Sunday Selections # 597

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

we'll begin with a few pictures I took the last time I walked along this boardwalk, July 2016, some of you will remember these. 

these are from the section down at Marino, I believe many parts look different now with repairs and safety features added.

I really want to get back down here because I love the views so much

you can see for miles!

and it's a good workout, even the small section I walked. it was seven Km long and I think I did three, I believe the overall length is more now that more sections have been connected.

this is just a shot of someone's plant pot storage area which looks quite pretty

three fake budgies in a hanging pot

if you look carefully enough, there is a tiny green cricket in the top bloom here

and other people have Bee Hotels too. Mine has spiders in it.

this fake tree, taken with my phone, is in the Children's Corner of my doctor's waiting room. There used to be a plastic box of plastic toys, but that was removed when Covid began.

crossing the road on my way to the bus stop, I noticed the crossing support was bent right over and the one just opposite, (there are two for elderly people to hold onto for support while waiting to cross over) was missing altogether

and here is it, complete with chunks of concrete just under the left "leg" there. I wonder what hit those with such force?

finishing again with two happy ten weeks old babies. I am assuming they still put Gen on the left and Ana on the right, because if they don't I can't tell which is which now.


  1. Did you see the meme where a grandparent cut the hair of twin grandkids? The top of one head had a 1 and the other had a 2.

    1. Mike; I have not seen that and I don't think these two have enough hair yet anyway.

  2. That does look like a challenging walk but oh those views. The fake budgies are very well done. And of course the twins are totally gorgeous.

    1. Elephant's Child; I love that walk although I was disappointed at one point when I was passed by an older man with a walking stick. I am so unfit. I have new photos of the twins now.

  3. Oh my , those stairs. I'd have to enjoy my views from the top. I thought those budgies were real.
    Nothing makes the heart warm like happy babies. They are adorable.

    1. Arkansas Patti; those stairs are the workout part, and good for the heart too, but there are a LOT of them, so I walked quite slowly and stopped often to take photos. The babies are so adorable.

  4. Thanks for sharing the wonderful scenery....there is no way I could do that walk these days. It'd take me a month of Sundays, with a Monday thrown in! :)

    The beautiful little girls are getting more beautiful by the day....what lovely bubs they happy, they lift one's heart! :)

    Take good care, River...I hope the week ahead is kind to you...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; that scenery makes me wish I lived down there, but there are no small shops nearby, only huge shopping malls a train or bus ride away. I'm very happy to see the twins always happy, possibly they got that from my side of the family. I was always happy and my children were too.

  5. Nothing cleared waiting rooms of toys and books faster than Covid! Wonderful babies!

    1. Joanne; as well as the clearing of toys etc, we saw supermarkets suddenly being cleaned more often, with checkouts and trolleys being wiped down several times a day. The babies are wonderful and doing very well.

  6. That is a delightful place, i hope you get to visit again.

    Thank you for sharing bits of your world, especially those sweet girls.

    1. messymimi; you are welcome :) I will definitely be getting to the boardwalk again, just not while it's so cold and wet. I'm keen to see what changes were made.

  7. Twin look happy and healthy.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; the twins are healthy and I'm happy about that, the smaller one has caught up to her sister and soon I won't be able to tell which is which.

  8. That looks like a wonderful place to walk by the water. Great photos, especially of the twins - they are so smiley! Gorgeous :)

    1. jenny_o; the twins are very smiley, J says he loves getting home from work and seeing their faces light up. I wish I could live closer to the boardwalk, I'd be walking on it everyday!

  9. The first pic reminds me of the stairs in Island Rügen. After each "section" there was a bench to sit down and catch your breath - lovely idea, even if you don´t need to it was great, overlooking the ocean from there (most took the lift so I was on my own. Mum was in a wheelchair and Bro took care of her).
    Oh, boy - 7 km?!!! That is tough!
    The three fake budgies! There was a video of a fake duck that hence was not afraid of a prey bird (I don´t wanna "plum" it, so let´s say it was a big prey bird).
    Poor fella could not understand the duck was not afraid. Stood there, flapping wings, looking around, touching it - I wasn´t sure if to laugh or feel sorry! Bit of both...

    Ewww. Spiders?! I know they help by eating bugs, but... I´d prefer strawberries and honey!

    Cute tree - sad (but understandable) you cannot climb it. Yes. We still have twoo boxes where you have to sign - sterilized and used ones. In most places. I got a supercool used pen yesterday and I´m still alive ;-)

    What dumbheads remove or destroy such supports?! Don´t wish anyone (but Put#n) anything bad, but, really.

    Cute last pic!!! Thank you for being allowed to share and do! I missed and miss so much of my Nieces...

    1. Iris Flavia; I didn't walk the whole 7km, only about three and the whole boardwalk is longer now. The plan is to cover the coast from North to South of Adelaide I think. I think the road supports may have been hit by a truck or something equally big.
      I have more photos of the twins for next week.

    2. Yay for road supports!
      And looking forward to more twin-pics. Maybe I´ll meet family come Thursday (but will not be allowed to share pics).

  10. That is sure some walking way, all those stairs but I guess the view is gorgeous.

    1. Margaret D; if you love the ocean, the views are worth the walk.

  11. Oh those stairs are challenging, wow but worth it for the view. And those babies are glorious.

    1. WWW; the stairs were challenging when I did that 6 years ago, I have no idea how hard they will be now. Thank you about the babies.

  12. I remember your pics of those stairs. My sore hip is shaking its fist at you! Love the green cricket and fake tree, and most of all the twins! My cousin had twin boys. When they were old enough to wear jeans, she got them belts with their names: Ryan and Brian. Then my grandma could quit grabbing an arm as they ran by, and asking "Which one are you?"

    1. Val; I'm looking forward to trying that walk again when the weather stops raining. I bought silver ID bracelets for the girls but they are too small to wear them yet, they would slip off over their hands. Did Ryan and Brian ever swap the belts to confuse people?

  13. These stairs and walkways look just wonderful! We have only stairs on "my" beach, with 100 steps down to the water, and a bench halfway on most stairs. If you're fast, you can see the sun setting twice.
    Insect hotels: no wonder you have only spiders there, for bees they have to be much deeper, bees like to place female eggs first, then male eggs nearest the opening, do that the males come out, secure the territory and are ready when the female bees hatch. 20 cm. is a good depth. They will use those shallow ones only if there no natural nesting places to be found at all.
    The babies are nothing if not charming! and make me smile.

    1. Charlotte; my Bee hotel is bigger than the one shown here, but I've heard it takes a few years for the wood to lose the new smell before bees will move in. But you may be right and it is too shallow. Anyway, it looks nice hanging on the tree.
      We have some beaches where the steps down are long with a resting place at the middle, but most beaches here are just a short way down from road level, just walk onto the sand and down to the water.


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