Breaking (bad) news

 Son J, mum S and the twins all have covid.


I was there for several hours just last Monday and have tested negative so far, but will continue daily testing for a week or maybe ten days, just to be sure.


  1. Bummer. Were J & S vaccinated? My SiL got it but my daughter and grandkid didn't (All vaccinated).

    1. Mike; J was vaccinated last year and was planning to get this year's vaccination in March. S, I don't know, forgot to even ask. But they seem to have only mild cases with one twin feeling better already now her temperature is down.

  2. This COVID awfulness never ends, does it :( I hope your family members recover quickly and have no long term effects.

    That reminds me.. it must be time to see when the next vaccination is due.

    1. hels; it will never end, it is like the flu now and mutates each year so a different strain is out. My vaccination is due in March and then I'll get a booster later if they recommend it. Family seems to have only a mild case, but J is in the first 24 hours still so feeling it hard.

  3. That's not great and I hope they soon recover, and you keep on testing negative. Don't forget the anti-virals immediately if you do test positive.

    1. Andrew; I'll have to look into the anti virals, from the chemist or doctor? one twin is already feeling better now her temperature is down.

  4. Replies
    1. Dora; definitely a bummer, but hopefully they get over it quickly, it seems to be only mild.

  5. Vaccination works! Don't believe the conspiraty nut-cases.

    1. Catalyst; I am a big fan of vaccinations and so are most of my family, one niece is a conspiracy believer and will never be convinced. We all get flu vaccinations every year and the covid ones too since it began.

  6. UGH! Fingers crossed the virus skips over you.

    1. Kathy G; I'll keep my fingers crossed too.

  7. Wishing them a speedy recovery, and you a continued negative result. The Pony was miserable for a couple weeks, but got over his case just fine. I was around him during the day he was feverishly coming down with it, and only had a brief cold.

    1. Val; thanks, I want them over it speedily too, one twin is already feeling more like herself now her temperature is down, the other one should be the same. J is in his first 24 hours so is quite miserable. Their positive tests began yesterday (Tuesday) so hopefully I dodged the bullet by being there only a few hours on Monday.

  8. Lots of prayers for their recovery and that you will not get it.

    1. messymimi; thank you. so far I am still negative.

  9. Oh no R. So sorry and it's hard when the whole family comes down with it - I can only imagine.
    Good luck, fingers and toes crossed you will be ok..

    1. Margaret D; not quite the whole family, the older brothers are all testing negative and still going to school. I am still okay too.

  10. Bad luck. Have the brothers had it? I hope you avoid it - it does drag you down rather.

    1. jabblog; no the brothers are all fine and going to school still. I am still negative too, I think my son would be feeling a little better by now too, his first day is over and that is often the worst day I've been told.

  11. Oh no! Here's hoping you've escaped. I know married couples where one got Covid and the other didn't, so nothing is certain.

    1. Steve Reed; I have escaped so far and plan to not visit them until they are all completely well again. And I will continue wearing a mask on public transport and in crowded places like supermarkets.

  12. Hoping for a fast recovery for the little family and no viruses for you.

    1. Charlotte; they are recovering now, (Saturday here) but J had it the worst so he will take longer.


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