Sunday Selections # 723

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us more often.

Two more photos from Two Wells before we continued our journey north:

this Leopard Tank, used by Australians from 1977 to 2007

was manufactured in Germany in 1976

the following photos are from Adelaide's Botanic Gardens, the Chihuly display of blown glass art:

I took photos of the plaques saying what each art piece is, but if I include those I'll be up all night


a beached boat filled with blown glass balls, with more balls floating in the water, I believe they are anchored at the bottom of the lake.

a closer look at the boat and balls

a blue starburst thingy in the lawns by the Palm House

The Palm House, and inside:

a double-decker "chandelier"

oddly enough, this one reminds me of 70s furnishings, when lime greens and yellows were teamed with browns, but saucepan sets were available in bright orange,

This one is a two-fer, a chandelier of balls hanging from the tree and another one on the ground as if fallen.

these "reeds" stretch for about 6 metres and at one end is something Steve would like:

this two metres wide stand of:


after all that walking I decided home made chips would be just the thing for dinner, along with microwaved vegetables.

this is my table. I have owned it since 1998. Lola seems to think it is hers.

Now for the great potato experiment: I had sprouting (chitting) potatoes in my cupboard, so I planted a couple. Soon enough, greenery appeared at the top of the soil in the pot. Then something ate it. More greenery appeared and was eaten. the pot seemed to be completelt empty, no more greenery. I left it for a few weeks just in case, but decided yesterday to dig around in there and see if there might be actual potatoes hiding in there. 
This is what I found:

 tiny 3cm potato. I won't get many chips from that will I? 
This has been my final vegetable effort. I won't try growing anything edible, it's pointless when things out there are determined to defeat me. 


  1. The blown glass exhibits are wonderful. I like the spiky blue one and the scarlet reeds.
    Shame about your potatoes - sometimes things are just not meant to be!

    1. jabblog; I knew people would like the blown glass and there are more to come next week. I'm quite sad about the potatoes, but que sera.

  2. I suspect that Adelaide has a great climate for botanical gardens... but I just thought: Aren't ALL gardens botanical?

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; Adelaide is actually very dry, but the plants at the Gardens are watered from the lakes there, they have some sort of system going there. I'd say most gardens are botanical, but not pebble gardens with artificial grass.

  3. Palm House is Heritage Listed and deservedly so. The 19th century structure has been restored beautifully.

    1. hels; it is beautiful and I like goung in there in winter and my favourite part is the grotto on the west end with the little waterfall.

  4. The blown glass art is fantastic! I am shocked and happy that you harvested a potato. No matter the size, it's still a victory.

    1. Val; I have more glass art to show next week. Yes, a victory no matter how small is welcome.

  5. I love Chihuly Glass. We had an exhibition here some years back and we went several times. Seeing it in the Botanic Gardens would be magical.
    At least you got a teeny, weeny potato but yes, some things are not to be.

    1. Elephant's Child; I thought the glass art was well worth going to see and I'm wondering if any of these pieces are ones that you have seen. there are dates on the descriptive plaques and some are from 2021-22-23. I'm wondering now what I can do with my tiny potato. Probably I'll toss it in amongst other veggies to be microwaved.

  6. There is some very cool art in the Botanic Gardens. I was thinking the parkland near the river and casino, but of course it is the Botanic Gardens and the gardens are very nice, and this art really enhances it. It was quite warm when we visited and we'd already been to the art gallery, so we didn't see as much of the gardens as we would have liked.

    1. Andrew; you'll have to come back and see some more. We have a sunken garden, a rose garden, the water-lily house and the Palm House as well as the old fernery and of course the whole thing backs onto the river and the zoo.

  7. An interesting group of photos. Of course, Lola has taken ownership of the table. You know, of course, she owns everything. :)

    We had a fairly wild night here last night...rain and strong winds all night through. I will be so glad when winter arrives!

    I hope the week ahead treats you kindly, River...take good care. My cuddles to your landlady, the Lovely Lady Lola! :)

    1. Lee; Lola was avoiding cuddles for a while but now she's right back into it and I am once again covered in cat hair.
      I knew you would like the photos. We had a gusty rainy night last week, and I didn't notice the rain until I opened the doors and smelled it. I'm waiting for the cool change that always comes right after Easter.

  8. I read recently that Adelaide is the most desirable place to live - could that b true? Glass sculptures seem to think so. LOVE the red flames in the teasels Stunning!
    The cute potato is just the right amount of Chip maker.

    1. Linda Sue; I don't know how true that is but I do like it here very much. It's far less crowded that Sydney and Melbourne, but prices are higher particularly with utilities. We have the highest prices in the country and higher than several places in the world.
      The cute potato is the right size for the orphan redheads.

  9. The tour of the gardens and exhibits was wonderful. Those look like actual teasles. They were used in the mid nineteenth century to brush cotton fabric to flannel. They are an extinct weed now, in America.

    1. Joanne; I remember reading about teasels being used as hair brushes too. I have more glass art to show next week.

  10. Replies
    1. Mike; I thought so too, German engineering is mighty fine work.

  11. Amazing glass feature, I've never seen anything like that before and I love them.
    Your chips look good cooking away and the dear cat laying on your table, close to you I expect.
    Your wee potato, amazing.

    1. Margaret D; I had close-ups of some of the glass art pieces and will show them eventually so you all can appreciate the work that went into them. The chips were delicious and Lola was lying right where I usually have my arms when I'm at the keyboard. The tiny home grown potato got peeled and tossed into the chips pot tonight when I had chips again. The oil is quite old now and I'll have to throw it out this time.

    2. Why the heck was the tank produced here? The glass exhibition is just beautiful, as is the garden itself! The Palm House looks really "romantic".
      I read you with the potato... I gave up, too, all that grows (like hell) are the wood-strawberries from 1974.
      Lola is so cute! Have a great rest-Sunday.

    3. Iris; probably because Australia doesn't make tanks? I'm glad you like the glass exhibition, there is more to come next week.
      I would LOVE to have strawberries growing!
      Lola thinks she owns the table and my TV chair.

    4. Wish no one would make or need tanks or any of this "stuff". Hmmm, looking forward to more glass! Those strawberries really grow like a pest - last summer birds or peanut sadly were faster than me. The berries are tiny but very yummy.

  12. It's very interesting how Chihuly's estate has teamed up with Botanical Gardens all over the world to do variations of this show. It came to Kew several years ago, and blogger Sharon has written about the same works in Phoenix. There is something about his creations that go well with plants.

    LOVE the teasels! LOVE LOVE LOVE! :)

    1. Steve Reed; I knew you would love them. 😃 I didn't know Chihuly glass had been everywhere until I read some of the signs that date back to 2021, then I realised. They do fit in well with the plants and I wish there were more pieces.

  13. Replies
    1. Dora; one day I will show more of the inside, though I have shown it before, that was a very long time ago and people have forgotten.

  14. the glass balls and the boat is my very favourite, just incredible.

    1. Wisewebwoman; there's another boat next week which I like better.

  15. Wonderful exhibition. I most emphatically love those blown glass balls.
    What a measly harvest that mini-potato ... I echo your sentiments! and there's some things I gave up on as well.

    1. Charlotte: I love the glass balls too. I wasn't expecting much from the potatoes, but I did hope for at least one or two decent sized ones.

  16. The glass is beautiful and of course Lola owns the table, she owns everything in her world.

    1. messymimi; she thinks she owns everything but now and again I make sure she knows that table is mine. I'm glad you like the glass art.


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