A favourite Aussie singer

 Heard on the TV news Tuesday evening, 73 year old John Farnham, beloved by so many Australians for many years, has been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing surgery. He began his career with this: 

Sadie, the Cleaning Lady, performed on TCN-9's program Bandstand in 1967

I hope this plays

He will be always remembered for this:

You're the voice, two versions here, one the lyrics and the second with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.

I couldn't find the version I like best where a parade of bagpipers march onto the stage to stand behind the orchestra :(

Good Luck John, we wish you well.


  1. I don't know John Farnham, but here's hoping his surgery goes well.

    1. Steve Reed; he is very popular here and I read in the paper this morning his surgery went well and he is recovering.

  2. Replies
    1. Susan Kane; from what I've seen on TV over the years, he is a fun guy.

  3. I believe his surgery went well. And hope that his recovery does too. Cancer of the mouth we are told.

    1. Elephant's Child; yes, successfully removed and then the jaw was reconstructed. Mouth cancer is often caused by smoking and he did smoke from the age of fourteen. Yet it didn't affect his voice at all.

  4. This was a first time hearing him for me. Really liked "You're the Voice" which so fits today's problems. Sending prayers for a complete recovery.

    1. Arkansas Patti; it could be an anthem for your democrats, be the voice that votes blue. He is recovering well.

  5. Once my mother waved at him when his taxi was next to the car she was in and another time had a chat to him when she was having lunch out. He's a very nice man and I hope the result is good.

    1. Andrew; I never saw him anywhere but on TV, your Mum was lucky. I hear he is recovering well now after surgery and jaw reconstruction.

  6. I wish him well. I didn't know him, but see why he was popular. Dancing feet.

    1. Joanne; his songs were very popular and I think he was/is because he is such a nice person.

  7. I know the video you mean that you can't find, it was just awesome. What a wonderful voice he has. We all wish him well and a speedy recovery.

    1. Margaret D; I bet now that I have these two here already, the one I like will show up at YouTube. I like his voice. I also wish him a speedy recovery.

  8. Sadness surrounds...it's never-ending. Along with most of Australia, my thoughts are with John and his family...this is a difficult time for them. Johnny Farnham is The Voice. I remember clearly the first time I heard him sing "Sadie, the Cleaning Lady"...and I remember the first time I heard "The Voice"...he is The Voice...

    1. Lee; and I hope his voice continues. In the newspaper this morning his son said he is recovering strongly.

  9. "You're The Voice" is a memorable song, showcasing John Farnham's superb singing voice. What a range he had. Let's hope he pulls through and enjoys a few more happy years of this thing we call life.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; his surgery and jaw reconstruction went well and his son reports he is now recovering strongly. So all is well, we just have to hope he can still sing, although he has retired from performing.

  10. He is very popular here, too. That darn cancer takes away so many loved ones.
    I think I said it before, but it beats me... why is there money to go to Mars but not to fight cancer & Co???

    1. Iris; because there is money to be made from cancer: the treatments and medications cost the patients big $$$ and the companies make the big $$$. It's a terrible, sad situation that we small people have no control over.

  11. will give the Goddess something shiny for him.


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