Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by ME and can be found right here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. random 2. haphazardly 3. fixation 4. vendetta 5. Christmas 6. hugs 


1. coastguard 2. middle 3. basil 4. carnation 5. junk 6. ladder

also including Charlotte's colour of the month: antique pink

Here is my story:

Lucifer kicked a pile of junk out of his way and dragged out the ladder. He’d had so much fun with the Halloween Party last month, he decided he’d surprise Mr Goody-Two-Shoes (aka God) with a Christmas tree. A band of lesser demons who could be trusted to behave themselves had been set to work with boxes of decorations. But when Lucifer checked on them, they were randomly selecting ornaments and haphazardly throwing them onto the tree with no thought for placement or how it might look. The middle section of the tree was filled with sparkly and glittery things, mostly in firey red, but the top half was completely bare. Hence the ladder. 

“You’ve done a great job,” he told the demons, who gave each other hugs and smiles. “It’s going to look really great beside the hellfire in the receiving room,” said a young demon named Bradley. “Ummm,” said Lucifer and several demonic glares turned his way. “What?” he said. “I thought it would be a nice surprise for you-know-who.” “You’re taking it up there?” said Gordon. “What happened to the vendetta you’ve been carrying on for millenia? You had a real good fixation going on there and suddenly you’re all chummy with the man in white?” He turned on his heel and stomped out of the room. 

The others glared at him and waited for an explanation. “We had fun at the Halloween Party didn’t we?” he asked them. “You had fun,” said Sylvia. “We only got to watch through the celestial window!” “It was a great party though,” said Macey, “it was fun when that coastguard got lost in the haunted house and screamed so loud.” “I have an idea,” said Linda. “Why don’t we have the tree and party down here? Invite God and a couple of friends, we’ll make chocolate lava cakes with real lava and pesto pasta with that basil and hot mulled wine, and we can decorate the room with the antique pink carnations that Mary loves so much.”

 “Sounds good,” said Lucifer. “But first, we need to decorate the top half of the tree. Bradley, you and Robert hold the ladder steady while Macey climbs up and puts the Devil on the very top. I’ll zip up and extend the invitations.” "I'll go and find Gordon," said Linda, "and let him know the change of plans before he stirs up trouble with the middle level demons."

**I won't be home to read your comments today, I'll be visiting my sister instead, but I'll catch up on Saturday.**


  1. This is such fun, River. I'd love to know what happened next.

    1. jabblog; thank you. I'd like to know what happens next too.

  2. Have a nice visit and thanks for making my evening happier.

    1. Charlotte; Thank you, I'm glad I could help your evening. The visit was lovely though I can see my sister aging more rapidly now.

  3. I hope you have a wonderful visit - and thanks for the smiles. Who knows, perhaps they will finally be able to end this vendetta.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, Port Pirie was lovely once the rain stopped, though the wind was icy. It's less than a year since we last visited, but my sister is looking very much older.
      I don't think htis is an actuall vendetta, more a lifelong sibling rivalry between God and Lucifer.

  4. This reminds me of when my children used to decorate a tree. I'd put on the lights, for safety, then let them have at it with everything else. All the decor would end up at the bottom and mostly on one side, and they were so proud! I'd leave it just as they had it.

    1. messymimi; I always let my kids decorate too but reminded them to turn the tree so the back half would get some sparkle. We never used lights as the twinkling gave me headaches.

  5. Oh, I can so picture that tree! And the little devil on top. Very well written (what else ;-)...)
    Hope you had fun with your Sister.

    1. Iris; my daughter used to decorate her Christmas tree for Halloween and for Easter too, as well as Christmas. My sister doesn't do "fun" but we had a nice chat on her porch and made sure she was doing okay.

  6. Heh, heh! The Devil on top of the tree was a nice touch. And the chocolate lava cake with real lava. I'm glad you had a nice visit with your sister. Time seems to fly by as we get older.

    1. Val; I'm picturing the Devil with eyes that glow in the dark. Time certainly has flown with my sister, in the eight months since we last saw her she has aged so much, I think the winter was harder on her this year and she never asks for help. I'll make sure she has warmer clothes next winter.

  7. This is wickedly lovely, and fun!

    1. Cindi; thank you. I never seem to get to your blog these days, time just runs out too fast.


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