big day today

 at one-thirty I will park myself in the dentist chair and when I wake up I will have had six teeth extracted and a new, bigger denture fitted. 

I may be too groggy to get back online after that.

then in a couple of months, when I am comfortable with the upper teeth, I will get some lower teeth on another denture.

I recently dreamed that all my teeth were falling out because a brand new set were growing in! 

I wish that particular dream could come true.


  1. You take it easy until you are feeling better. That's a lot of surgery.

    1. Joanne; I was feeling well enough to walk home directly after, there was a lot of pain after the numbness wore off. I spent most of today napping and am much better now.

  2. You are in my thoughts, i do hope all goes just as planned and you recover quickly.

    1. messymimi; thank you. Everything went as planned except one tooth just did not want to let go, that one took a lot of loosening and pulling. I am well again now.

  3. Take your time. That's a lot of work. But it will feel much better in a while.

    1. Boud; welcome to drifting. It all feels much better now although I am still on soft foods for today.

  4. As soon as you spend all that money there will be a miracle tooth regrowing process discovered.

    1. Mike; wouldn't that be a kick in the pants!

  5. Good luck. I hope it goes well. Don't rush back to the blogosphere. We will happily keep the light on for you.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. I am fine now. The dentist prescribed me some heavy duty painkillers and I took a couple to get to sleep last night, but I don't need anymore now. I'm a fast recoverer. I did spend a lot of today sleeping though.

  6. Take your time. We'll be here. You are very brave. I hate going to the dentist!

    1. Val; this dentist is quite cute and maybe that would help? I don't mind going, it's the payment that I dislike. But I have good insurance thanks to "no-one" and the final cost was under half what I had been expecting.

  7. ohhhh. oh.... Ingo said when he has to go (and I think this will be this week) he´ll set a date for me.
    Our dentist is a nice woman. But... she´s a dentist!!!
    Good on you for braving up!!!
    I remember when at my home town some idiot-dentist took out one wisdom tooth a week.
    Years later in Braunschweig I was told it was not necessary, the dude just wanted to make money.

    Hope all goes well for you! Ahhh, teeth! They can hurt so much. Hugs!

    1. Iris; I understand your trepidation, but please do go, even to be sure there is nothing wrong. That idiot dentist should have lost his licence.

    2. You sound like Ingo... Yes, I will go once the February stress is over... hope you did "well"?
      Bet that idiot dentist is happily and rich retired now (I think that was when I was only 17 years old).

  8. Hope you are doing alright. Take care

    1. Margaret D; found you in Spam Jail. I am doing fine now.

  9. Dental work of any kind is unpleasant and there is no glossing over it. I hope it went well.

    1. Andrew; it did go well, apart from one tooth that needed extra encouragement to let go.

  10. it's been about 3 years since I had all my top teeth pulled and fitted for uppers..3 fecking years..still don't like them and love when I dont have to wear them around the apt.everyone said it would get better...not so far.

    1. yellowdoggranny; I had a single tooth denture at age 18 so I was already used to having something permanently in my mouth and five years ago that got expanded to a three teeth denture, so the one I have now isn't much different and I am already used to it. I still have a couple of my own natural teeth left up there.

  11. I'm glad to read that you have recovered well from your dental procedure. What a shock to the system to have so much work done at one time.

    1. jabblog; not too much of a shock, although it is Wednesday now and I still have "chipmunk cheeks" and some stiffness when smiling.

    2. Love the 'chipmunk cheeks' :-)

    3. Jabblog; I'm not loving them one bit!


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