Words for Wednesday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by River (that's me) and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are:

1. instruction

2. construction

3. obstruction

4. fuel

5. compassion

6. presentation


1. depression

2. craziness

3. seemed

4. house

5. fountain

6. chariot

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

My own offering will be on this blog on Friday


  1. Sorry, I seem to be in a philosophical rather than creative mood this morning. Last nights vote buying budget and the looming election perhaps. For what is is worth, here is where the prompts took me.

    I struggled for a long time. Life seemed impossible and interminable. Stuck in a small and shabby house, I concentrated on the negatives. I had no compassion for myself, and very little for anyone else either. A simple instruction changed my mind set. Focus on beauty, and nurture and rejoice in the fountain of joy – which is always there when I look for it,
    I am so glad to live in a beautiful world. Each day starts before dawn – waiting for the chariot of light to gallop across the sky. Mother Nature’s constructions and presentations are impeccable, from dew drops reclining in a depression in the ground to the majesty of the skies.
    Beauty feeds and fuels me. If I stop, breathe and look around me I can ignore the craziness of politics (local and international). Focusing on things I cannot change is a significant obstruction to my well being. So I have largely stopped. I, and everyone around me, are much happier now.

    1. EC; I like this very much. I am also concentrating on negatives lately and most mornings wonder why I should bother getting out of bed. This is not my normal state, so tomorrow I am going out to walk along a beach.

    2. EC, I sadly agree, the politics can get one down. But actually this is a normal state, here at least, since decades.

      River, sorry you are down. Hope the beach brings you joy!

    3. Iris Flavia; thank you, even just getting out will do me good, the salty beach air will help a lot.

    4. Choosing to look for joy is a good choice.

  2. If i can't get it written before the ladies' meeting tonight, i'll do it after, but either way i'll get my thinking cap on.

  3. It's a real talent to write a story with prescribed words.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; yes it is and this week I'm having a little trouble with it.

  4. LIFTING SPIRITS by Grannie Annie

    Ralph opened the box and knew this was CRAZINESS. Who would ever think you could buy a CHARIOT model kit for CONSTRUCTION? He had DEPRESSION and thought this might perk him up. He had worked many model kits as a child and those were always for cars or boats. Now he might be able to FUEL his COMPASSION with a replica of the Ben Hur Chariot.

    He went outside his HOUSE and sat by the FOUNTAIN. It SEEMED like a good place to go over the INSTRUCTIONS. Ralph could not believe how easy this assembly appeared to be. He gathered all his fortitude and went back inside. He spent many days alone putting together the unusual model . It was delightful to experience very little OBSTRUCTION. Ralph then invited his family to view the PRESENTATION of his hard work. Their applause lifted his spirits and he immediately went looking for another new model kit.


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