Sunday Selections #718

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

you might need your magnifying glass or a high powered microscope to read the franking over the stamp: above the stamp it reads "secure your dog" and across the stamp "for safe delivery" - this was on a Christmas card that arrived through the mail from my brother. Excellent advice I think.

an "Aussie style" Christmas window display seen in the city by "no-one"

David Jones Store has its traditional Christmas trees again, I've been seeing these for years now and still love them.

a giant inflatable Santa on a bus

plus lights and tinsel, very festive, but perhaps it is only this one bus, I haven't seen anyhting like this on the buses around my end of the city.  This is the one "no-one" goes home on.

a neighbour here has tinsel threaded through her shrubs

and a giant stocking by her porch

I have a tiny wooden tree which comes apart and packs flat for storage, it's 14 inches tall from base to star

and has mini jingle bells as well as the wooden ornaments

many Jacaranda trees are still flowering and dropping purple carpets on the footpaths

white lilacs against a blue summer sky

and in my own small patch, new leaves are unfurling on the monsteras,

while something has broken the stems

and eaten the leaves on my potato plants

hopefully, any actual potatoes developing under the surface will still be okay and keep growing. I'm not going to dig around and disturb them just in case, I'll dig up the pot late January or mid February, then we'll see if I have spuds.

not the kind of traffic usually seen trundling along the roads and looking brand new, so perhaps a Christmas gift for someone?

it's nice to finally be able to hang things on the line again

Finishing up now,

with Ana, ready to come home after a few hours in hospital with a little asthma attack. I was hoping the girls wouldn't have this but with both sides of the family affected it was probably inevitable, though Gen seems fine. So far.


  1. Oh, I like the postmark and stamp! I'd add that to my stamp collection! The dog superimposed on the sea dragon is interesting and surreal.

    My monstera put up one leaf in the fall but no more have been forthcoming. I think it's waiting for more light.

    1. Steve Reed; rescued you from spam. I could send you the stamp if overseas postage wasn't so expensive. Your monstera probably need a bit more warmth as well as light. Can you buy one of those "grow lamps" to put near it? And if it is young, just give it time. Mine are easily five years or a bit more.

  2. Unbreakable wooden ornaments! That's the way to go.

    1. Mike; and they are tiny so easily packaged away in a trinket box.

  3. I love the decorations you and no-one have found. Poor Ana. I hope that she can outgrow it. And that Gen doesn't develop it.

    1. Elephant's Child; I also hope Ana outgrows it, her mum did, though now she's older she has a once-a-day steroid puffer like I do. The decorations are great aren't they?

  4. I really want that wooden tree. Just lovely!
    And I hope the wee ones have a healthy Christmas!

    1. Wisewebwoman; it's from Amazon and supposed to be an advent calendar, but it's much easier to just pull out the entire tray for the ornaments, and that's where the tree parts are too. it's labelled ages 3+, the trickiest part was squeezing the tree trunk parts to slot into the base.
      I'm sure all the little ones here will have a great Christmas. I hope you do too.

  5. Sadly, the jacarandas here have lost all their brilliance. The flowering season is far too short. I love jacarandas, and this area does have many of the beautiful trees. The hills of Gympie, the town of my childhood and teen years bore many, many jacaranda trees, and it seemed during the flowering season, the town had turned a brilliant shade of violet.

    Poor little Ana...So sad she has to go through asthma.

    We've had lots of rain up this way. Yesterday, it all came down again. Hopefully, today, it stays away. We had far more than our share.

    Stay as cool as you can in the heat, River...and I hope the coming week is gentle on you, and on sweet little Ana. My cuddles to Lovely Lady Lola.

    1. Lee; I love the jacarandas too, but the scent kicks off my hayfever and the blossoms make a mushy slippery mess after even a little rain.
      Ana is fine now and I hope she stays that way. I hope also you get less rain for a while, at least over Christmas and New Year.
      I'm staying inside as much as I can to keep cool, using only the fan to keep cool, though tomorrow is predicted to be 40C so I will run the air conditioner.

  6. I like the Aussie Christmas tree. Plants here usually flower after yours but for some reason our jacarandas have finished blooming now. David Jones usually do have very nice decorations. I must check our store. Poor Ana. I hope she grows out of her asthma.

    1. Andrew; it's a great tree and I wish I'd thought of that. Maybe next year I'll decorate our washing line. David Jones has the classiest decorations as does the Adelaide Arcade, which I haven't been to this year. Yet. Our jacarandas are mostly finished, it's just a few trees now. I also hope Ana grows out of her asthma and hope she isn't allergic to their cat, because both girls love Azriel.

  7. Lovely decorations, yours and the decorations out in public.

    1. Joanne; thank you. Perhaps you could show a few of the decorations around your area? Ask a friend to take photos for you?

  8. Good Christmas tree, - no-ones. Lovely selection and hope Ana will be ok after her little bout of asthma. How good to have clothes on the cloths line, nothing like the smell of fresh air on our clothes.

    1. Margaret D; you mean the shop window clothes line tree? I love it. ana is fine again, but we'll all be watching her just in case. I've just now been out and brought in my sunshine fresh air dried sheets.

  9. I am SO with your Brother´s stamp.
    I am really afraid of dogs and many are without a leash here. Once one even without a human, trying to attack me.
    Cute roo and take on your "winter-socks" ;-)
    I have not been to the Christmas Market yet. Since weeks it is grey and icky and cold.
    Despite Braunschweig is a big town you see tractors roaming through here.
    Poor Ana.
    P.S. The parsley-thingy was a joke ;-)

    1. Iris; I put the stamp in today for Val, from America, her son delivers mail and has been bitten several times. I hope you soon get a nice day to go to the Christmas Market. Ana is well again now. i'm glad the parsley was a joke.

    2. Blogger ate my comment. Sad. Escaped a dog when delivering newspaper, so I am with your postie. Came back for a P.S.: Found the parsley-joke, it´s on the blog.

  10. It's so nice to think that someone has gone to the trouble of decorating a bus. I like your collapsible tree - the jingle bells make it very festive. Poor Ana - I hope she's feeling better and there won't be a recurrence.

    1. jabblog; I wish more buses were decorated, it looks really festive and cheers the passengers. Ana is fine and we keep an eye on her. Asthma runs in the family, my side and her Mum's.

  11. The jacarandas and lilacs are perfect for summer. Yes the flowery bits drop all over the place, but think how bleak winter tends to be flower-wise.

    1. hels; Things don't get too bleak in Adelaide, there's always something blooming.

  12. Of course I heartily agree with that SECURE YOUR DOG stamp! Postmen are not chew toys, nor prey to be brought down for the fun of the chase, or worse!

    I like the bus decorations. All the Christmas trees are nice. I still have trouble wrapping my head around Christmas without cold weather and snow. I suppose if I had been raised in Florida, that wouldn't be an issue, heh, heh.

    Good to hear that Ana is feeling better. I bet Gen was worried about her. They seem very close.

    1. Val; I knew you would like that stamp and The Pony too. something really needs to be done in your area to ensure postmen are safer. I think the bus decorations are great and wish more buses would decorate. The girls are very close, always looking out for each other and I'm told Gen seemed a bit lost while Ana was at the hospital with her mum.

  13. Replies
    1. Dora; perhaps people don't put tinsel on shrubs where you are. This particular neighbour does it every year, though usually there is more of it in different colours.

  14. It's nice to see places getting festive this time of year.

    1. messymimi; it is nice even in places without snow.

  15. I like the kangaroo with a candy cane in it's pouch. Poor twins, asthma is not fun.


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