Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Lissa and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are

1. seventeen 2. seven 3. six 4. ten 5. nine 6. thirteen 7. twenty-five

here is my story:

George opened the Cakery Bakery right on 7am and checked the fridges right away. He had left strict orders that no one was to leave until all the ordered cakes were finished. Every single one of them was due to be picked up before noon. 

He got the list off the cold room fridge door and checked them off with a big red pencil:

10th Anniversary, ordered by the husband for pick up at 7:30, he wanted to surprise his wife with a cake breakfast, they were new in town and George didn't know them well yet. 

17th learner driver to be picked up by noon for an afternoon barbecue, I know this lad thought George, John Raze, he spends a lot of time at the car yards looking at the Jeep.

a 25th Anniversary cake ordered by the kids who had emptied their piggy banks and wallets all over his counter. They'd been a couple of dollars short, but he let that slide.

a unicorn cake for little Sally Johnson's sixth birthday, to be delivered to the Fairy Tea Party Rooms at 10:30

the Spiderman cake for Jason Hodges another noon pick-up

StarWars for Steve Randell's ninth, the boy had seen every single movie at least three times

a gaming cake for Troy Thomas to be picked up at noon

and a pastel rainbow cake for his twin Samantha, that house is going to be packed today, thought George, both of those kids have dozens of friends.

 a pink pastel rainbow cake for Eliza Smiths 13th

and a yellow one for Samella Cardinal's 13th

George breathed a sigh of relief, every cake looked perfect. Now they just had to stay that way during delivery or pick up. He turned to the packing table and began to prepare the boxes.


  1. As always a story fit to calm my nerves and soothe my soul after shopping and before preparing dinner - Thursday night ;) Thank you.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. I just couldn't think what else to do with numbers for words.

  2. Very "sweet" and clever story (what else to expect ;-)...)
    Well done again (I cannot join you this time).

    1. Iris; thank you. you just join in when you can, it isn't compulsory.

    2. I know. All I can do is admire your creativity! I enjoy this every time.
      And! I certainly learn from you, too. Break the brain a bit, right, think other ways.
      I somewhere even have a book on that!!! If I find it I will read it (but I have too many books... I find them in the street all the time, on top of buying and what I have on the kindle - ack!!!)

    3. I have too many books also, on the kindle I had 258 last week, so I started reading and now have 252. Some weren't as good as I thought so I didn't finish them, but I won't load anymore until I reduce the current total.

  3. The Yılmaz family lived at number seventeen above the Erdoğans who lived at number seven. Next door at number six lived old Mr and Mrs Osman with their cat Hamza. He was always there to greet me when I came home from school. We lived at number ten - all nine of us including my disabled sister Dilara whose name means "she who delights the heart". At number thirteen lived my best friend Mehmet and the rest of the Ulusoy family.

    They estimate that a hundred and twenty five people lived in our apartment block but only three survived and by the grace of God, I am one of them but how shall I live now that the dust has settled?

    1. Heartbreaking. This is one of those times when i wish i'd had it in me to be a doctor and work with a relief organization.

    2. Yorkshire Pudding; Oh No! What happened?

    3. A very timely - and sad - story.

  4. When the cake has to be right, i'll call on George. Fun story!

    1. messymimi; I think every town needs a George :)

  5. This is inspired. There are so many gifted cake bakers now and I really liked your photographs.

    1. jabblog; thank you, I had fun finding the cakes pictures.

  6. Great use of this week's "words." Your story takes the cake!

  7. I am always eager to see what you manage with the Wednesday prompts on Friday. Another good job River and love the cake pictures.

  8. These cakes are so cute especially the unicorn cake. What it must be liked to be a baker who bakes all these delicious cake I'll never know but they must like it. You used the prompts perfectly.

    Have a lovely day


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