Sunday Selections #676

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Elephant's Child is taking a break this month.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

Going back to 2013 today, here are a few photos from my visit to Fremantle and Rottnest Island:

down by the docks where the market sheds are was this old sailing ship

isn't she beautiful?

the sign tells you when she sails and the cost of tickets, but remember this was near eleven years ago.

many of the Docklands buildings are painted white

and stand out brilliantly against the blue sky

they are all very well maintained too

I'm sure you'll agree.

in the Fremantle shopping district is a small park with many statues, this is a statue of a man creating another one

stepping back to see a wider view

another gentleman, a pilot if I remember rightly.

brightly coloured bollards to prevent traffic flowing through

this was the ferry R and I rode on the cross the sea to Rottnest Island

looking quite sleek when turning into the mooring point as we waited to be taken back to Fremantle

the picnic tables near the cafes often have a few quokkas picking up crumbs

here's one in the wild

and another having a bit of lunch

why did the quokka cross the road? we'll never know

aren't you finished taking photos yet? I'd like some privacy.

Coming back to 2024:

the girls looking sleepy and napping a lot while they had covid

and MUCH better just a few days later.

I've been told they are back to normal now and running around like wild things again.


  1. Lovely pictures of your trip to WA. I've never been there but would love to go.

    1. Tracy; it was about eleven years ago now and I still remember how nice it was there.

  2. The sailing ship is beautiful. I really like the statues and the quokkas are wonderful. The twins look happy and well - it's always worrying when little ones are sick.

    1. jabblog; I planned to go back and take one of the sailing ship coastal cruises, but other things got in the way. I'm happy the twins are well again too.

  3. Thankfully the 19th century buildings look very well preserved, but why white? Is it to help ships as they come towards the port?

    1. hels; I really don't know why they are white, but it does look good.

  4. I had never heard of quokkas before but they are delightful smilers.

  5. Freemantle is very nice to visit. The ferry trip across to the island was the roughest boat trip I've ever taken.

    1. Pleased to hear the girls have recovered so well.

    2. Andrew; the ferry trip was a bit choppy, but I didn't mind. I hear the trip to Tasmaina is rougher. I am glad the girls are well again too.

  6. Why didn't you pop in in our place? :-) 2013 we visited Freo, too!
    Can you believe big Niece called a Quokka a "rat"???? They are soooo cute.
    (not that rats cannot be cute,also).
    Good Covid wasn't too hard on the girls! Have a great Sunday, we'll have another scorching hot day...

    1. Iris; I was only there for a week and went to several places with my brother and sister in law, on a weekend, but mostly she was working and R had places to go. I didn't even know about Madeley then and I don't think I'd met your blog then either.
      Quokkas do look a bit like giant rats.

    2. Yes, kidding, we met much later! And Madeley is really just a village still!

  7. "LEEUWIN".....I wish I could win...I keep trying to win the big ones in the Lotto...I'll keep trying until I'm worthy of that title!! :)

    I adore quokka...such cute, beautiful little animals. I was in Perth and Fremantle in early 1987....a long time ago...when the America's Cup was on.

    It makes me sad to learn the girls were sick. Let's hope they're well on the mend now and are back to their happy lively selves.

    I hope you have a happy, healthy week cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I keep trying for the big wins too, but buy far fewer tickets than I used to, so I guess that means less chances.
      I'd seen quokkas at the Adelaide zoo, but they looked happier in the wild on Rottnest Island.
      The girls are back to normal now.

  8. A nice trip down memory lane. Glad the bebes are well again.

    1. Joanne; I like Memory Lane. I'm happy the girls are well again.

  9. Looks like an amazing trip. Your photos are very nice! Have a beautiful week.

  10. Good to see these photo's R. Bright ⛴️, I like it. Building are good along with the animals but nothing beats your beautiful grandchildren.

    1. Margaret D; thank you. The girls are the best of all for sure.

  11. Those bollards are beautiful! I don't think I've ever heard of a quokka. I had to read up on them!

    1. Steve Reed; the bollards are so much nicer than the plain grey ones we see here in my state. Quokkas are cute aren't they?

  12. The ship reminds me of the Boston Tea Party ship I saw while visiting Boston. I never saw a quokka, or even heard of one. Do they hop? Looks like they have tiny front legs. Always good to see the girls, especially to find out they are feeling better now.

    1. Val; it was a beautiful ship, I don't even know if it still does the coastal tours. The quokkas do hop, they are part of the kangaroo family, one of the smaller varieties, small than a wallaby, bigger than a kangaroo rat. I was very glad to hear the girls were better and the rest of the family too.

  13. Replies
    1. Dora; probably they call the something else where you live, they are heavy posts set into the ground to prevent cars and trucks driving where they shouldn't go. Here they are sometimes set in front of store windows so cars can't go crashing through.

  14. What a lovely journey you had! I'm glad the girls (and their parents) are better.

    1. messymimi; it was a lovely getaway and I'd like to do it again, but I can't leave Lola for that long. She has quirks that only I understand.

  15. Uhh ... those sailing ships. Coming from a coastal town, they pull my heartstrings. Good statues -- I really like that sculptor -- and beautiful bollards. And Quokkas - I never heard of those before, but they look to be a curious species.

    1. Charlotte; they tug my heartstrings a little too, I like being on the water. Quokkas are a variety of the kangaroo family, one of the smaller ones.

  16. Oh those ships, River. A huuuuge fan! And your wee girlies, love your pics of them. Precious.

    1. Wisewebwoman; thank you. I love old sailing ships too. And the girls.


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