in our newspaper

 I read that one of our politicians, (I don't remember his name) is retiring from politics with an annual pension of $270,000 

That's right. 

Two hundred and seventy thousand smackeroos every single year for the rest of his life!

Do I sound jealous? 

you betcha. 

Well sort of. 

I wouldn't like to have a politicians job, with all the infighting, backlash from the public and never having a moment's peace. 

But why the humungous pensions?

Why can't they retire on the same age pension rates the rest of us retired minions have to live on? 


  1. And, unlike 'our pensions', theirs are unaffected when they take on other jobs...

    1. Elephant's Child; and let's not forget they probably have huge superannuation accounts too.

  2. And you also hear about them getting a pension like that, hiring on to another government job, and getting ANOTHER pension.

    1. Mike; a classic case of the rich getting richer, while we often have to choose between eating or heating, others I know are barely able to afford their medications, so they eat very little.

  3. Ours are grossly overpaid also and are vested after only 5 years of service. It would almost be worth it to put up with the miserable job for just 5 years.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I don't know how long our pollies have to be in government before they get pensions, but I don't think it's all that long. Of course the longer they work, the bigger the pension I guess.

  4. Some retire with a paid for office and at least one paid staff too. However, I think both state and federal pensions for politicians have been trimmed back over the years, although clearly still very generous by any standards.

    1. Andrew; I've heard about the paid for offices and staff, just one more unnecessary perk in my opinion. Trimmed back? Hah! Any trimming back usually comes along with another paid for perk.

  5. They claim to be "public servants." Sorry, i don't buy that, and i could hijack your blog with a long comment about what i think and why, but i won't.

    1. messymimi; in my mind a "public servant" would work to see the public getting all the things they need to live decently, like proper infrastructure, piped water from flood areas going to drier areas, hospitals with enough doctors, nurses and beds, and let's not forget education.

  6. That's why they chose politics, for the government pensions.

    1. Joanne; that's my belief too. How many of them sit their fat bums on the back bench snoozing during proceedings and getting paid handsomely for it?

  7. And it´s not just politicians!
    Dr. Winterkorn, former boss of Volkswagen Germany, acted against the law, lied, caused huge damage, lots of people lost their jobs, internal as external (I was one of the latter) yet he got away with millions, and free!
    But, yes, politicians, the money they get drives me nuts! What for?
    Ingo uses to say, they should work, for once.

    1. Iris Flavia; I have often said all politicians should have a year living as a normal person, without access to their usual salaries and perks etc, so they know exactly how it is for us.

  8. Oh dear such a crazy thing to have all that money each year and the tax paper pays for it!

    1. Margaret D; they certainly don't need that much!

  9. A politician once stopped me in the street and asked me if I believe in free speech. When I said YES he asked if he could borrow my cell-phone.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; I hope you didn't let him use it.

  10. I don't trust one single politician. They make all these rules for themselves. They are greedy and far from innocent.

    1. Granny Annie; many of them have good intentions when they first enter parliament, but that doesn't last. Corruption and bullying starts early.

  11. Vote for River! Remember a vote for River is a vote for a fat pension! After all, she's worth it!

    1. Yorkshire Pudding: sadly, I'm not in the running for any position. I haven't got what it takes to survive in that world.

  12. I absolutely agree with you, it is disgusting in these hard times for many people as prices rise that somebody who just sits in a room for most of their time can get so much money when they retire. My husband and myself worked hard all our working lives, and get a tiny fraction of what that person gets.

    1. Brenda; welcome to drifting. I agree with you. I have a clipping on my wall that says, "It's amazing that some politicians get the same amount of money in one week that pensioners get in 15."


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