Sunday Selections # 677

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Elephant's Child is taking a break this month.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

in case anyone is interested, these are our Australian coins, left to right top to bottom, Fifty cents, twenty cents, ten cents, five cents two dollars, one dollar. We began in 1966 with one and two dollar notes, but switched to coins later.

this memorial coin, a twenty cent coin, was released after Queen Elizabeth had died, The smaller image stamped onto it with the wheat sheaf design, is from our original pre-decimal threepence piece and celebrates the length of time The Queen reigned. 

the gnomes are finally finished, here they are on the newspaper still drying

and here they are without all the painting paraphernalia. Now I need to decide where to put them.

this is Genevieve studying the new matchbox cars no-one gave them

and Anastasia doing the same, both girls love cars

in Adelaide's Botanic Gardens, these seats are where we usually all meet whenever we are getting together for a picnic

I love the knobbly look of this tree trunk (gardens photos taken by "no-one")

one of my favourites is this enormous trunk with a hollowed section

and this is what is inside the hollow, more roots.

a willow tree hanging over the lake

and this, whatever it is, I have forgotten

moving on to something completely different, I was at the airport a few weeks ago, watching a Qantas plane come in, I have a video, but the file is too large and won't load.

I was expecting my blog friends Iris and her husband Ingo (rhymes with Dingo) and stood watching as every passenger disembarked, but they weren't there!

Their Qantas flight had been cancelled and they were on a different plane, so i ran back to the previous gate and there they were coming off Jetstar plane instead.

They were headed to the Parklands Terminal and didn't know the way, so I offered to meet them and get them there. 

this "wasteland" is our interstate train station, I'm looking back towards the road at this point

in the other direction is the long long walk to the platform

where the sign tells you "yes this is the right place", finally! After catching a bus from the airport to the city, walking to the Central Market for a very quick look around, then another bus to the intersection of Anzac Highway and Richmond Road, where we had to walk to the corner, cross the road , walk down and around and down again to get to the "wasteland"

from here you can arrive or leave on The Ghan which traveles between Adelaide and Darwin, The Indian Pacific which travels between Adelaide and Perth and The Overland, which travels between Adelaide and Melbourne. I'm not sure where The Great Southern Railway goes.

And here they are waiting to check in their luggage. I'd planned on waiting and waving them off as the train left, but after sitting and sort of chatting (Iris and I are both shy) I learned the train wasn't going to leave until about 9.30pm! I couldn't stay that long and go home alone in the dark, so I said goodbye, (possibly a little too abruptly) and went home to my cat.

We had exchange Welcome gifts, but the photo won't load off my phone for some unknown reason. I will show that next week after I take new photos with my camera.


  1. The gnomes look splendid - well done:-)
    Little cars are such a good gift for little ones. They often hold them upside down and play with the wheels.
    That was kind of you to meet Iris and Ingo - I'm sure they appreciated it.

    1. jabblog; I'm sure I would appreciate help to not get lost in a city I wasn't used to.

  2. I have travelled by train all around Europe, but rarely in Australia. The Ghan looks fascinating, more so than the Indian Pacific. Have you tried either?

    1. hels; no I have not. The price is way beyond what my budget can handle, and I have a cat with "issues" that I can't leave with anyone else for more than a day and maybe one night.
      I did once travel by train from Brisbane-to-Sydney-to-Melbourne-to-Murray Bridge-to-Adelaide-to-Port Pirie and then the reverse trip to get home again of course. Hubby was overseas playing soldiers so I brought the baby to visit all the grandparents, she was 15 months old and was a good traveller.

  3. Great job with the gnomes! I have seen those smaller coins -- in fact I think I may have a few of them. I'm pretty sure I also have one of the old-style threepence coins with the wheat sheaf. The Indian Pacific sounds like an interesting experience -- a cross-continental train. Maybe I'll do that if/when I get to Australia someday!

    1. Steve Reed; I'm happy with the gnomes too. I should take some photos of our pre-decimal coins to show. I have quite a few.
      I think crossing Australia by train would be a great trip for you, but wear cool summer clothes if you travel in our summer. And lots of sunscreen. Iris did find the interior train temperature a bit too cool though.

  4. The wee gnomes are so whimsical and I'm sure you'll find a lovely spot for them. What a nightmare of a place of so-called transit "connection". I would give my wee girlies trains and cars and trucks. Well done you!

    1. Wisewebwoman; it really is a bit of a wasteland out there and not easy to find if you don't know the city. the waiting area inside the train station itself is quite nice, large and airy with plenty of seating. I have a place I would like to put the gnomes but it is on the froont porch and I worry they will get stolen. My children all had cars and trucks and trains too! Ana and Gen love them.

  5. And coins. I didn't realize you had 1 and 2 dollars coins.

    1. Mike; now you know. I don't remember the reason for the switch from notes, but we all adjusted.

  6. The gnomes look great. The stripes are an inspired choice.
    It is just so wrong that there isn't at least a bus from Parklands to the City. Once you are off the train, Journey Beyond no longer cares about you. I understand the Great Southern Railway runs from Queensland to Adelaide and bypasses Sydney and Melbourne often using freight lines. The train runs in the offseason for The Ghan, so I guess that is now. There is a lot sightseeing to be done along the way. The cost of the trip makes you cry.
    It was kind of you to help the travellers, making their trip that little bit easier.
    Matchbox cars! What a great gift.

    1. Andrew; I wanted the gnomes to look different that the usual plain colours, but had to mix the paints myself to get the shades I wanted. I like them.
      I discovered there is a bus service to and from the train, or maybe it is just to, I didn't check, but it isn't one of our city buses. It is a coach service from a company I don't remember, like one of those touring holiday packages I think, where the bus picks you up from your hotel and brings you directly to the train platform. I never knew about it before I saw it.
      The cost of any trip makes me cry. I would love to travel, but I do still have Lola to consider as well. Not to mention dental and cataract surgery....
      The matchbox cars were a great idea and the ten year old brother liked them too, sitting on the floor and playing with the girls.

  7. I have such trouble to get rid of my paper-money and coins, it is ridiculous!
    I get pity-looks, even!
    The gnomes look happy now! Peaceful. Yet I cannot wait to throw Ingo's pipe away!!
    German kids that age get bigger cars and are always supervised- "choking-hazard". Glad these two get the real thing!
    Mighty trees there!
    Still sorry about the confusion with QANTAS! But gladly you as always knew what to do- thank you again for guiding us!!!!
    Also to the markets and China town!
    Also for letting us use your kid's bus-cards!
    Had a look here, in Perth you still can get paper-tickets, and some really do!
    A bit sad the video of the wrong flight is too large-maybe meant to be...
    I had the post on our adventure here, btw :-)

    1. Iris; why do you want to get rid of the notes and coins?
      I am very glad the girls no longer automatically put things in their mouths, they have some toy cars that are even smaller! I need to find a home for the gnomes, the back porch is quite crowded already, even with many other gnomes packed away in boxes in the shed!
      I wish we could have had a longer time in Chinatown and maybe sample some of the foods.
      We had paper tickets available for a long time but now the machines are all changed and it is MetroCards or you can tap you credit/debit card to pay.

    2. Well, in Germany the money is of no use and it sat there for some whopping 5 years!
      Nowadays you even pay a breadroll with credit card.... (crazy).
      The girls sure do very well!
      YES to time in Chinatown! you know Ingo...

    3. So it is Australian money that you have? can you exchange it at a bank for German money? There are places in Adelaide where you can exchamge many types of currency from other countries.

    4. Yes, Aussie money! And exchanging would mean loss. I will make some stores take it! Ingo tried at Maccas- was quite an adventure, but he got it done!

  8. I do wish we had dollar coins.

    The gnomes turned out beautifully! Your girls always make me smile.

    Those roots are fascinating.

    Isn't it fun to meet up with blog friends? I'm glad you got to show them the way.

    1. messymimi; the dollar coins are handy, but they do weigh more in your pockets. I think the gnomes look happy to be refreshed. The girls make me smile too and now they laugh out loud at funny things too and that makes me happy.
      It was fun to meet up with Iris and Ingo but being terribly shy doesn't help with conversation.

  9. I love your coins, They look like REAL money! I also love your gnomes looking quite pleased with themselves! I have never met a child who did not like playing with those little cars .They are an all gender crowd pleaser! The wheels roll nicely ! I still like playing with them when there is a kid around..

    1. Linda Sue; they ARE real money! I think the gnomes look happy with their "new" clothes. I like tiny cars as much as the girls do and have a couple myself and a teeny tiny train too. When the girls are older I may give them the redheads, but only if they have any interest in dolls.

  10. Love the finished gnomes, don't they look good! Nice of you to meet your blogger friends and I wouldn't want to be out too late in the dark either...

    1. Margaret D; I didn't used to mind going home after dark, but these days I can't run fast enough to get away frompotential muggers and there are more of them these days I think. I'm happy with the gnomes.

  11. Great display of the coins. I've been thinking about my old Matchbox cars all week! When my mom took us to Woolworths when she looked for sewing patterns, she always let us pick one little toy. My sister and I chose Matchbox cars, which we used with our Hot Wheels plastic race track. The Matchbox cars were no match for the heavier metal Hot Wheels, but they came in a better variety. One of my favorites was a truck with a camper on the back. And a little trailer with a plastic boat that you could pop off. I can understand why the twins love the Matchbox cars.

    1. Val; I shall have to get them a hot wheels track!

  12. Love the gnomes, they look so happy. Also I like that you met up with Iris and Ingo - If ever I suceed in traveling to Australia (Adelaide) I'll go for a ride on the Ghan - I got a pin from this train ... think I've got to start saving :D
    Coins, I like to use real money, which makes me kind of stand out here where we - like Iris says - use cards to pay for everything.

    1. Charlotte; you will have to save a lot! The Ghan is very expensive.
      I prefer to use real money instead of cards. I get cash from the bank, hopefully enough to last a fortnight or a month and then I divide it into weeks and if/when I run out I stop buying and make do with what is in the pantry. Much easier to control the spending that way. For me anyway.

  13. A few times we had dollar coin. But they don't go well here.

    1. Dora; that's a shame but they do weigh more in your pockets.

  14. The gnomes look lovely after being revamped. I haven't seen that new 20c coin to celebrate the Queen's death.

    1. Sami; thank you. I enjoyed the painting of them.
      I don't know if many of those coins were produced and I thought I had kept one in my container of "specials" but it seems I spent it by mistake. I'll have to look out for another one. I do have one from 2016, celebrating The Queen's Fifty years, it has our Coat of Arms in place of the wheat sheaf of the one pictured.


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