Sunday Selections # 717


Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

the footpath garden belonging to the house on the corner next to "my" flats

a triangular bed of lilies and other things to match the one on the other side of the gate, I passed these when I was walking home one day recently

these next six photos

are all part of

one long mural

along one side of a building

on the corner of August Street

and South Road in the suburb of Thebarton, where I used to live (with that fabulous fruit and veg garden)

in the city the Christmas decorations are up, the statues are traditional, but the giant gift package is new.

in one of several below ground Food Halls is this very pretty giant tree

while at home, Jordan finds a bag of jingle bells and has an idea

they decorated their own little tree 

while I made one from a dead tree branch and a three metre length of tinsel with stars. I found the tree branch last July and kept it just for this.

this month's calendar page, the final one for this year. 

Next year I have something different because I wasn't able to find a Sugar Skulls calendar.

Taking a short trip back in time, this is from December LAST year when the girls were just 18 months old

Look how much they've changed since then! This is Ana

and Gen, both now two and a half, and definitely no longer babies.


  1. The mural is lovely, There's so much to admire in it.
    I like the jingle bells tree - the little redheads did very well.
    The little girls are growing up fast - what fun they must be to spend time with.

    1. jabblog; thank you. The girls are fun to spend time with but also exhausting as they are on the go until they drop.

  2. Love seeing Jordan and girls decorating their tree. Love seeing Gen and Ana becoming all grown up.

    1. Granny Annie; I like the redheads having their own litle tree. Gen and Ana have a tree too, but it's up on a cabinet so they can't play with it, it's the top quarter of their usual giant tree.

  3. Love the flower beds. It looks so warm and sunny there. I'm jealous!

    1. Steve Reed; it is warm and sunny today, but for the last three days we've had a humid heatwave which was not at all comfortable, 41C.

  4. This is a delightful selections. Love seeing the redheads work - and am amazed at how fast the twins are growing.
    That mural is great too.

    1. Elephant's Child; I was suprised to find that mural and would have missed it if I'd caught the bus unstead of walking. The redheads are very happy with their tree. The girls are growing too fast for me to keep up with.

  5. I've not seen triangular garden beds before but sometimes the shape would make perfect sense.

    1. hels; I've seen a few and even had a couple myself when I divided a square bed for different herbs. These ones pictured are either side of a gate on a corner block.

  6. Good morning, River. That mural is outstanding.

    Everything is growing wildly and rapidly up this way. We've had a lot of rain of late, with more promised for the future. The meaning of the old saying of "watching the grass" grow" has lost its meaning. One can see the movement of the grass growing these days! :)

    Have a good week cuddles to Lovely Lady Lola. Take care.

    1. Lee; good afternoon to you, it's past noon now. The mural is great. I can imagine the rapid growth there, I remember living in Brisbane and seeing the grass become a jungle almost overnight.

  7. The mural is brilliant. It looks like it has been there for a while. Aren't the girls growing so quickly and they must be using words by now.

    1. Andrew; I don't know how long the mural has been there, but it looks "soft" as if done by students at the nearby school many years ago. The girls are using many, many words now and beginning to make sentences. They know the names of everything! Are "your" twins speaking too?

  8. I think once you get to eighty years old you should be required to wear a helmet too.

    1. Mike; I'll keep that in mind, I've got a few years yet before I turn eighty.

  9. That's a nice selection of Christmas trees. The giant gift package is great. The girls are definitely looking like big kids now, not babies.

    1. Val; I like the big gift package but think it detracts a little from the traditional statues. The girls are definitely not babies now, the only hurdle left to master is the potty training which is progressing.

  10. Those murals are amazing and would take me a long time studying them. And the girlies are growing in leaps and bounds! They look very adventurous!!

    1. Wisewebwoman; I loved the mural and spent quite some time looking at the sections. The girls are adventurous, not afraid to try anything new. This will be good when it is time to begin school.

  11. Looks a lovely long mural, the little ones are beautiful and growing like mushrooms as we say.
    The flowers are pretty too.

    1. Margaret D; the mural was quite long, the entire length of the building. The girls are growing fast, wasn't it just yeasterday they came home from hospital? ha ha.

  12. I'm here because I've been reading your comments on Mary moon's blog and thought I'd like to read your workt. Good morning!

    1. Boud; good morning and welcome to drifting; I don't post daily as I did in the beginning, this river has run a little dry, but I hope you like what you see here.

  13. ALL girls are so fun!!! The latter grow too fast, though.
    Wish I could visit you. Another cold, grey day. I already nearly forgot what the bright yellow thing in the sky was called (at daytime).
    It´s so icky here we decided not to visit the Christmas market....

    1. Iris; the redheads are fun, but sometimes I forget them. I can never forget the real girls though, their joy in everything is a wonderful thing to see and hear as they learn more and more words.
      Shame you missed the Christmas Market, will it be open still until Christmas?

    2. It´s a magical time with the real kids, I remember. Oh, was I in trouble! It was a huge riddle what they told me. (Mainly the big one, I had near to no contact to the second).
      As I cannot lie, I had a hard time to pretend I understood! Buhuuu...
      The Christmas Market is open til January. We will go at daytime, though. As...knife-attacks and more is likely. I expect security as well. The magic of Christmas....

  14. I love that house with the footpath garden (we take our cats to the vet nearby). Some friends went there for dinner once and said it was just as nice inside.

    1. Barbara; welcome to drifting. It's a lovely garden and the Vet is nice too, I take my cat for her twice yearly "manicure" (claw clipping)

  15. Thank you for this fun and pretty mix. I love to get these glimpses of your life.

  16. A delightful selection! There's so much beauty here, especially the girls.

    1. messymimi; thank you, I think the girls are beautiful too.

  17. What a lovely post, River! The mural sounds amazing, and I can imagine how fun it must have been to take in all the little details. It’s great to hear about the girls growing and learning so much—it’s such a magical time. I came across this while waiting for my carpet cleaning in sacramento ca, and it brought a little brightness to my day. Thanks for sharing these glimpses of your life!


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