Sunday Selections # 596

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

Starting with some cartoons from the newspaper:

"It's the best of both worlds. We're charging 'em more and giving 'em less." 
(Big Power (energy company) Fat Cats)

"Nah, you're wasting your time, mate. No one can afford to drink nor drive."
(Policeman waiting to do a breathalyser test)

and there's this, happening in the red dusty desert of the north. But what is it? 
I'm glad you asked...

"A World record has been shattered with more than 4000 dancers boot-scooting to the "Nutbush City Limits"  in Queensland Australia. Enlarging the image will allow you to read the full text.

I received a letter from my friend Iris , who lives in Braunschweig, Germany,

inside, a handwritten note (lovely handwriting) and five very nice postcards. Peanut, the squirrel, now lives on my fridge 😀

the back of this one tells me it is a statue which survived WW2, of Till Eulenspiegel, who makes fun of people. The card says "Try Me! I bake Monkeys and Owls for you, as in cookies, of course!" 
That is something I would like to see in person if I ever get the chance.

this one id Henry, the Lion, in the heart of Braunschweig, watching over his people. Being a Leo myself, I like Henry quite a lot. He was "born" in 1166 and looks amazingly young still. 

I caught Lola being very dainty, picking out one piece of meat at a time,

and eating it, then washing her paw before picking out the next bit.
I am still amazed at how much more settled she is now that she no longer itches and scratches.

I snapped these two doves taking drinks and noticed the one on the left has a different tail than all the rest.

two white-tipped black feathers! I've never seen this on any of the  doves and wonder if it is a normal tail or an aberration. 

here we have one sleeping Mummy and babies

and one very tired new Daddy. He's had a steep learning curve.


  1. What a lovely selection. Isn't it a treat to get a 'real' letter. I am so very glad that Lola is feeling much better. The new mother and father both do look very tired (but happy).

    1. Elephant's Child; it is nice to get a real letter now and again. I'm also happy that Lola is not scratching great raw patches into herself now. It must be painful for her.
      New Mum and Dad are happy and have learned to sleep when the babies do.

  2. I have a friend who collect political cartoons
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I don't collect all the cartoons, just the ones that catch my interest.

  3. I'm looking at the second picture of the dancers and at the bottom left front there is a dancer that is sort of by themselves. I can just hear them saying, " BACK UP, I NEED SOME ROOM!"

    1. Mike; I'll have to have another look, I didn't notice much at the time.

  4. Lovely pics of the lovely Lady Lola. Her good manners in evidence. Shama now taps me on my forehead to let me know she wants me to lift the bed covers for her so she can crawl under them! Tap! Tap! Until I obey her demands! :)

    Sleep time catch-up when the bubs are asleep...the best chance! :)

    Take good care, River...enjoy your week ahead and my cuddles to Lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; Lola is very well-mannered and it shows now that she is more settled. Lola just breathes in my face until I lift the covers, then she often changes her mind. Baby naps are the best time to parent nap, I did that myself.

  5. What a nice surprise from Germany.
    There is no doubt about the first cartoon.
    Lola fishing in a pond, almost.
    Very tired parents...bring it all back?

    1. Andrew; it was a lovely surprise to get mail from Germany. I've noticed Lola occasionally "fishing" in her water bowls too, then cleaning her paws. I don't remember feeling tired with my babies, but then I only had one at a time, but I did nap whenever they did. And they all slept through the night from an early age. Hopefully G and A soon will be too.

  6. My goodness, a handwritten letter. That is rare enough to frame. Loved Lola's eating manners. I see the twins parents have learned that when the kids sleep, they should also. Only chance but worth the fatigue.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'll keep the letter but I won't frame it. I'm wondering where Lola learned such a thing. I did mention before the twins were born that they should nap when the babies do and it isn't always possible, but they are managing to get enough sleep. Daddy has to bus and train to and from work so he gets more tired I think. I can see he has lost some weight.

  7. Oh, yes, I never had a problem with one baby at a time, but multiples? God bless those two.
    The four thousand odd record breaking dancers was an interesting read.

    1. Joanne; one baby at a time is easy, but two is more time consuming. Luckily these parents have help from three older boys, when they are home from school anyway.
      I would have liked to see the record breaking dancers, they showed them on the TV news but I was too late turning on and just caught the announcer saying it would have been great to see in person. I'm wondering now if it is on youtube.

  8. Always good to receive letters from a far, one gets quite excited these days when that happens.
    Lola is cute, they do some memorial things do cats and the twins are resting with their parents...lovely.

    1. Margaret D; I get excited when ANYTHING lands in my mailbox. Usually it just holds dust and spiderwebs. Cats are funny sometimes. I like seeing babies and parents napping together.

  9. It´s a sad, expensive world.
    The Dance is something different than the Oz-Party where we went and were so disappointed? This sounds like fun! And good!
    We went to the wrong event, clearly.

    Hups. Haha, just pop in today... you´ll find... Peanut!
    Oh, bet he feels very honored!
    Promised (for real): I´ll take to to Till!
    Oh, Henry says hi to his Sister!
    And Lola is the cutest!
    As the last parting pics. Oh, I cannot imagine how exhausting it must be.
    We had to live with a couple above that nearly made me go to the council.
    They put their crying baby in the bathroom over night and slept at the other end of the apartment.
    Glad these wee ones have great, if exhausted, parents.
    Have a great Sunday!

    1. Iris Flavia; this was a one-off event just recently this year, in Queensland near Birdsville. Sometimes it is necessary to put the baby where you can't hear, so you can get some sleep. But not every night. That seems wrong. And I would never do that for a tiny baby.

    2. Ah, OK, near Birdsville.
      Well, I saw the boy, a cry-boy, He didn´t seem mentally disabled, was well-fed, but kept crying through the nights. Even when he could walk, we went through this way too long, I feel sorry for the boy.
      The neighbor above them and I agreed to go and complain. Ingo would´ve been in, too - three people.
      And.. no idea if they heard (takes a while till you can speak to authorities) they moved out.

      If that ever happens again. Hm. What to do.
      Those people were nasty - go straight away and make a point at the officials?

      P.S. your tip with the curry to that icky noodles was accomplished, see here, if you like :-)

    3. Iris; that's a sad situation and probably there is nothing anyone can do if the parents don't seek help from a doctor for him. I saw the fried noodles, they look delicious.

    4. The noodles were but "edible", LOL. Darn cheap fast-food! But thanks to you I "got them down"...
      If I ever see a child/baby being treated like that over a longer time-period I´ll react faster, that´s for sure.

  10. What a lovely letter your received. I love real mail and try to keep my end up by sending out some. And those precious babies! Great selection of photos today River.

    1. WWW; I like real mail too and write to my sister now and again, but not as much as I should. She tends to write very long rambling letters, with important points in heavy capitals. also her mind races far ahead of her pen, so they are often hard to read as the letters get half formed etc.

  11. The cartoons make me want to cry, i get so sad and angry.

    A real letter in the mail, with cards inside, what a treat that is!

    It's good to hear the cat is feeling better. They can get cranky and upset when they aren't well, just as we do.

    Those babies are precious, and yes, new parents need almost as much sleep as the little ones do.

    1. messymimi; the cartoons make me angry, fat cats not caring at all about those they are profiting from. I remember napping a lot when my babies did. or at least closing my eyes for ten minutes.

  12. That's a nice selection of sleeping beauties! I wonder about the different tail feathers. That is a curious thing. Lola is looking quite lovely, and seems settled and relaxed. As for Braunschweig, I never knew it was an actual place. Then again, my worst subject in school was geography. Coincidentally, I just bought some BRAUNSCHWEIGER today!

    1. Val; you bought some Braunschweiger? Now I need to know what that is. Braunschweig is the German spelling for Brunswick.
      I keep looking at the doves when they come to eat and wondering if I will see more with the odd feathers, but it is only ever the one bird.
      I love all the sleeping beauties :)

  13. Love the postcards! It's fun to get a letter in the mail. Such a rarity nowadays. I wonder if that pigeon lost some of its tailfeathers? I've never seen a bird with just two.

    1. Steve Reed; the oddity is the colour of the feathers, all the other birds have plain brown, this one has just two white tipped black tail feathers. It looks weird. and now that you mention it, he doesn't have any other tail feathers. Snail mail is rare these days.


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