladder in the state with the most acres on a blue planet.
    "More", he swore, "I need more."

    They would learn how effective he could be. Intrigued to learn how far he could go in face of mutual assured destruction, he left an red inked note on his ridiculous long table: Never withdraw.

    1. The eye of man is never satisfied, and that's sad for all of us.

    2. Sean Jeating; well done, you used all the words, in a terrifying possibility.
      Let's hope it doesn't happen that way.

    3. Hi Sean - that is an horrific thought, but sadly true ... I just hope sense can prevail somewhere in his entourage ... Hilary

  8. As a five year old, Patty was intrigued by a ladder that leaned on the porch. Although it had all the elements of destruction, Patty knew her climbing skills were inadequate. Damn, she swore. The best she could manage on the porch today was tangling her little sister's long blond hair, as she played sweetly in the playpen. That will have to do, she guessed.

    1. Patty needs to channel that energy into creating something

    2. Susan Kane; thank you for joining us. I agree with Mimi, Patty needs to learn to channel her energies better.

    3. Hi Susan - too easy to pester her little sister, causing grief for the entanglement thereof. Many littlies I suspect do that ... cheers Hilary

    4. Children can be cruel. It's not necessarily good to have siblings.


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