Words for Wednesday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by River (that's me)  and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are:

1. stupefied

2. collector

3. arrange

4. reflections

5. fashion

6. slate


1. hesitate

2. adjusted 

3. hat

4. segment

5. coffeemaker

6. dessert

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

My own offering will be on this blog on Friday


  1. One really needs a great imagination to make up a story out of pre-selected words. I wonder if Shakespeare did that? I guess he'd be just as boring as he already is. Not many car chases in his plays.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; I'd say Shakespeare was more long-winded than boring.

  2. Here's a short essay: I hesitate to say that Shakespeare adjusted his hat, filled a cup from the coffeemaker, and took a segment of dessert before typing his play.

    God bless.

    1. If he'd lived today, i think that's exactly what he would have done!

    2. Victor SE Moubarak; I like it! Shakespeare having coffee and cake before getting on with it. Thank you.

    3. Great job with River's prompts. I can just see Shakespeare sitting down to write. My story is here and on my blog.

    4. Of course Shakespeare might have enjoyed coffee, or being a proper Brit, perchance tea?

    5. YThank you for this. I'm sure Shakespeare would agree.

  3. Going to run and errand and then get to it.

    1. When it goes up (midnight my time) it will be over here.

    2. messymimi; I look forward to reading it.

  4. I´m in here :-) Maybe I´ve told it before, d'oh.... but it was fun getting the memories back.

    1. Iris Flavia; I'll come over right away :)

  5. The stupefied shopkeeper and antiques collector attempted to arrange his prized Venetian glassware so that its reflections danced upon the ceiling. Murano glass was back in fashion and the price he chalked upon the slate was consciously exorbitant.

    He saw a potential customer hesitate at the door. She adjusted her Australian bush hat and popped a segment of tangerine in her mouth. Ignoring the glassware, she went straight for a vintage coffeemaker. It was a Bialotti Crusinallo Moka Express Stove Top coffeemaker made in Italy in the 1960's. "I''ll have it," she announced., "it will make lovely coffee to accompany which ever dessert I offer my dinner guests. Oh and I'll have that glassware too!"

    1. Love the story and great use of River's prompts. I visit a lot of antique stores and can picture this place. My story is posted herr and on my blog.

  6. WHO WOULD EVER FORGET by Michelle and Granny Annie

    Marcella approached the coffeemaker . She could not ignore the pie sitting there and had to reach for another small slice. She was a collector of desserts. It stupefied Marcella to glance in the mirror and see her reflection. Though she was dressed in the finest fashion, it was discouraging to see her ever increasing form. She pretended to be be looking at her new hat. It was time for change. She would not hesitate to arrange more sessions at the gym. She would force herself to adjust to a whole new life and turn over a clean slate. For now Marcella would share just another small segment of pie.

    It was not a pleasant memory for those who witnessed the explosion of rotund Marcella.

    (composed on a road trip yesterday with my daughter.)

    1. Hehe explosion of rotund Marcella made me laugh so hard. Thank you!

  7. Finally I got my writing mojo back. First instalment can be found here: Words for Wednesday. Thanks for the words!


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