Sunday Selections # 716

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

I almost forgot to post this, the week just flew by...

Going back to the past for a while, some of you may remember me mentioning the gardens I used to have in previous homes, where the soil was so great. 
Here is the best one>

The grapevine that covered the back porch and my beautiful windchime which no longer exists.

The view from the back door all the way down to the back fence, complete with a shirt on the washing line.

and here I am standing against that back fence looking toward the back door, under all that greenery which is that grapevine. I'm standing in what was the old chook yard, that ferny plant on the left is an asparagus, the tree is a fig.

clumps of straw waiting to be spread in the vegetable patch as son J puts up his basketball hoop.

a wider view of the trees from the previous picture, these are all fruit trees, apricot, peach, nectarine, and another fig with another grape vine winding through them along a wire fence.

this is the veggie patch just a few weeks after planting, the tall stakes are for tomatoes, behind those on the right that clump of green is a zucchini (courgette), the short greens in the front left are bush beans.

blacked out family members by a rampant pumpkin vine, the feathery green in the front right are carrots and I don't remember what the bits of green in the straw were. Mid right of the photo, just caught on camera is sweetcorn, the only time I was able to grow enough to feed us.

Here we are in another different yard, this one had a much smaller veggie patch, but it also had the best peach tree ever! That's it right behind J practising his basketball. The peaches on that tree were HUGE, softball sized, and golden and so sweet and juicy, straight off the tree, the juice would run down your chin when you bit in. I still wish I'd taken a branch and tried to grow it. I believe it was a heritage tree called Golden Queen. 

Going back even further, this is a decorated van from the Norwood Christmas Parade, the Santa and gift sack painting was done by my ex-the-first,

on the other side, another painting, this one of Santa relaxing in his big chair while Mrs Santa brings him a plate of cookies.

Back To The Future ha Ha, the girls were very happy to get watches as Christmas gifts from "no-one", they always like to see here and play with it, she is the only one of us now to still wear a watch, this is Ana,

here is Gen, oh so casually checking the time, just as "no-one" does.

"no-one" also gave them toddler skateboards and ALL the safety equipment

getting a little instruction from Dad, although Uncle M was the skateboarder, Uncle J too. 

Gen: "think I'll take a break, playing is such hard work."


  1. Wow! That's a REAL garden! I can see how you would miss having space to grow things now. The peaches sound delicious. Santa turned out well. He must have sat very still for his portraits, heh, heh. The girls are precious with their skateboarding equipment. It will be great when they learn how to tell time on a watch/clock face. I think it's a dying skill, like writing in cursive.

    1. Val; that same house with the huge garden was up for sale recently, but the lotto gods were not kind. ex-K is very artistic, and several of his siblings too, that carried down to oldest Grand daughter who is artistic AND crafty. I'm going to try and make sure the girls know how to tell time on analogue clocks as well as digital, and hopefully teach them to write.

  2. What lovely gardens - you must miss them, though perhaps not the hard work that goes with them. The little girls look so sweet in their skateboarding attire. They are growing up so fast.

    1. jabblog; I do miss those gardens and if I'd stayed I would be used to the hard work that goes with them, although that really big one was so easy, excellent soil very easy to dig over, it had been a garden forever, since the first people built the house I suspect, and worked over with plenty of old chicken manure.
      The girls are growing up fast, growing away from many of the baby toys already.

  3. The garden I grew up with was like your first. Lots of fruit trees and a fine vegie patch. I miss it still.
    Love the twins enjoying their gifts.

    1. Elephant's Child; that first garden is similar to what my mum always did, washing line near the house, then a fence and behind that fence, vegetables and fruit trees. The twins love to learn what new toys are all about.

  4. Your really took your vegetable growing seriously. They are great old photos, and then some new ones of the girls.

    1. Andrew; I did, even though I was working at the time and the Brickworks Markets were nearby. I love home grown taste, and I had a big chest freezer for the excess. The girls are growing up fast.

  5. Everything, everywhere is soaked, drenched up this way. We've received lots of teemed non-stop through last night, but for the moment, this morning, we have a reprieve.

    The girls will truly have a ball this Christmas Season....such fun they will share.

    Take good care, River....give my cuddles to Lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I'm glad you have had lots of rain, but hope the usual Christmas/Summer floods don't happen this year. The girls will have more fun than last year, they are beginning to understand that Christmas means gifts and visitors and barbecue.
      Lola gets her cuddles every day.

  6. Love the gardens you had, such great crops. You must miss them. What a great gran you are!!

    1. Wisewebwoman; thank you, I do miss those gardens and sharing the excess produce once the freezer was filled.

  7. Replies
    1. Dora; I don't go to them anymore now the kids are all grown up and even most of the grandkids are grownup.

  8. You certainly had some wonderful gardens, R. Th girls are priceless, and I bet they will have fun this year/Christmas as they might understand it better.
    Take care.

    1. Margaret D; I loved those gardens and wish I didn't have to leave but there were circumstances. I think the girls will enjoy this Christmas and next year when they are three the excitement level will be intense.

  9. Very wow. I remember my family´s garden. Two cherry-trees (at one Mum fell from the latter and broke her leg, horrible times), a plum tree and all the wild wood strawberries that now take over the balcony here - luckily I saved a bunch as my Brother let them cut away in "our" garden.
    Those peaces of yours sound so wonderful!
    Sami, who sent you the pirate-bear, has a wonderful garden, too! Grapes, fig, lemons, all the stuff here it´s too cold for...

    Love that Christmas-van. We once ... ages ago (1997?) watches the Coca Cola-Christmas-trucks roaming through the city II studied in (Hildesheim). It was awesome and I have NO pic!

    Already Christmas-presents?
    Watches, how cool. And skateboards - yes, I agree, playing is hard work ;-)

    1. Iris; yes Christmas presents already, because "no-one" can't make it for Christmas Day lunch and the girls will get more then from their own parents.
      I had a cherry tree in the garden before I moved here, also dwarf fruit trees but they didn't do well. That first really big garden was the best I ever had. So sorry about your mum breaking her leg.
      I remember seeing Coca-Cola trucks decorated and Beer Brewery Trucks too.

    2. Sad "no-one" can´t make it for Christmas!. Well yes, Mum was (and is) really missed. Why I don´t step on ladders... The trucks were really driving through the city - that was 1996 or such and nobody had a cam at hand... back in the day... there is so much that is only in my head.

    3. Iris; she works at a hospital so she is "on-call" for the whole month, so she stays home on public holidays to be able to rush in if needed.

    4. Can´t she run in from anywhere? Or is your family-place too far away. Sad. But glad there are people like her. Ingo tends to get really sick on holidays...

    5. Iris; family place is too far away and none of us drives. She works with the computers that keep things running, so waiting around for buses would take too long. It's quicker for her to get the regular bus from her home which only takes 15-20 minutes.

  10. Nice collection of pictures and good to look back upon Elsie but "the juice would run down your chin when you bit in" is too erotic for my liking.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; just keep your mind on sun-ripened peaches and you'll be fine. Thank you.

  11. You had some great gardens with plenty of food. We have a biggish garden with fruit trees as well - mangoes, grapes, figs, loquats, lemons, mandarins... but it's a lot of work to care for them, prune, pick fruit that falls on the ground, etc, etc, so we are thinking of downsizing in a couple of years.

    1. Sami; I wasn't there long enough to realise how much work it would be, the rent went up by just a bit too much so we found a cheaper place.

  12. What wonderful flashback photos. If I had any kind of talent for growing things, I'd love to have a garden.

    The girls are precious.

    1. messymimi; I don't have much talent but it helps if the gardens have excellent soil and enough space. And I know what grows well for me and what doesn't. Beans grow well, peas don't tomatoes, lettuce and zucchini, all do great, but I can't grow celery.


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