Sunday Selections #721

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us more often.

Beginning on my front porch:

a spider has made his or her home in this potplant

there is the quite large entrance hole

someone has been trying to break into some of the garages down behind the flats.

I don't know what this is, but isn't it pretty? It's growing over the fence by the garages from a house on the next street.

white agapanthus against a brilliant blue sky in my front yard

my white geranium is blooming too though the flowers don't last long

the flowers on the huge lillypilly tree are dying now and soon the deep pink berries will appear

in the meantime all those dying petals are being blown by the wind to collect along the edges of the driveway

and filling the corners of garden beds. No wonder I'm sneezing so much!

the girls received a great waterplay toy from Santa, that's Gen in the dress, Ana without.

a much bigger swing set has arrived too, the small pink one in the background there is outgrown now

the pool was slowly collapsing as the day went on so it will be carefully searched for holes that need patching.

two of these motorised Blueys on scooters were zooming around in the playroom/sunroom/dining room

son J manning the barbecue and wood smoker, there was so much food! 

Gen being cheeky

this is the middle older brother (there are three), showing the youngest brother how to use the punching bag he received this year.


  1. It sure does look bright and sunny there. What's that green thing behind your son while he's at the grill? Is it part of the building?

    1. Steve Reed; it is separate from the building, it is a rainwater tank, many homes have these now, made of heavy duty weatherproof plastic. Some people have them attached to a watering system, others have filters attached and have the water plumbed into the kitchen.

  2. Hello, River...I appears everyone had a very pleasant Christmas...that's great. My best wishes to you for a Happy New Year...I hope not only the coming week treats you kindly, but all of 2025 does, too.

    I hope those trying to break in do damage to themselves, and not the property of others!!

    Take good cuddles to Lovely Lady Lola.

    1. Lee; thank you, Christmas was wonderful, the girls are talking much more now. Break-ins were attempted but no garages actually got opened. Lola gets far too many cuddles lately, in between her naps. I hope 2025 is kind to you too.

  3. The water toy looks like a lot of fun. A punching bag is a good way to burn up energy and learn some skills that will hopefully go unneeded! Looks like a bright enjoyable Christmas for all.

    1. Val; the water toy is great fun, it has a feature similar to a water pistol and the girls learned to squirt me with it. I think the punching bag will be a great outlet for anger and frustration, though that family doesn't seem to have much of either. It will help with muscle building too.

  4. It looks like they got into that garage.

    1. Mike; no they didn't, the plate holding the bolt didn't get pulled out and that same door has padlocks on the other side as well.

  5. That looks like an excellent day - for you all. Which is lovely.

    1. Elephant's Child; it was, except I was so tired from the heat, so I was thankful "no-one" came along too and played with the girls more than I did. I seem to be going through a nap-all-day-wide-awake-all-night phase.

  6. The swing set is terrific. It has all the facilities the children find in public parks but in the privacy of their own backyard.

    1. hels; it is terrific, the girls love it and have learned to touch first to see if it is too hot, especially the slide/slippery dip.

  7. Lovely gifts for everyone, according to their interests and needs. The paddling pool must be a necessity!

    1. jabblog; the pool is quite large when fully inflated so the boys can get in there too, and on hot days being able to cool off is a necessity. With plenty of sunscreen applied to exposed skin first of course.

  8. Replies
    1. Dora; they are doing great, soaking up information like sponges, growing up fast.

  9. As always, lovely flowers and great kids.

  10. What a lovely day! The spider web is fascinating, I do like spiders.

    I hope the girls have fun with their water toy.and the leak can be found in the pool.

    1. messymimi; I like spiders too, though I prefer them to stay outside. I hope the pool leak can be found too. I had as much fun with the water toy as the girls did, we all got quite damp.

  11. Interrogate work by the spider/s there R, I presume they are very happy in there.
    Nice photos.
    Happy New Year and may it be a good one.

    1. Margaret D; my garden has many spiders but I don't usually see the webs as thick as this one. I haven't seen the spider so I don't know what type it is. I hope 2025 is everything we all want it to be.

  12. Well and really. Where the heck IS Charlotte?
    Though, well you´re not Sydney but after my spider-bite(s) I really don´t wanna know.
    If I had known about all your insects I´d said no in 1995. Glad I had no idea! :-)
    (Once you´re in it .. you´re in it)
    Sad people do damage like that. My Brother´s business-front... they tried unsuccessfully 3 times. In one night.
    Beautiful flowers. Oh, I am so lucky to have no allergies! But once sneezing starts.... (we have but wood and tiles).
    A wood smoker! WOW. And fun toys. Great they are twins. I had to share with my much younger Brother...
    Ingo opted for next holiday in... America. Meep?

    1. Iris; I have no idea what type of spider it is he or she must come out at night only, maybe it is a Charlotte. It is sad people try to break in, I wondered if maybe a homeless person was just looking for a place to sleep. No one has tried since then.
      J loves his wood smoker and his barbecue. The girls love the swing set!
      America?? anyone could offer me all the money in Fort Knox and I still would NEVER go there. I'm sure most of the people are good and nice, but I worry about all the random shootings. If I had the chance to travel (and the $$$) I would like to go to England.

    2. My Brother was in America on my name in 1986.
      Just last night a man (in Berlin) died by a Syrian who killed him with a knife. II think these days you are not safe anywhere. And yes, I heard Americans in general are helpful and friendly. If someone would invent beaming, I hate such long flights!
      England. Hm. My ex-boyfriend´s bike got stolen (it was his fault, though!!!), it was cold and I think not a day without rain. I got all the clichés! Madame Tussaud was very interesting, though. I happily forgot about the food ;-) I really cannot remember, I was 18.
      My wishes for you: Indian Pacific AND England!

  13. Best wishes for the season River and thanks for all your great pictures. those girlies are lovely as always.

    1. Wisewebwoman; thnak you and best wishes to you for 2025. the girls are growing up so fast! Too fast.

  14. This looks like a good time was had by all. Watertoys are so much fun for skmall ones (and big ones as well). I wish you a peaceful new year.

    1. Charlotte; it was a wonderful day. Happy and peaceful new year to you also.

  15. It looks so sunny & nice there! My kids would love the Bluey riding the scooter haha. Bluey is their favorite & they just watched a couple of episodes while we were waiting at the pediatric dentist so now the theme song is stuck in my head haha. Happy New Year!

    1. Jackie; welcome to drifting. Bluey certainly is very popular!

  16. Happy new year everyone!
    Looks like you had a lovely family Christmas.
    Be well and have fun!
    May it be a year with more creativity, mindfulness and more reading.
    A year of Health, Peace, Love and Joy!

    1. Katerinas Blog; happy new year to you too, may it be a good one.


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