Sunday Selections # 654

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

in my garden the "black" pelargonimus are blooming again

when I first planted the cuttings many years ago the flowers were more truly black but they have lightened over time, I think from cross-pollination with a lighter variety at the other end of the garden.

the flowers on the jades (Crassula) have all browned and died, I will leave them to fall naturally

blossoms on the ornamental trees have me sniffling and sneezing but not so badly as in previous years.

clivias are blooming again

and a neighnour (new, I haven't met her yet) has a wisteria arbor

aren't they beautiful? and look so delicate

bright orange mesembryanthemums side by side with >

a purple daisy

her bird of paradise has so many blooms this year!

you can see why they are called birds

a different variety of donkey tails, I may have to get a piece of this one and have a hanging basket in my own porch.

a terracotta bird house which is home to many spiders, but not a single bird has ever shown any interest

Ana the adventurer likes to get under and behind things to suss out the workings

and both girls together all rugged up for the cold, which has since changed and we are all thinking about dusting off the shorts and sandals.


  1. Beautiful flowers! I bet it will feel nice to get back into some warm-weather clothing.

    1. Steve Reed; thank you. There is so much blooming around here now. I miss wearing shorts, they are more comfortable than long pants.

  2. Oh, those little tots - so gorgeous.
    I like the donkey tails - most unusual. Everything in your corner of the world is waking up just as we are slowing down.

    1. jabblpg; they are the sweetest aren't they? They are wearing shorts now the weather has turned and look so cute. A lot of the early bloomers are dying off already but there will be a million roses in the neighbourhood soon enough.

  3. I have never seen a bird of paradise, nor the donkey tails. The twins are growing up so fast! Good photo of them both walking like big girls.

    1. Val; you've never seen a bird of paradise? or Donkey tails? You'll have to google images of them. The stand can grow as much as three metres wide when there is enough space. The proper name for bird of paradise begins with S but I don't recall, maybe Strelitzia? I shall google later. The girls are much more steady on their feet now with Ana almost running sometimes.

  4. Lovely blooms - including the two legged charmers. I hope you can get a piece of the donkey tails. It looks fascinating. You are (of course) ahead of us. Our clivea is in bud but not yet ready to bloom.

    1. Elephant's Child; I will get a pot hanger for my porch and a pot of course, before I get a piece of the donkey tails. I'm very happy to see the clivia, for a couple of years we had none as there was a toddler living with his father who would roam around plucking blooms off everything, they have since moved on.

  5. A colourful start to a Sunday.
    It's a bit chilly here this morning, which suits me just fine. I'm not looking forward to the heat and humidity that is ahead for us. The longer it stays cool, the happier I shall be! :)

    Have a good week ahead, cuddles to lovely Lady Lola Take care

    1. Lee; lots of colour around here at the moment. Our chilly mornings have ended for now, it's quite comfortable getting out of bed in the mornings now. I'm not looking forward to the heat, although the current warm days are lovely. Lola has been a bit naughty lately, but seems to be settling down again. I was away from home too long too often and she took out her anxiety by peeing and pooping on the floors and furniture.

  6. Love the wine color. The twins sure is getting big.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. Dora; apparently the wine colour is quite rare so every time it blooms people ask me for cuttings which I am happy to give. The twins are too big for me to pick up now at 11kg each (24 pounds).

  7. While not really black, the pelargoniums are incredibly dark.
    I remember how delicate donkeys tails are. Touch them and pieces would fall off.
    The girls look so sweet in the last photo.

    1. Andrew; that's true about the donkey tails. I love the darker shades of most flowers, pastels aren't my favourites but some do look so delicate and pretty. The girls look sweet and are sweet natured too, until they get tired they are a joy to be around, and when they do get tired they get their bottles and fall asleep very quickly. What about "your" twins? Good sleepers?

  8. I cannot imagine raising a pair of children! At least not any more.

    1. Joanne; I can't either, I get too tired too quickly these days.

  9. Oh the blooms and blossoms! The terra cotta might be too hot for birds to consider building a nest in it.

    Those girls, on their feet and on the move. I'm sure all of you will enjoy the warmer weather when it fully arrives.

    1. messymimi; I hadn't thought that about the terracotta pot, it does sit in the sun, I shall mention it to S and she might move it. The girls are on the move almost every waking minute, only stopping to eat or nap.

  10. Wow, you have but Spring and already blooming flowers! I had no luck at all this year...
    So... nice to see yours! And your neighbours - hope you have a nice one!
    When we moved in here we went... like old-fashioned people do... - from door to door, introducing ourselves.
    No one does this anymore. I do not know my neighbors but three. Sad, isn´t it? Sometimes I wanna be old-fashioned, aka polite!
    Well, I´m old ;-)
    Big WOW on the bird of paradise. Donkey tails? Awww, cute, I love donkeys!
    Honestly... if there are spiders I would not want to visit, either!
    We have the occasional "spider" (weaverknecht?) and Ingo said, let them live with us, they eat insects. But once, in Darwin, I nearly touched a Red Back!!! Sat near the push-button on a public toilet.
    Ana is really cute, but I see "trouble" ;-)
    Wow, they can walk? Busy times ahead! Have a great Sunday!

    1. Iris; the twins have been walking for many weeks now, they are 15 months old already!
      I have never walked around introducing myself to neighbours, I like to learn them gradually, even now I don't know all of them, but since I moved here a lot of people have moved out and others have moved in so it's hard to keep up anyway.
      We have much warmer Spring than you and it lasts longer so flowers start blooming early with the wattle starting in August, then everything else follows.
      I like spiders, but would prefer them to stay outside. You are lucky you saw the redback before he bit you. They don't usually come inside, preferring to hide outside. We have to be careful and wear gardening gloves if we want to move any pots as they sometimes make webs under the rim. I have only seen two since I moved here.

  11. Those first years always seem to speed by! Big Niece is 13 years old already!
    Yes, it´s a wonder we are still alive. When we traveled Australia first in 1995 we never checked our shoes and collected firewood with bare hands!
    As my Mum used to say God is with the dumb ones. The real dumb ones he helps!

  12. All beautiful, flowers and the little ones. I just love your pelargonim, what a wonderful rich dark colour. Wisteria flowers well they are another favourite of mine.

    1. Margaret D; I love the flower too, sadly the original plant I took cuttings from, with permission of the owner, has died, so now he has cuttings from my plant.

  13. Birds of paradise sure looks birdlike. I love to see all your exotic flowers, and then suddenly some that I know from our gardens as well.
    The twins look reday for cold and mischief!

    1. Charlotte; the bird of paradise is very striking isn't it? It was one of my mum's favourites. The twins are always ready for mischief.


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