Sunday Selections # 575


Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

Final photos of the Botanic Gardens:

white flowers on this palm, possibly a date palm

seating under a shady tree near one of the entrances to the gardens

big tree, we love you, warts and all

Amaryllis again?

fallen log left to become habitat for small critters

autumn leaf floating in a quiet corner

rocky creek bed

another wide spread tree

I know this flower but can't bring the name to mind

This is the rare Wollemi pine which I mistakenly thought was in the previous series of photos, unless we now have two of them?


  1. Seeing the trees reminds me of the book I am reading now called the The OverStory. If you aren't a tree hugger, it will make you become one. Love those wide spread ones.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'm a tree hugger, I have always loved trees and hate seeing them cut down even if it is necessary at the time.

  2. Ohh, I want to go there! It looks so nice, peaceful and so different from anything I know. thanks to you and the photographer!

    1. Charlotte; it is a lovely park, with lots of lawn areas and shady trees, plenty of seating and a kiosk for lunch or snacks. There is also a more expensive restaurant, but I have never been in there.

  3. Hi River...these couple or so acres upon which my little cabin is perched is like a botanical gardens...many trees (including quite a few avocado trees) and flowering shrubs and plants abound. From my humble little abode I can see no other houses (the landlords' home up the other end of this piece of land is blocked from my view by trees...which is great). On the other side of this narrow, dead-end lane there are now dwellings, either...just a jungle of trees and shrubs; all of which are wonderful havens for birds.

    Have yourself a good, safe week, River...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola....take care. :)

    1. Lee; it sounds perfectly delightful, my older daughter lives in the hills area here and one and a half acres and her outlook is similar. The neighbours are there, but can't be seen.

    2. I meant to type... "no"...not "now"....I imagine you knew that. :)

  4. The flower looks like the flower of a pomegranate tree. We have several in our yard and it looks very similar.

    1. Debby; the Botanic Gardens doesn't have fruiting trees, looking at the flower again this morning, I think it might be a hibiscus.

  5. Lovely sunshiny photos, made my day a bit brighter! Though it would not take much as it is very dark and raining buckets. Thank you for your beautiful shots!

    1. Linda Sue; I hope you get some sunny colour soon, but in the meantime, log on here and look as much as you like.

  6. That first white flower looks like Lily of the Valley, but of course it's not, especially on enlarging. More lovely pictures.

    1. Joanne; it does look like lily of the Valley, my mum's favourite, but the cluster is hanging from that palm tree.

  7. It's a beautiful area there, and it would be nice to know that you have two of the rare trees about.

    1. messymimi; I'll have to go and see for myself about the rare trees; 'no-one' takes the photos without naming any of them.

  8. The problem with comment moderation... did I leave a comment? If I did, where did it go? Is it stuck in blogger purgatory?

  9. And then I see you don't have comment moderation on. So I have an answer as to what I did... or didn't.

    1. Mike; I don't like comment moderation, it tends to put people off commenting. If I get a spammer or someone rude, I prefer to just go into my comments section and delete them. I put up with moderation on other blogs, because that's their choice and I have no say in it.

  10. What a nice place. Great photos. Thanx River.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; it is lovely there and well maintained.

  11. Those white flowers in the first picture remind me of our yucca plants when they flower. I like the leaf floating in the water.

    1. Val; I don't believe I have ever seen a yucca in flower, so I'll take your word for it. The floating leaf looks so peaceful.

  12. Looks like a nice day.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; she said it was a perfect day, sunny and not too many people around.

  13. "Sweet". I had to google date palm cause I thought of a "romantic tree". We call those Datteln, sounds not half as nice!

    1. Iris Flavia; they are date palms because they produce dates, the fruits which are most often sold dried. I like them, I make a jam with dried dates and dried apricots, highly nutritious ad not too sweet, but no preservatives so it has to be used within a week, or be frozen.


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