Sunday Selections # 720

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

a neighbours hydrangea has flowers in four colours

coming home from the twins house recently I looked up and saw blue sky,

nothing but blue sky, as far as the eys could see. Not a single cloud.

this happy little gnome on a swing at my brothers place in WA used to belong to my mother

I delivered Christmas gifts from Auntie T and here is Gen studying something from her bag of goodies

while Ana got straight into the chocolate.

the Elf on the Shelf crew set up an "Elf Urself" booth

I think this is Gen, but can't be sure

this is definitely Ana, so the previous one is Gen.

the youngest of the older brothers

and the eldest brother. 

This time next week Christmas will be all over and done with for another year.


  1. Lots of smiles today. Thank you. And yes, Christmas will be done and dusted by next week. I can't believe how fast this year has gone.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm really looking forward to Christmas being over, it's going to be a very hot day for traveling by bus to the twins and boxing day is going to be even hotter, they're saying 42C 😎

  2. That's an elfin' good-looking family! And the blue sky is amazing.

    1. Val; thank you, they are all a good looking bunch, though the middle brother didn't want his photo taken. We see that blue sky almost all year!

  3. The hydrangea bush is amazing with its four colours!

    1. Yorkshire pudding; yes it is and I'd like to know how that happened. My own two bushes died, my small patch just doesn't "do" flowers which is disappointing but i have all the succulents greenery so that will have to be enough.

  4. In the early 1950s, when ex servicemen were building cream brick houses in the suburbs, everyone was given hydrangea plants for their empty gardens. To make some flowers blue, fathers poured ink into the roots of every second or third hydrangea plant.

    1. hels; that's interesting, whole suburbs with hydrangeas and about the blue ink. There are others ways now to make the flowers blue, possibly iron chelate added to the soil but I could be remembering the wrong thing. I know there is something.

    2. That is an interesting fact! Plural, actually.

  5. The hydrangeas are amazing.
    That's almost a cold blue sky, but I bet it wasn't.
    The girls will really enjoy this Christmas.

    1. Andrew; the hydrangea is amazing. The sky might look cold but the day was very hot, I sweated a bucket load while waiting for the bus. The girls are certainly enjoying presents as they arrive from various aunties, but I think next year when they are older the excitement level will ramp up a bit.

  6. I like the multicolored hydrangeas.

    1. Mike; me too and they seem to be lasting quite a long time.

  7. Today’s post is so joyful,
    with amazing smiles and a beautiful hydrangea (which I adore).
    Wishing you good health and happiness for all of this!

    1. Katerinas Blog; thank you and the same wishes right back to you.

  8. I do love hydrangeas, and we just bought another one with very limited space to put it, I'm sure something will get moved.
    The girls look good enjoying themselves.
    The gnome, well now I know where you get you love of gnomes from, R. 😉

    1. Margaret D; all us Scandinavians love gnomes. I love hydrangeas too, but have to enjoy them in other gardens, which is fine with me. The girls are loving all the gifts and attention.

  9. I SO-SO miss your blue Aussie-sky!!!! (And your temps right now, 4C here).
    That gnome sure makes me smile.
    And the giggles seeing the girls. To the Elves!

    1. Iris; that's why I put them here, so you can see them whenever you want, blue and blue and blue forever. I didn't remember that swinging gnome, so my brother sent a photo. Our Christmas Day is predicted to be 37C and I will be running around with the twins!

  10. Wonderful selections. I hope you've had a blessed and beautiful Christmas with your family.


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