Words for Wednesday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by River (that's me) and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. "that's not a good idea." "I know, but it's the best bad idea I've got." 


1. fire 2. rose 3. time 4. coins 5 peanut butter 6. shouting

Also try to use Charlotte's colour of the month which is Antique Pink for September

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.


  1. Replies
    1. jabblog; thank you. I wish I knew what to write with them, I'm sure I'll have something by Friday.

  2. Replies
    1. My story, which is based on a real event, will be over here.

    2. messymimi; I look forward to reading it, you always do well.

  3. The time the fire swept through the peanut butter plant it causing so much shouting it rose the dead and made the coins fall from their eyes.

  4. This isn’t true – but so easily could be…
    I rose early, did some domestic duties and looked outside. A soft antique pink dawn promised a beautiful day. The fire in my belly ignited (again) and I headed into the garden. Time passed. Hours of time. I weeded, I planted, I mulched, I watered. Everywhere I looked I could see more work crying out to be done. My body was shouting at me to STOP, to come inside and rest.
    Reluctantly I listened to it. My sister-in-law often tells me ‘You have the money, why don’t you spend some of those hoarded coins and hire a gardener’. Pfft it wouldn’t be my garden if I did.
    I had been in too much of a hurry to have breakfast. It was now well past lunchtime and my stomach thought my throat had been cut. There was food in the house, but it was just too hard to prepare. Was a peanut butter sandwich enough? ‘That’s not a good idea.’ ‘I know, but it’s the best bad idea I’ve got’. Decision and sandwich made, I wolfed it down (still standing) and fell into bed.

    1. Well told. If you do have money to hire someone, having her/him work alongside you might be a compromise.

      And yes, after a hard work day, sometimes it is too much to prepare something to eat on top of that.

    2. Were I to wear a hat, I'd put it off with a deep bow.

    3. Elephant's Child; my fall back go-to is often a peanut butter sandwich as well. I agree with mimi, a part-time gardener to help out with heavier work wouldn't make it any less your own garden.

    4. "I could see more work crying out to be done."
      Are you sure you weren't in my yard?

    5. All too common a story, I think. Peanut butter is a good source of protein and energy. I agree, get someone to do the grunt.

    6. I would fall unconscious without brekkie plus hard work and that sandwich, oh.... nope.

    7. I'm wondering which part wasn't true. A wonderful "almost could be true" story!

  5. Shouting "That's not a good idea", he rose from his antique pink chair as if it had caught fire.

    "I know, but it's the best bad idea I've got this time", she chirped, draping a few more coins around the peanut butter.

    1. Sean Jeating; intriguing, is she wishing for more peanut butter to appear?

    2. Sean Jeating: Love it. Shouting is rarely a good idea, but I am intrigued by the coins around the peanut butter. Offerings to an unknown (to me) god?

    3. I'm imagining a mountain of peanut butter . . .

    4. perhaps the coins were an offering to turn them into chocolate covered peanut butter bites?

    5. Ladies, I don't know if she's wishing for more peanut butter to appear, or if she's offering to any deity. What I can imagine is that both they are a bit gaga. ;-)

    6. Whatever it means, it's well told!

    7. Curiouser and curiouser. I'd like a part two ;)

  6. My brain is working again this week R.

    Whilst sitting on the front porch eating my toast with PEANUT BUTTER on it looking at the Just Joey ROSE in front of me, what a beautiful bloom I thought. If only I had TIME to sit here every night and admire all these roses before me.
    In my dreaming thoughts I heard all this SHOUTING, ‘There is a FIRE coming our way’, evacuate immediately these voices said, go quickly as the fire is close. Being so wrapped in my thoughts I hadn't even heard the crackling or smoke from the fire.
    Grabbing my purse with all the heavy COINS in it off I went hopping in the vehicle and travelling down the road, hoping myself and others would be safe.

    1. The poor rose you had to leave behind, how sad. Hope the fire stopped in time!

    2. A wonderful use of the prompts!

    3. Margaret D; I could almost see you sitting on the porch looking at the roses, but then the fire! Oh No!

    4. Margaret D: I love this - and treasure my Just Joey rose.

  7. Mine was too long... if you like you find it in my place...

  8. Done. Better late than never, and the story has not ended yet.


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