Sunday Selections #598

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

We'll start with the twins because I know that's what you are all here for:

Ana modelling her new pink dress

Gen: a camera! hello everyone 😀

sleeping in the pram as they go to the shops, literally three minutes walk from their house

and now we are eleven weeks old. Ana wants to eat Gen's hand I think

The next photos are older from 2019 and possibly some of you will remember them

Lola basking in the warmth of the heater which is to the left out of the picture

and now: 

my garden before things got so big and before the new repaired statues were added:

it's much easier to see the windmill

and I had many more wind chimes and spinners hanging from the trees

this angel is one of my favourites and has since been moved inside

alas that pretty small green pot and the baby parrot were both taken one Saturday night along with several other things

this is spring of 2019 with all the trees heavily loaded with blossoms

and across the grass two of my many "erigeron daisy" bushes which sadly aren't looking so well these days, the "gardeners" just hack things with chainsaws and call it trimming.

one of my larger gnomes propped upside down while I tried to mend her shattered boot

you can see some of the cracked edges where I glued pieces already

these were the leftover bits I tried to fit back on, but they were very thin and many of them just crumbled when I tried to put glue on the edges, these gnomes are not well made or strong

this is what I used, a contact adhesive similar to what we used in the shoe factories

I squeezed bits onto a saucer and used a toothpick to apply it

a bit later that day I had "yin and yang" eggs for my dinner

and here are some "superheroes" to finish.


  1. Iron man! LOL! I can't believe someone stole your garden decorations. That's just obnoxious.

    1. Steve Reed; I have several "Iron Men" in my family. The ornaments were stolen the day before Mother's Day and my garden wasn't the only one targeted. Someone's mum got some pretty things that year. It hasn't happened since, but I'm still leery of putting nice things out there.

  2. OHHHH my those twin babies!! Aren't they the prettiest little girls in the land!

  3. I am stunned about the theft also. Good grief.
    The babies are really focusing now and are so DARN cute.
    Wouldn't mind having a spider man handy:)

    1. Arkansas Patti; the theft was years ago and I was outraged at the time and wanted to put up an electric fence, but I settled for bringing all the pretty things inside, the smaller things anyway. I love how the babies are looking around now, their daddy was a very alert baby at that age, taking in everything.
      I'm the "spiderman" around here.

  4. I would welcome Iron Man here. Anytime he cared to drop in.
    Another delightful Selection. The twins are growing sooooo fast.

    1. Elephant's Child; I could lend you one of my Ironmen, but he's busy with twin babies right now. They are growing fast, J said the other week he can't believe how fast time is passing.

  5. In that second photo, I think Gen really looks like her daddy. Except for the beard, of course. Now don't go telling me that's just some random dude holding her!

    Heh, heh! Your "yin and yang" eggs. That IS what they look like. I like your gnome standing on her head for repairs. And of course Miss Lola, soaking up the heat.

    1. Val; That's definitely her daddy and they both look like him, our family genes are strong. Both girls have tiny "nicks" in the outer curve of their ears, just like my own.
      I had no idea the gnomes were so thin until I knocked her over that one time, now I am extra careful when I move them to dust or polish. Sometimes it is me soaking up the heat from that particular heater.

  6. The twins are so cuddlesome, the dear sweet little girls. :)

    I hope you have a good week ahead, River. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; the twins are beautiful and so good natured, just like their daddy. Lola gets plenty of cuddles, she loves to curl up on whichever newspaper I am reading at the time.

  7. What a cutie pies the twins are and a happy daddy.

  8. Those babies will only be more perfect with curly hair like their dad's hair. We call that the pluperfect, or some such. Dear lord, I have not taught classroom English since I was 30, and it shows. It's a shame your garden was thinned by sticky fingers!

    1. Joanne; I hope they do have the curly hair, they have his blue eyes.

  9. Look like the twins are doing well.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  10. The twins are looking gorgeous. Interesting those eggs, if you tried to do that you wouldn't be able to...amazing,

    1. Margaret D; when the twins get older I am going to tell them about all the lovely things said here on this blog. Funny how eggs are shaped different almost every time you fry them.

  11. The first pic gave me an instant laugh!
    So cute, as if Ana´s saying, "yet another pic, I´m TIRED!"

    I´m ALSO here for the twins, but not only! ;-)
    I love especially also your Wednesdays/Friday-stories. Just saying!

    Oh, I think it must be great to have a twin. You´re never alone. (reckon that can become a pain, too)

    Lola is cute as ever.

    Beautiful garden. I have a wind chime, too, but it´s so darn loud I don´t dare to put it up. Or... will I?
    We have houses all around so the sound goes back and forth and back and forth....
    Sad for the trimming. Why don´t people work with ordinary tool and around the beauty. Same here.
    You sure make bend sillily (is that a word?) to read what´s on your gnome. And your eggs came out great!
    Oh. Think I have such a man (I never iron his complicated shirts, he does that himself - actually I near to never iron, just use the board for the sewing machine).
    Have a great rest Sunday!

    1. Iris; I think she was sleepy having just been fed. I think the twins will be happy there is always another to play with.
      I had a wind chime that was loud when the wind blew, but sounded almost like church bells, in a different home and one day L got fed up with it tinkling he ripped it down and threw it under a cupboard. I never put it up again, but I wish I had it now. I think I will look for another one. Gardeners here are not proper gardeners, just maintenance men working for cheap wages, they have no real experience and just cut to keep the paths clear.

    2. Sorry, I know such reactions. Get a new wind chime, huh.
      Yes, reckon you are right. No real gardeners, just peeps thrown in for a very low salary...
      What we have "these days"...

  12. Iron man is a mythical figure around here.

    1. Mike; in my home too. I haven't ironed a single thing since retiring.

  13. I am Spiderman (even though I am scared of them myself), MR Fantasic AND Iron Man. I only iron my own clothes though.




    1. Plasman; you aren't properly Ironman if you only iron for yourself. A true Ironman irons everything in the basket.

  14. Any pictures you share are appreciated. Your garden is lovely and those grandbabies are beautiful and just perfect.

  15. Those sweet little faces - I would love to hold a baby again but I don't think that's in my future. The twins really do resemble their dad so much. Almost three months old - the time goes so fast!

    I love the photo of Lola. And wish my Lucy, who looks so much like her, was as svelte as she is.

    1. jenny_o; with the twins living so far away, I don't get to hold them enough. I don't like to just drop in unannounced either. I was looking again at the photos and notice the girls have their mum's chin. I'll get to see and hold them in a few weeks, we have a family get together planned.
      Lola is svelte because she doesn't eat much. I put the food out, but she doesn't clean the plate and I never give treats. she has put on a little over a pound in the five years she has been with me, now weighs eight pounds and a bit. The vet says she is a good weight.


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