Sunday Selections # 599

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

we have another selection of oldies today, from 2011 and 2014, some of you will remember these:

2011 I moved into this block of flats, 2 up, 2 down, behind and attached is another set of four, forming a "T", across the drive is a similar "T" set and going along the drive many more 6 and 8 blocks, just rectangular until right near the other end there is one "L" block. Notice how small and spindly is the one visible plum tree along that side wall. There are five tree along there.

this one on the lower right is mine, the window is the living/dining room, now covered by a security screen, you can see the lawn grass and some weeds grow right up to the path and porch

this is what my bedroom looked like those first few years, a lot different to the blue bedding I now have, with the furniture in different positions, and no window curtain yet.

the opposite corner showing the built in bookshelf behind the door

it didn't take me long to pack that full of books, that's my sewing machine on the floor on the left, it's still there, covered in dust.

books that didn't fit in the shelf

more books in the living/dining room.

here and in the next three pictures are the four frogs I had in the side garden when it was all still reedy and prickly grasses, before I had them ripped out

frog 2

frog 3

frog 4, the frogs were arranged in a circle as if having a conversation

and now to 2014, when I brought Angel home, aged just four months

here he is playing with a toilet roll core, I would place it on something high and he would knock it down and chase it as it rolled

on my table-look at that smile-"I want to help"

"Come on, give me a pencil"

awww, I wanted to write in the squares

those were the days when I used to bring roses in from the garden

they never lasted long

and now, 2022

Gen, all rugged up and smiling

and Ana, also rugged up and smiling with her mouth closed. I didn't know babies could do that.


  1. Replies
    1. Susan Kane; two girls, identical twins and thank you.

  2. A delightful trip down memory lane - and a very, very beautiful present.

    1. Elephant's Child; I like Memory Lane, it's a nice place. The present, with the girls promises to be delightful.

  3. Enjoyed seeing what was--especially the frogs and cat but must say the what is with the twins is makes me smile too.

    1. Arkansas Patti; only one of the frogs is left and is packed away somewhere with other things. Angel is long gone, he would have been 9 years old this December. The twins always make me smile.

  4. Is this the house where you had trouble getting grass to grow along you walkway?

    1. Mike; yes, when water restrictions were in effect the auto sprinklers were turned off and the soil dried and shrank. I'm still living here, eleven years now.

  5. Dear sweet Angel...what a lovely little fellow he was. And the two sweet little angel girls are always a delight to see.

    Take good care, River...have a good week ahead...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; thank you, Angel was a sweet boy. The girls are also angels. Lola gets plenty of cuddles and sleeps a lot these days, an excellent way to get through the winter in my opinion.

  6. 2011! I remember when you moved in. Gosh we known each other a long time. It's nice to look back, and see Angel again.

    1. Andrew; I remember moving in day very clearly. I'd only seen inside once before and somehow remembered the kitchen being bigger, so I was disappointed. it has been a long time. I see Angel all the time, I have pictures on my walls, but there are none of Lola. Not on the walls anyway.

  7. When Laura was that age, and being difficult, we would "rug" her up and schazam, she went to sleep.

    1. Joanne; I never had any difficult moments with my babies, and these twins seem to have inherited the same easy nature.

  8. Here we call them a four plex
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; most places have different names for blocks of flats.

  9. Sometimes it's nice to go back and look at "the way it used to be."

    Those babies are beautiful.

    1. messymimi; it is nice to look back. Thank you, I agree the babies are beautiful.

  10. Nice memories R...and good to see the photos of those memories.

    1. Margaret D; I haven't been out taking new photos, so had to delve into history.

  11. Oh, you live ground level, too? Hope you´ll always have nice neighbors on top. We have a dinosaur. Again. Luckily just occasionally.
    Hello from ours to your bookshelf.. I think ours was a window and I would´ve preferred that. Hups. My sewing machine is... on the floor.
    And frogs, too funny.
    Oh, Angel is so cute, the name sure fits!
    And the babies, so sweet again. Happy Sunday!

    1. Iris; my first upstairs neighbour was nice, the second was a real mean man, to everybody, especially the older women, the now neighbour is nice enough, but she likes to talk and talk and talk and talk...she is currently somewhere in Germany visiting her daughter.
      Angel is long gone, five years ago now since he disappeared from the front yard.
      The babies seem to be always happy and growing so fast.

    2. Sounds like my Wolfgang. I would visit him (he lost his wife 2 years ago) - but he talks forever.With work now I can only talk to him when we meet in the house or street. Then I have to say "I have a meeting", and I hate to lie - OK, sometimes I really have one - I can shift my time, such a luxury, working from home.
      Oh. I thought your Angel passed. This is even more hurtful, not knowing what has happened.

  12. That's alot of books. Mrs PM doesn't let me keep paperback novels - that's one of the reasons I got a Kindle.




    1. Plasman; many of these are gone now, read and passed on, I've been keeping only the ones I like enough to read over and over.

  13. They look such happy, healthy babes, all snuggled up in their bear suits - complete with ears!

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; they are happy and healthy, they come from good strong stock.

  14. I love the frogs! And the kitty. But the twins!

    1. Jenn Jilks; the kitty is long gone now and I have Lola instead. The twins are growing fast.

  15. I like your apartment building. It reminds me of the concrete-block apartments where I used to live in Tampa. I usually don't keep books I've read. Unless they're REALLY significant to me -- or I'm likely to read them again, which is rare -- they get donated to charity.

    1. Steve Reed; these buildings are concrete blocks too. I used to keep my books, but since moving here with such limited space, I cull the bookshelves a couple of times a year and keep only the books I know I will read again.

  16. books...I miss books.. I had 6 bookcases crammed full and I gave them all away except maybe ? 50..because my kids didn't want them and when the gg's came I needed the much as I loved my books I love them more. and the babies omg..they are so sweeeeeet

    1. yellowdoggranny; I gave away a lot of books and the shelves before I moved here, I knew there wasn't space for them, now I keep them down by regular culling. The babies are growing fast.

  17. It's nice seeing how it looked back when you moved in. Much has happened ... amnd those babies, cuteness overload!

    1. Charlotte; cuteness overload indeed. it's very different here now, furniture is changed, soft furnishings too although a couple of corners are exactly as they were from day one.

  18. Oh my gosh! Young Angel was such a cutie! And these babies are living dolls. They always look so happy.

    1. Val; Angel was a cutie and so sweet natured, he didn't even fight me when I had to draw an infected rose thorn from his shoulder and then washed it clean. He was about two years old at the time.
      The babies are very much loved and that makes them happy.

  19. I love the bookshelf behind your door, because I like nooks and crannies when they are used creatively. In fact, now I am wondering if there's a way I can fit a bookshelf like that behind any of my doors. I would want it set into the wall just as yours is, which probably wouldn't be possible in most walls. But I'm still going to think about it :) The twins are so cute in their furry suits! Angel was a sweet kitten and then a beautiful grownup cat. I wish so much you could have an answer about what happened to him, to give you some peace.

    1. jenny_o; I was very pleased to find a built-in bookshelf, I'd never had one before. The wins are growing fast now. I have my suspicions about Angel and a nasty neighbour, but no proof, so will never really know. That neighbour is also long gone.


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